博碩士論文 954203006 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHsiu-Kuan Hsiangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract消費者行為一向是行銷策略制定者很有興趣的議題,而影響消費者行為的途徑很多,大部份所見到的都是消費者透過直接體驗接觸產品,而體驗行銷是否也可用在一般產品銷售上?市場競爭激烈,創新產品在企業中占非常重要的地位,產品、產業都有生命週期,而創新會增加產品及產業發展之可能性,尤其是在現在這個時代,若產品沒有獨特性,則沒有獲取利潤的籌碼。 當消費者在做任何決定時,經常受到情緒的影響,依消費者的觀點而言,在不同的情境下會有不同的情緒反應,對不同的情緖也會受不同的程度影響;而站在行銷人員的觀點而言,了解什麼樣的情緒刺激,會對消費者的廣告態度及產品評估產生影響才是重要的。 結合以上,本論文想試著讓消費者經由間接體驗的途徑進行對創新產品的體驗,並且透過情緒的控制干擾,使不同情境下的消費者有不同的情緒反應,試途找尋最佳影響路徑。故本論文透過實驗設計的方式,對受測者進行不同情緒嵌入的間接體驗廣告,試圖摸擬現實情況中,產品不易被實際操作體驗的情境,為目標創新產品之產品績效及審美兩種情境的說明。 經由本研究實驗結果顯示,若將消費者透過間接體驗之體驗價值為產品績效導向,則該群消費者受情緒影響伏度較小,且混合情緒操控以先給予負向(悲傷)情緒再給予正向(愉悅)情緒為佳;另一方面,若將消費者透過間接體驗之體驗價值為審美導向,則該群消費者受情緒影響伏度較大,且情緒控制以先給予正向(愉悅)情緒再給予負向(悲傷)情緒為佳。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study is to understand which path through indirect experience and mixed emotion increase the consumers’ positive attitude towards the innovation products. Consumers are usually influenced by emotion and reason when making decisions. In addition, emotional influence can be assessed by usage expectations, and emotional responses can be influenced by changing consumers’ expectations before using the products. According to literatures, emotion is an important factor that affects human’s purchasing behavior; however, most of the literatures discuss this influence as pure emotion, such as “happy” or “sad”. Product innovation is the driving force behind many of today’s most successful companies. In other words, “innovation” is the important thing when we try to catch new business opportunity. Developing new products is the responsibility of research and development departments, but how to market the new product is marketer’s responsibility. For many consumers, the new products make them feel strange and compunctious. If the consumers exclude the new product, the product’s life circle will decline fleetly. Emotion will influence human’s decision and activity. In the real life, mixed emotion is existent and important path to influence the human behavior. To popularize innovation product is a serious issue for companies. This paper wants to control the consumers’ emotion and inducts consumer with indirect experience to the new product. The results were as expected after six experiments. We found that consumer through aesthetics which is the reactive sources of indirect experience to experience innovation products, and they will prefer to accept positive emotions first and negative emotions later. On the other hand, consumer through service excellence which is the reactive sources of indirect experience to experience innovation products, and they will prefer to accept negative emotions first and positive emotions later.en_US
DC.subjectexperience marketingen_US
DC.subjectindirect experienceen_US
DC.subjectinnovation producten_US
DC.subjectmixed emotionen_US
DC.titleThe effect of mixed emotion under different experiential value-the example of innovationsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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