博碩士論文 961205005 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorTzu-Yu Taien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract戰後台籍菁英政治實踐之研究(1945-1969)─以反對運動為中心 摘 要 本論文討論的主題,是以戰後台籍菁英反對運動與政治實踐為主軸。自日治時期以來開始逐步發展,從當時政治社會運動的推動,均可看出台灣民主運動發展,來自日治時期台籍菁英縱向傳承的延續。例如林獻堂、蔣渭水、蔡培火、楊肇嘉、葉榮鐘等台籍菁英,從中亦可了解自由民主的推動並非全由大陸籍菁英橫斷移植而來。 一九二○年代,台籍菁英開始發起反殖民運動,高喊「台灣是台灣人的台灣」的主張,出現以「台灣人」來自我命名的意識。因此產生台人應為台省之主人的主張,台籍菁英延續日治以來社會運動的傳統,提倡言論自由。戰後台灣自治運動的推動,除受新文化運動以來的自由主義影響外,延續日治以來的民主實踐傳統,亦占有其地位。 一九四九年中華民國政府撤守台灣,並組成台灣型的威權主義體制,一批忠於自由主義思想的知識分子,為堅持反共信念及宣揚民主自由,因此《自由中國》雜誌在此時孕育而生。日治時期的台籍菁英受二二八事件的影響造成不敢大膽主張,經過《自由中國》鼓吹再度啟動其政治熱情。自由主義知識分子以及台籍菁英,雙方透過選舉來合作達到民主政治的理想。 戰後台灣籌組「中國民主黨」組黨運動,可說是戰後民主發展史上,第一次反對黨籌組付諸實踐,「中國民主黨」在一九五○年代的民主推動有其重要性,台籍菁英參與組黨的意義及功能,值得關注。台籍菁英所參與的政治活動中,又以台灣(臨時)省議會最具代表性,在一九六○年代呈現出三種台籍菁英不同的思考角度,在往後的發展過程中,亦呈現出不同的發展模式。 關鍵詞:反對運動、中國民主黨、台灣(臨時)省議會zh_TW
dc.description.abstractA study of the policital practice on Postwar Taiwan elitists(1945-1969)─Focusing on opposition movement Abstract The thesis attempts to the policital opposition movement and practice on Postwar Taiwan elitists. During the Japanese colonial period, Taiwan elitists promoted policital and social movement, and achieved the development of democratic rights. These Taiwan elitists, such like Xian- tang Lin, Wei- shui Jiang, Pei- huo Cai, Zhao- jia Yang, and Rong- zhong Ye etc. continued to promote the democracy, not really relied on China elitists. In 1920, the Taiwan elitists launched an anti-colonization movement, and brought up that Taiwan is Taiwanese’s opinion. That opinion aroused that the Taiwanese’s self-consciousness. Otherwise, these Taiwan elitists went on the tradition of social movement during the Japanese colonial period.They not only promoted freedom of speech, self-government movement, but also lasted democratic practice. In 1949, the government of the Republic of China fell back Taiwan and formed traditional authoritarian leadership. The intellectuals of liberalism insisted in the faith which opposing the Communist Party and publicized democracy and freedom. Therefore, the magazine of free China was born at that time. Through the magazine of free China, the Taiwan elitists lighted their passions. The intellectuals of liberalism and the Taiwan elitists accomplished their missions through election. On Postwar, the Taiwan elitists built the“Chinese Democracy Party”which had the first time to put into practice. This party played an important role in 1950. The Taiwan elitists participated in the party.In the policital movement,to the Taiwan elitists, there was a symbolic show of Taiwan Provincial Consultative Council.In 1960, the Taiwan elitists showed three opinions. Because of these opinions, the policital development had different modes. Keywords:opposition movement、Chinese Democracy Party、Taiwan Provincial Consultative Councilen_US
DC.subjectopposition movementen_US
DC.subjectChinese Democracy Partyen_US
DC.subjectTaiwan Provincial Consultative Councilen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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