博碩士論文 953310604 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorAmy Nasseren_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract宏都拉斯共和國是一個多山且濱臨加勒比海的國家。工業發展中的宏都拉斯主 要是以農業及輕工業為主。根據2005 年的資料顯示,本國每天約產生3,239 公 噸的固體廢棄物,相當於每人每天產生0.45 公斤;其中德庫西卡爾巴 (Tegucigalpa)地區的固體廢棄物產生量為每天850 公噸(2004 年資料),且大部份 是屬於有機成分,此類有機物可以回收生質能源氣體(biogases)。宏都拉斯的固 體廢棄物產生量隨著經濟成長而每年持續在增加,本國的環境持續劣化,部分 原因是中央政府長期漠視整體性的固體廢棄物管理政策。 本研究探討宏都拉斯的都市垃圾管理政策,分析結果顯示,優先的做法應是改 善固體廢棄物之管理方案,於民眾認知的教育、鼓勵社會的參與程度及設定經 濟誘因等方面著手,其次是引進及應用廢棄物回收和處理方面的技術。為評估 廢棄物掩埋場回收生質能源氣體之可行性,本研究以德庫西卡爾巴地區規劃中 之衛生掩埋場(第二掩埋區)址為案例,本場址之廢棄物掩埋率設定為850 公噸/ 天,5 年掩埋期間之廢棄物成長量為每年2%,假設甲烷氣(methane)之產生比例 為掩埋場所產生之總氣體量的50% (體積比)。應用Scholl-Canyon 掩埋場氣體推 估模式計算結果,德庫西卡爾巴衛生掩埋場(第二掩埋區)於25 年之產氣期間, 平均每年可產生約3 千萬立方公尺之甲烷氣,此產量足夠維持一座4 百萬瓦電 廠25 年所需的能源。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe Republic of Honduras is a mountainous country in Central America and it is surrounded by the Caribbean Sea in its northeast land and Pacific Ocean in its southeast shore. Honduras is considered a developing country in which the mainly economic activities are agriculture and moderate industries. According to the investigation data in 2005, this nation generated solid wastes in the rate of 3,239 ton/day in terms of generating 0.45 kg per person per day. In Tegucigalpa, the asdiscarded amount of solid waste was 850 ton/day in 2004, and mostly was organic components which can be transformed and recovered for biogases. Solid waste generation is increasing yearly with the economic growth of the country. Ceaseless happen of environmental damage problems was partly due to the continued disregard of integrated solid waste management in the central government policy of Honduras. This study reviews and analyzes the issues of municipal solid waste management in Honduras, and found that the priority is the improvement of political policy in the education of people, participation encouragement of societies, and economic incentive on solid waste management programs, moreover, the induction and application of technical solutions in waste recovery and treatment. For evaluating the feasibility of biogas recovery from landfill of solid wastes, a case study is involved for the planning site of sanitary landfill (Section II) with area of 25 hectares in Tegucigalpa. The burying rate of solid waste in the landfill is set to be 850 tons/day with 2% annual increase during 5-year operation. Methane gas is expected to be 50% (by volume) of the totally collected gases emitted from the landfill. In the estimation with Scholl- Canyon model, Tegucigalpa landfill (Section II) will produce around 30 millions ii biogases per year in 25-year duration. The collected amount of methane gas can support a 4-MW electricity facility for 25 years. Keywords: Solid waste management, landfill, biogas recoveryen_US
DC.subjectSolid Waste Managementen_US
DC.subjectBiogas Recoveryen_US
DC.titleImprovement of Solid Waste Management and Design of Biogas Recovery System in Tegucigalpa, Honduraszh_TW
DC.titleImprovement of Solid Waste Management and Design of Biogas Recovery System in Tegucigalpa, Hondurasen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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