博碩士論文 954303009 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorLiao-Jr Kuanen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract專案是未來工作的重要發展趨勢之一,專案的成敗更常攸關企業或組織的績效與競爭力。因此提升專案的成功率、提升專案品質及有效管控專案成本及時程,都是企業所關注的重點。專案管理是將管理知識、技術、工具、方法綜合運用到任何一個專案行為上,在有限的時間,有限的資源下,達成專案預定的目標。根據許多國內外的實徵性研究顯示,專案管理能使顧客滿意度提升18% 、專案預算績效提升30% 、專案時程績效提升34%,並可以減少目標變更34% 、降低過程缺失31%、降低專案風險24%。基於上述專案的重要性,與專案管理能帶來的效益,企業或組織對於專案管理的投資呈現急遽增加的趨勢。 當企業對專案管理的重視程度與日俱增的情況下,莫不希望能在專案管理的領域中找出一個有效率的導入模式,或在既有的基礎上精益求精。審視目前在專案管理上,普遍面臨問題有專案管理文化落實不彰、專案管理取決於專案管理者,資訊不透通、專案管理中預警機制的缺乏及專案管理中缺乏有效的理論基礎與公信力。因此如何找出一個有效專案管理的輔助模式,並將專案管理從文化層次的推廣,變成制度面的落實,並賦予必要的強制力。進而找出有效率且經濟的方式來落實專案管理,有效降低成本,都是當前極為受到關注的議題。本研究中個案公司對專案管理極為重視,並為國內企業創新的先驅代表,透過系統的輔助來落實專案管理,同時符合解決前述專案管理的瓶頸與重點,並在系統導入後成為成功案例。促成本研究的強烈動機,並完成詳細的相關研究。 本研究以個案研究法為主,主要研究探討及探討的重點有一、探討企業專案管理系統建置的關鍵因素。二、 探討如何將要徑分析法及實獲值管理結合企業專案管理系統,提升專案資訊透通性。三、 探討企業專案管理系統的效益分析。四、 透過本研究中針對個案公司建置企業專案管理系統之研究及分析,提出改善及建議事項。 經由研究分析本個案後,歸納的研究結論如下: (一)導入企業專案管理系統可有效節省管理成本,並提升資訊透通性。 (二)引用要徑分析法與實獲值管理可相互輔助,建構系統中有效應用模式。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractOne of the important development trends that it is in the future that the project works, the success or failure of the some important project often concern the performance and competitiveness of enterprises or the organization even more. To improve success rate of special project, raise special project quality and is it accuse of special project cost Cheng in time to in charge of effectively, all focal points that enterprises pay close attention to. The project management to apply the managerial knowledge, technology, tool, method to any special project behavior synthetically, in limited time, under limited resources, reach the goal that the special project is booked. According to person who seek in fact both at home and abroad is it show project management is it can make customer satisfaction improve 18% to manage, special project budget performance raise 30%, performance Cheng raise by 34% at the special project to study, and can reduce the goal and alter 34%, reduce the course and lack 31%, reduce 24% of special project risk. Under the situation that the degree of attention to project management of enterprises grows with each passing day, all hope to find out an efficient insertion way in the field of special project management, or keep improving on the basis of already having. Find out efficient and economic way to implement the important project to manage further, it is all present topics receiving much concern to lower costs effectively. Because the case company extremely pays attention to special project management in this research, and through implementing the special project to manage auxiliarily of the system, accord with the bottleneck of solving above-mentioned project management and focal point at the same time, and become the successful case, the strong motive of urging the cost to study after the system ia channeled into, finish detailed relevant research. This research takes law of case study as the core, the focal point probed into and probed into in main research are as the following :First, key factor of probing into enterprise’’s special project administrative system construction. Second, discuss how to want the Critical Path management and Earned Value Management in fact to manage and combine enterprise’’s project management system, improve project information general character completely. Third, probe into the benefit analysis of enterprise’’s project management system. Fourth, direct against research and analysis of enterprise’’s project management system of company’’s construction of the case in this research, propose improving and proposing the item. Via researching and analysing a case, the research conclusion summed up is as follows: (1) Enterprise’’s project management system can manage the cost to channel and effectively sparingly, the general character that improve information completely. (2) Critical Path management and Earned Value Management approach with person who obtain management can each other auxiliary in fact, improve benefits of managing to quote.en_US
DC.subjectProject managementen_US
DC.subjectenterprise's project management systemen_US
DC.subjectCritical Path managementen_US
DC.subjectEarned Value Management.en_US
DC.subjectReal-time analysis model of projecten_US
DC.title企業專案管理系統 - 提升專案即時資訊透通性及其效益分析zh_TW
DC.titleEnterprise Project Management System - The general character and benefit analysis that improve the instant information of projecten_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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