博碩士論文 961305003 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu-shan Wuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract康熙二十二年,清帝國收臺灣,設道府縣、置總兵、建儒學、選官吏,臺灣建置大成。有清一代,自康熙至光緒,歷八朝之發展,共治臺二百一十二年(1683~1895),帝國之統治力漸深入全島,其中治臺政策迭有變更;本文即以此為出發點,從大清帝國之角度來探索治臺政策的形成與演變,並了解清帝國制定治臺政策的背景及其思維方向。 尤其清代臺灣吏治不佳、動亂頻仍,臺灣「三年一小反,五年一大亂」,且「各省吏治之壞,至閩而極;閩中吏治之壞,至臺灣而極。」但臺灣若真如此黑暗,為何大陸內地之移民卻禁之不絕,相對的攜家帶族、呼朋引伴、前仆後繼、勇往直前的往臺灣移民,視臺灣為拓墾之新天地? 本文研究動機源自於此,將以「清帝國」的立場角度出發,細看各項治臺政策制定過程之背景、思維、目的,及其所欲達成的目標,追蹤政策執行之成果;以臺灣各地方志、及《清實錄》、《清史稿》、《大清會典事例》為主要史料來源,仔細思考臺地特有之現象,追本溯源考量治臺政策之制定是否合宜,是否符合臺地特殊性,並藉以判斷清帝國消極治臺之立論是否公允? 其次,治臺政策由清帝國統治者所制定,治臺之主角為「治」者,而非「臺」者,本文亦要探討是否因為中央與地方的看法角度不同,過去與現代思維之不同,而造成積極治臺與消極治台之爭議?本文歸納各項治臺政策,進行綜合與分析,並以比較之基礎,以清國邊疆地區及屬於菁華區之東南四省來與臺灣進行各項施政之比較。 最後,本論文的題目為:「消極治臺論之商榷 ─ 大清帝國治臺政策再審視」,所探討者為百年以前之歷史;原則上即是針對數百年前清代治臺政策之制定背景及施政過程及成果進行審視,比對近數十年來前輩學者之相關研究,對消極治臺論作一重新之商榷,並提出積極治臺之立論;尤其是在文武建置、官員派 任、文教建設、經濟發展、帝皇重視之各層面進行比較,以證明清代治臺政策,確實是積極堅定,值得激揚的。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn 1683, Qing Dynasty conquered Taiwan and established Dao, Fu and Xien with Zongbin. Confucianism was taught and officials were selected. Taiwan was seeing great construction. In the Qing Dynasty from Kangxi to Guangxu of 8 eight emperors, Taiwan had been governed for 212 years (1683-1895). The power of the empire penetrated the whole island. The governance policies changed. The research focuses on exploration of formation and changes of governance rules in Taiwan by the Qing Dynasty to understand the background and thoughts of ruling policies. In Qing Dynasty, the rule by officials was poor and there were a lot of turmoil. Minnan was suffering the worst rule by officials among all provinces; Taiwan had the worst rule by officials in Minnan. Nevertheless, if rule was really so bad, why were there still a lot of immigrants coming to Taiwan from mainland China with the entire families and friends, considering Taiwan as the new heaven for cultivation? This is the motive of the paper. From the angle of Qing Dynasty, the researcher takes a closer look at background and thoughts of making policies governing Taiwan and the desired goals to check the results of the policies. Main sources include journals of places in Taiwan, Record of Facts in Qing Dynasty, Draft of History of Qing Dynasty and Examples of Greater Qing Systems in particular thinking of the unique phenomena in Taiwan to see if the governing policies were appropriate from the very beginning to meet the specialty in Taiwan and judge whether the theory of passive rule of Taiwan is fair. Ruling policies were made by rulers of Qing Dynasty. The main role of ruling is the rulers, not people in Taiwan. The researcher also discusses whether the dispute of active and passive ruling was resulted from the different angles of central and local governments and different between now and past. The researcher concludes, generalizes and analyzes various ruling policies to compare the policies in frontiers, major four provinces in southeastern China and Taiwan. The subject of the paper is Discussions on Passive Ruling of Taiwan—Reexamining Ruling Policies of Taiwan by Qing Dynasty, exploring the history more than one century ago. The researcher reviews the background, policy-making process and achievements hundreds of years ago. Comparing the studies by earlier scholars, the researcher discusses the theory of passive ruling of Taiwan while proposing the theory of active ruling, focusing on comparison in establishment of administration and military force, dispatch of officials, establishment of culture, economic development and levels that emperors emphasized to prove that Qing Dynasty did have active ruling of Taiwan and the rule is worth praise. en_US
DC.subjectruling policies of Taiwanen_US
DC.subjectTaiwan in Qing Dynastyen_US
DC.titleDiscussions on Passive Ruling of Taiwan—Reexamining Ruling Policies of Taiwan by Qing Dynastyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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