博碩士論文 954306027 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYun-chin Hsuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract變電所統包工程是因應輸配電計畫所產生的業務,其內容是將變電所的設計及建造(Design & Build)全部委由一家主包商來承包,由主包商負責整合變電所之建築設計、機電設計、設備採購、營造施工、設備安裝及施工等工作,以達到縮短工期、介面整合之綜效。主包商在執行工作過程中,須透過有效之協同管理模式,來縮短設計/施工的作業時間及減少各介面溝通次數,以達成預期之統包目的。 國內大部分重電廠商多屬中小型企業,很少具備系統整合能力。身為主包商的重電業者需整合各協力廠商之產出,以確保其產出績效能達到顧客的需求。然變電所統包工程的內容包含建築、機電、營造等多領域,整合複雜度相對提高;加上工期漫長,專案進度管控不易;且各工作項目的產出必須符合業主規範之要求,相對地管理複雜度因此提高,若無法找出關鍵流程來管理並執行專案,則可能因進度落後而衍生出逾期罰款風險(約40萬/天)。 本研究即探討在協同專案環境下,以流程觀點分析統包工程的管理議題,以探討複雜的統包行為,並分析出專案執行的潛在風險,進而採取適當的管理措施,以達到「防患未然」之目的。本研究提出利用IDEF3流程描述方法論為基礎,以描繪統包工程的專案管理模式,再結合流程失效模式與效益分析(PFMEA)為分析工具,討論統包協同專案管理的潛在風險,找出執行統包協同專案管理的關鍵流程。最後,針對上述關鍵流程如何以有限的資源做重點管理,以避免專案發生逾期或額外成本支出的後果,以提高專案管理績效與顧客滿意度,達到企業長久經營之願景。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe turnkey project in substation is a business that it is derives from the planning of power distribution. The turnkey project is commissioned the substation of design and build by main contractor who is responsible to integrate the architecture design, electric machinery design, equipment procurement, building construction, equipment installation to the substation. Therefore, the turnkey project can fulfill the efficiency by commissioning subcontractors in reduction of working time and integration of related interface. The main contractor in the project execution should be efficiency through the method of collaborative management. The method of collaborative management is able to reduce in design, construction, working time and amounts of communication. Therefore, the turnkey project is able to achieve the expectation. The power electric manufacturers of interior majority belong to more small and medium enterprises, which seldom have combination ability in possess system. For the main contractors in power electric manufacturers, they should integrate the throughputs of each subcontractor and they should confirm the performance to fulfill the customer needs. Nevertheless, the turnkey project is hard and complex to integrate the resources. Because it involves the many domains in architecture, electric machinery and construction, the working time gets lengthy and the processes manage hardly. And also the throughputs of work items shall submit to the customer requirements. As the result, the project management is getting harder. If the critical processes have not been figured out, the project properly progresses delay and it is a risk to derive the penalty by delay. (Approximate NT$ 40,000 per day) This research studies the situations in collaborative project. It settles the turnkey project management by focusing on the process and describes the complex behavior of turnkey project. It also analyzes the potential risks in executing the turnkey project. Hence, the project stakeholders are able to adopt the favorable actions in managing the turnkey project. This research is based on IDEF3 methodology to describe the process of turnkey project management. And then it utilizes the Process Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (PFMEA). The usage of PFMEA focuses on the potential risks and PFMEA figures out the critical process in collaborative project management in turnkey project. Finally, this research is aimed to the critical process to manage the limited resources and avoid the delay or extra costs in project. That is to improve the performances and customer satisfaction to reach the vision of the enterprises expectation.en_US
DC.subjectTurnkey Projecten_US
DC.subjectPerformance Managementen_US
DC.subjectProject Managementen_US
DC.titleThe Research of the Performance of Collaborative Project Management in Power Industry –Disturbed Substation Turnkey Projecten_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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