博碩士論文 961301010 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorZheng-chun Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract文字是文化的載體,能重現古社會之概況,而《說文》雖非原始時代之文字,但仍承其遺緒,且《說文》收字詳備,故本文選擇《說文》中有關中國古代對人體及疾病認知的字群,佐以相關經典、文獻資料,及後世出土的甲骨文、金文等考古材料,結合人類學、社會學、歷史學、語言學、自然科學、醫學領域等的專書,並參閱各項期刊論文及前賢研究成果,從文字的形、音、義三方面研究,藉以一窺中國古代對人體及疾病的認知。 全文擬分為五章論述:第一章是前言,說明研究動機與目的,界定研究範圍及方法步驟,回顧與探討前賢研究成果。先對論文的方向做一明確界定,並揭示此論文的研究價值和目標,期能隨著古人創制文字的腳步揭開中國古代對身體及疾病認知的神秘面紗。第二章簡述中國古代醫學發軔的情形,對《說文》中的醫字作一淺析,簡述醫學的演進的歷程,探究古代醫療技術,從祝由術為起點,兼及砭石、針灸、按摩、藥物等重要醫療技術,以明瞭醫學如何從粗略的勞動生活中萌生,漸與巫術產生密不可分的關聯,並推溯古代醫病技術的淵源。第三章蒐羅《說文》中有關人體結構的字群,將其整理成表示頭面五官的字、表示頸部的字、表示軀幹的字、表示四肢的字、表示臟腑的字、表示皮膚脂肪和肌肉的字、表示血管和毛髮的字及表示筋骨的字八類,從而知悉古人對身體的觀察與認識。第四章蒐羅《說文》中有關疾病的字群,了解疾病命名的原由及原則,先探討疒、疾和病字的異同,繼而論述泛稱疾病的字,其餘分成歸屬內科的字、歸屬外科的字、歸屬五官科和口腔科的字、歸屬小兒科和婦科的字及無法分類的字五類研究,由此顯現古代醫學之發達,分科之精細。第五章是總結,從文字的角度綜論古人對身體與疾病的看法。 古人最初藉由單純原始的直觀法去認識自己的身體,並由此歸屬疾病的種類,從幾近圖像的文字可察覺古人造字貼近事實,且不避諱解剖以認識身體,爾後社會漸趨進步,始有「全屍」的觀念出現,並受到哲學思想發生變異。疾病命名的原因及原則,不外乎依據疾病的起因、疾病的症狀、疾病導致的後果等。疾病的名稱隨著時代逐步演進,由簡至繁,涵義擴大。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractCharacters is carriers of culture, which can reappear the general situation of ancient times society, even though《Shuowen》is not the characters of the primitive time,but come under the influence, as well as 《Shuowen》receives the characters completely,so I select the characters about the human body and sickness of Chinese ancient times, and collocat the books of scriptures、literature material、inscriptions on bones and turtlebacks、inscriptions、anthropology、sociology、history、philology、natural science、medicine domain etc. Moreover, I refer to periodical papers and research results of the predecessors, and research on the characters of the glyph、the pronunciation and the meaning,in order to understand cognition of the human body and sickness of Chinese ancient times. This article is composed of five chapters:The first chapter is a preface, that explains the research motive and the purpose, besides, limits the range of the study and method steps, furthermore, reviews the research results of the predecessors, points out the direction of the dissertation,to bring the research value and objective light,may open the mystical veil of the human body and sickness of Chinese ancient times under this foundation of the ancient creating the writing. The second chapter describes the origin of the China ancient times medicine simply,and analyzes the medical character in《Shuowen》simply,and describes the medicine history succinctly, explores ancient times medical technology, by the technique of praying or cursing for beginning,also including stone needle、acupuncture and moxibustion、massages、medicines etc,in order to understand how medical science sprouts from low-order work life, and has closely linked and inseparable connections with witchcraft, traces back to the source of the medical technology. The Third chapter collects the characters about the body constitution in《Shuowen》, and put this characters in order :the character group of the head 、the face and the facial features、the character group of the the neck、the character group of the trunk、the character group of the limbs、the character group of the internal organs、the character group of the skin、the fat and the muscle、the character group of the blood vessel and the hair、the character group of the physique, which are classed as eight kinds, by way of analyzing to understand how the ancients observe and recognize the body. The fourth chapter collects the characters about the sickness in 《Shuowen》, in order that understand how sickness are named,first of all, compare the character group of disease with similarities and differences,then discuss and put them in order:the character group of the medical department、the character group of the surgical department、the character group of the facial features department and the mouth cavity department、the character group of the pediatrics department and the department of gynecology、the characters which are unable to classify, which are classed as five kinds, by way of analyzing to show how the ancient times medicine is developed and how the departments of medicine is demarcated finely. The fifth chapter is a summary,which discusses the viewpoints of the ancients synthetically about the human body and sickness from the angle of the characters. The ancients know the bodies of themselves by direct observing in early stages,and the diseases are classed as many kinds by physical regions, according to the pictographic characters we can discover that the word-formations of the ancients are on fact,and find that the ancients don’t avoid dissecting human bodies,even they use the method to observe their bodies. The idea of maintaining complete dead bodies appears while our society gain ground gradually,and the medical science is changed by philosophical thinking. Reasons and principles that how sickness are named are in accordance with the cause of the disease、the symptom of the disease、the outcome of the disease.The names of the disease are becoming more and more complicated along with time evolution. en_US
DC.subjectHuman bodyen_US
DC.subjectMedical scienceen_US
DC.titleExplored from "Shuowen Jiezi" ancient times to the human body and disease's cognitionen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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