博碩士論文 961201010 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHsin-yen Leeen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract蔡襄(1012~1067),字君謨,福建興化仙遊人,孝宗乾道中,賜謚曰忠惠。一生忠君愛國,是一位富有革新思想和深得民心的政治家。蔡襄的書法藝術「為當時第一」,並且與蘇軾、黃庭堅、米芾並稱「宋代四大家」。工詩文,傳世約四十萬字的詩文集,記錄了這位一代名臣立身處世的德行、精於吏事的才幹和端如其人的文學修養,且足以顯示其橋梁建築和植物學方面的嫻熟。現今研究焦點集中於書學探討,本文以「海濱鄒魯的區域印記——北宋蔡襄詩歌研究」為題,將研究範疇集中於詩歌,輔以其他文獻考察,試圖從文化地理角度拓展新的視野,探究蔡襄詩歌的文學價值與意義。全文共分為五章: 第一章〈緒論〉:本章首先敘述研究動機,就複合型人才研究、跳脫宋四家批判方式、蘊含豐富福建文化,以及重新定位蔡襄歷史地位四項做一討論,其次說明本文的論述架構、取材範圍和研究方法。 第二章〈蔡襄生平、交遊與寫作背景〉:本章分三節論述蔡襄之生平經歷及其文學活動樣貌,就政治、社會、經濟、宗教等方面闡述宋初之時代背景。以整理歸納、舉例說明的方式,探究蔡襄其立身、處世及其文學生活。 第三章〈蔡襄的詩歌風貌〉:分析蔡襄詩歌在思想上融合了儒家的進取、兼取道釋超脫圓融的內容主題、詩歌藝術和人格內涵,君謨的詩歌及其文化精神,不僅映現著北宋時的一代風貌,也昭示著悠遠久長的歷史傳統。 第四章〈永存的文化印記--蔡襄文學創作中的福建文化〉:分別就福建山水遊覽、品茗的詩意人生、文學與書法的交融、教育承傳與風俗民情等四節加以闡釋,試圖從區域文學與文化的視野作為切入點,討論其包含的豐富福建歷史文化內容,藉此發現宋世物質文明和精神文明交融的一個高度。 第五章〈結論〉:總結本文研究,其詩歌除能抒情詠懷、應酬唱和之外,也反映出個人與群體間的互動,承載著宋初當時的學術、宗教、藝術、經濟物產等議題,同時蔡襄也把琴棋書畫、詩酒茶花的活動定型為一種雅化的生活範式,足見蔡襄詩歌在文學與文化上的豐富意蘊。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractCai Xiang’’s Style name was Junmo, and his posthumous name was Zhonghuei. Cai Xiang (1012–1067) was a respectable patriot, an innovative and people-loved official, and a poet in the Song Dynasty. Cai Xiang had the reputation with his contemporaries, Su Shi, Huang Tingjian, Mi Fu, as the greatest four calligrapher and he was named the best at that time. He had collected works of poems which is about four hundred thousand words left in this day, where we can find his outstanding in literature, knowledge in bridge architecture and botanical, and political talent as a Duanmingdian Xueshi (secretariat Drafter of Duanming Court ).In this paper, we will focus on the study of poetry, trying to explore Cai Xiang’s literature values and meaning in terms of the view of cultural geography. There are five chapters. In the first chapter, we will introduce our purpose of study, and then we would jump from the stereotype of the greatest four in the Song Dynasty to further discuss Cai Xiang’s intelligence, FuJian background, and historical status. We will also discuss the structure, source, and method in this paper. In the second chapter, we will divided it into three parts to express Cai Xiang’s background and literature activities in terms of politics, society, economy, and religion in the beginning of Song Dynasty. In the third chapter, we will give an analysis of how Cai Xiang’s personality and his poetry works get involved with Confucian ideology, Taoism, and Buddhism. Junmo’s poetry and his zeitgeist not only a reflection of a charm of northern Song Dynasty, but a tradition of long Chinese history. In the fourth chapter, We will try to explain the culture of FuJian from Cai Xiang’s poetry based on point of view of regional literature and culture. There are four main points which are the scenery of FuJian, the life of tea tasting, the combination of literature and calligraphy, and culture inheritance. In this way, we would discover the material civilization and spiritual progress of Song Dynasty had reached a certain height at that time. In the final chapter, we will conclude the study. Besides the singing and longing for the good old times, Cai Xiang’s peotry reflects the interaction between people and the community, expressing the subjects such as academic, religion, art, and economy. Cai Xiang had also treated living with lute-playing, chess, calligraphy, painting, poem, wine, tea, and flower as a graceful symbol of ideal life style. From this point, we can see how rich Cai Xiang’s poetry could be in all times. en_US
DC.subjectCai Xiangen_US
DC.subjectSong Dynasty poetryen_US
DC.subjectFuJian cultureen_US
DC.titleA study of Cai Xiang’s poetryen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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