博碩士論文 961205011 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYi-hui Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract被鄧小平稱為「革命元老」的楊尚昆,出身地主家庭,在動亂的年代中,受到兄長的影響,接受了共產主義思想,1926年成為中國共產黨的黨員。之後,遠赴異鄉至蘇聯莫斯科中山大學的留學經歷,是促使楊尚昆共產主義思想真正成熟的重要關鍵。那段期間,楊尚昆有機會結識了中共早期黨內的重要人物,如王明、博古、張聞天、王稼祥等,甚至被視為「二十八個半布爾什維克」之一,更在共產國際對留蘇成員的支持下,開啟了政治生涯的發展契機。但是,自蘇聯回國後所感受到的中共發展困境,以及「長征」所累積的實戰經驗,讓楊尚昆逐漸從堅決遵循共產國際指揮與「以俄為尊」的立場,趨向於認同考量具有中國特色的毛澤東路線。基於對毛澤東的信服,以及善於察言觀色、因時利導的個性,楊尚昆總是默默接受指令,盡責地完成分內工作,這樣溫馴內斂的態度,為他往後在共黨內部的晉升奠下良基,有利於他一步步走向以毛澤東為首的權力核心。 除了對毛澤東的忠誠外,楊尚昆憑藉著圓滑的手腕和兼顧各方各面的人格特質,獲得毛澤東的信任與重用,出任中共中央辦公廳主任、中央書記處候補書記等高層職位。但是,1958年「三面紅旗」的失利及1960年代初中蘇交惡等一連串國內外局勢所造成的衝擊,使毛澤東產生強烈的危機意識,有意發動政治鬥爭以鞏固權勢。此時,長期掌管中央辦公廳的楊尚昆被撤職,成為毛澤東發動「文化大革命」的犧牲者,並被打成「彭、羅、陸、楊反黨集團」,在「文化大革命」期間遭到長期監禁,直至1978年才獲得中共平反。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractYang Shangkun, born in a landlord family, was considered a "revolutionary veteran" by Deng Xiaoping. In that era of political uncertainty, Yang adopted the ideology of communism under the influence of his brothers and joined Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in 1926. Later, he was sent to study at Sun Yat-sen University in Moscow. It was the very experience during that critical period that Yang not just mellowed his thoughts of communism but also got acquainted some key persons of early CCP, including Wang Ming, Bo Gu, Zhang Wentian, Wang Jiaxiang, etc. Yang were even regarded as one of the group known as the Twenty-eight and a half Bolsheviks and turned over a new leaf in political career with the aid of Communist International. Nevertheless, the perception of the development hardship of CCP along with the actual combat experience accumulated from the Long March had turned gradually from following the direction of the Communist International firmly and the position of making USSR the top priority to the tendency toward identifying with the Maoist line, which took Chinese characteristic into consideration. Yang used to abide by decree quietly and took full responsibility of carrying out his duty according to following reasons: being convinced by Mao Zedong, being skilled at watching and observing, being capable of offering a position if necessary. It was his meek, modest attitude that not only provided him a good opportunity to promote to a higher position within the Communist Party but also paved him the way to the authority core of Mao’s camp. Owing to Yang’s diplomatic practice and his trait of taking good care of everything in addition to his faith, Mao appointed him to an important position, such as the Director of the General Office of the CCP Central Committee, alternate secretary of the Secretariat of the CCP Central Committee. However, the impact of a series of domestic and foreign events, such as the failure of “Three Red Flags” in 1958 and the siutation of the “Sino–Soviet split” in the early 1960s invoked Mao’s intense crisis consciousness. As a result, he attempted to launch a political struggle to consolidate his authority. At that time, Yang, after administering the General Office of the CCP Central Committee for a long time, was dismissed by Mao from the office and turn out to be the victim of the Cultural Revolution launched by Mao. Yang, being grouped into the "Peng-Luo-Lu-Yang Anti-Party Clique," was imprisoned during the Cultural Revolution till 1978, when he was rehabilitated by CCP. en_US
DC.subjectYang Shangkunen_US
DC.subjectDirector of the General Office of the CCP Centraen_US
DC.subjectMao Zedongen_US
DC.subjectthe Twenty-eight and a half Bolsheviksen_US
DC.titleThe Research of Yang Shangkun (1926-1966)en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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