博碩士論文 954300021 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChun-Cheng Yehen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract液晶面板產業是台灣政府近年來重點支持,也是少數台灣業者居於世界領導地位的重要產業之一;液晶面板的應用非常廣泛,包括:中小尺寸可攜式產品,資訊產品及液晶電視等。由於需求持續的成長以及新的應用帶來的新增需求,帶動面板產業的蓬勃發展,液晶面板廠商的營運規模也因而大幅的擴充與成長。 至今,液晶面板的需求仍然持續成長,但是因為上述產品發展多年已是市場上的成熟產品,其需求成長已開始趨緩,相對而言,自2005年以來,液晶面板產業的需求成長動能主要來自於液晶電視的高度成長。 關於台灣液晶面板產業,無論在產業界與學術界均有相當多的研究,但大多是針對產業總體發展的分析與探討,其研究結論亦多是方向性的策略建議;故本研究針對液晶電視產業進行深入的產業分析,並以策略矩陣的六大構面探討液晶電視產業的發展趨勢,從而進行探討台灣液晶面板產業的事業競爭策略。 經過廣泛的資料蒐集與分析,本研究發現全球液晶電視的需求在2012年以前將快速成長到二億台以上,其所需的新增產能約為四至五座的十代線,而後續需求將趨緩。且未來的液晶電視產業將成為被日本及韓國等少數大品牌主導的寡佔市場,將使得面板供應商在買方議價能力上逐漸失去優勢。而與日本與韓國的競爭同業相較之下,缺乏自有的下游電視機品牌,是台灣業者的弱勢,也是優勢,因為可以同時與韓國及日本客戶交易,客戶基礎相對廣泛,但是隨著日本廠商的互相結盟,台灣業者中立供應商的優勢,將受到嚴重威脅。 另外目前正在演變的是液晶電視大廠開始以委外代工替代自身產能的擴充,而台灣代工廠商將是最大受惠者,這也是台灣面板廠商創造優勢的另一個契機。意即透過垂直及水平的整合,將可增強台灣面板產業的競爭力。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractTFT LCD Panel industry is one of important industry that get strong support by Taiwan government and which is in leading position of worldwide. TFT LCD Panel can be used in a lot of various application as a display, including IT Products, Portable Device, and LCD TV…and so on。Because of constant growth of panel demand from current products and additional demand from new application make TFT LCD Panel makers’ business scale are getting bigger and bigger. But, because of IT products is getting matured, the growth momentum of Panel demand has been transferred to LCD TV that the demand of LCD TV is sharply increased from 2005. Regarding TFT LCD Panel industry, there are a lot of research and study made by Industry and Academic community. But, most of them are focus on the general business strategy study. This research is focus on the study of LCD TV Industry, through solid Industry Analysis method to forecast the development trend of LCD TV industry with six frames of Seetoo Dah Hsian’s “Strategy Matrix”analysis method, and then we would like to propose some realistic proposal to Taiwan Government and TFT LCD Panel makers for the reference of business strategy making. After study we found Worldwide LCD TV demand will sharply grow to more than 200 million sets by 2012, and then the growth will getting slow. And the demand of additional TFT panel capacity is equal to build up around 4 to 5 G10 fabs. Japan and Korea TV makers will dominate the LCD TV market as a Monopolistic market in near future. And Compare to Janpan and Korea competitors Taiwan TFT LCD makers don’t have their own LCD TV brand, it is not a weakness only but also strength because we may have business with all of TV brands, but the strength will getting weak due to the alliance of Japan TV and Panel makers. And we found that top TV makers start to release TV OEM business to System Integrators in order to keep business growth without expanding their own production capacity, and Taiwan OEM makers may have advantage to gain the OEM business. And Taiwan TFT LCD panel makers may enhance the competitiveness through vertical alliance and integration with Taiwan OEM makers.en_US
DC.subjectIndustry Analysisen_US
DC.subjectLCD TVen_US
DC.subjectTFT LCD Panelen_US
DC.subjectStrategy Matrixen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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