博碩士論文 954306016 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChih-hong Changen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract中文摘要 企業在面臨加入“世界貿易組織 (WTO)”後與產業持續嚴重外移以及內部人力成本與日俱增及原物料逐步高漲日益嚴重之通貨膨脹等雙重壓力之經營環境下,企業應如何因應與採取何種做法及策略來提昇其競爭力,並降低製造成本、減少設備故障率以改善生產效率,進而增加產出並維持產品之高品質以符合消費者之需求,為目前企業界極力探究與尋求解決之重大課題與當務之急。 而推動TPM(Tota1 Productive Management)活動,主要是藉由從最基層到最高經營層級全員參與,其活動之目標,就是藉由對人與設備的體質改善,進而改善企業體質,並藉此達到提昇設備總合效率、改善生產力、提昇品質及降低成本之目的。其有形成果表現於生產性 (Productivity)、品質 (Qua1ity)、成本(Cost)、交期(DeIivery)、安全環境衛生(Safety)及士氣(MoraIe) 等項目上。 TPM(Tota1 Productive Management)活動的進行,主要是依循TPM十二步驟依序展開,並藉由八大支柱(個別改善 、自主保養 、有效保養 、品質保養 、設備初期管理 、教育訓練 、安全衛生及問接事務等)活動,消除十六大損失 (設備效率化之八大損失、人員效率化之五大損失及產品單位成本效率化之三大損 失 );在活動中並利用診斷與PDCA(Plan、DO、Check、 Action)之管理循環來確保整個TPM活動推行之成效。 TPM是一個工具、手法與一個長期性的持續改善活動。由成果的數據顯示,TPM活動確實可協助企業達成目標並改善企業體質及提昇企業之競爭優勢。 關鍵字:全面生產管理(TPM)、競爭優勢zh_TW
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT The enterprise in Taiwan faces severe challenge after entering WTO, including higher labor cost, higher material price and rapid inflation. How to apply appropriate strategies to enhance the enterprise competitive advanges by reducing the production cost, increasing the production efficiency and increasing the product quality to meet the demand becomes the ugent problem that enterprise needs to solve nowadays. The goal of TPM activities is to improve the enterprise constitution by educating employees and improving the eguipments performance. As the results, the overall equipment efficiency, the overall productivity, the overall quality and the production cost is improving. The results of TPM activity will be shown in Production、Qua1ity、Cost、Delivery、Safety and even the people morale. The TPM activities follow12 steps , through the 8 main pillars(Individual Maintenance 、 Autonomous Maintenance、Effective Maintenance、Quality Maintenance、Equipment Initial Management、Training Education、Safety&Health&Environment and TPM in office), to eliminate 16 kinds of losses(including losses of equipment efficiency, losses of personnel efficiency and losses of unit price efficiency). Through PDCA (Plan、Do、Check、Action) management cycles, assessments have been conducted to during the TPM campaign . TPM is a methodology embedded with continuous improvement activities.Many successful experiences have shown that TPM can not only help the enterprise to achieve his goals, but also improve the constitution of the enterprise and therefore enhance his competitive advantage. Key words:Total Productive Management , Competitive Advantageen_US
DC.subjectCompetitive Advantageen_US
DC.subjectKey words:Total Productive Managementen_US
DC.title推行TPM活動以改善設備總合效率並提昇 企業競爭力...以U公司桃園工廠為例zh_TW
DC.titleImplement Total Productive Management Campaign to improve Overall Equipment Efficiency and enhance Competitive advange for enterprise--Through Company U, Taoyuan Factory TPM Campaign for example. en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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