博碩士論文 961305005 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorTzu-hsiang Hoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在人們方便自如的使用洗髮精、沐浴乳、洗面乳、洗手乳、洗衣精、洗衣皂等各類玲瑯滿目、五花八門的清潔用品時,台灣人早在一百年前就在日本人的影響下,悄悄改變傳統使用天然清潔用品的習慣,接受文明的洗禮使用化學清潔用品-肥皂。而在這段由天然「茶箍」到化學「雪文」的過程中,本文探討的重點有三:(一)日治初期台人的清潔習慣及改變的原因。在肥皂未被廣泛使用以前台人多使用茶箍或無患子等天然用品來清潔衣物或身體,但隨著殖民政府各種衛生政策的建立及推廣,逐漸改變台人的衛生觀念及清潔方式。在這轉變下,肥皂的需求日增,因而帶動肥皂工業的興起。(二)日治時期肥皂在台灣的生產與推廣情形。日治初期台灣肥皂的使用以日人為主,後因文化的提升肥皂逐漸在台灣普及,其中以生產洗濯肥皂為最主要,使用量也最多。肥皂業者或代理商為了促銷產品,提升民眾購買意願,乃透過各種宣傳模式如商業活動、展覽會、廣告等來展示與宣傳肥皂產品。(三)日治時期台人在生活中使用肥皂的情形。日治時期台人肥皂的使用主要在洗濯衣物上,其次為清潔身體,最後才是消毒環境或器具。1930年以後的台人除了家境特別窮困者,家家戶戶使用洗濯肥皂清洗衣服的情形十分普遍。在清潔身體方面台人使用肥皂清潔身體的頻率低於洗濯衣物,不過若與日治初期相比,則大有進展,雖沒有每天洗澡,但會使用肥皂清潔身體。而具特殊用途的藥用肥皂則多用在預防傳染疾病時的消毒工作,如消毒居家物品或住家環境等。有些公共場合為了維護大眾衛生,會特別強調須使用肥皂,如公共浴場或理髮店。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWhen people nowadays have varieties of cleaning products at his/her disposal such as shampoo, bathing gel, face wash, hand cleanser, laundry detergent, laundry soap etc., people in Taiwan have already changed their traditional habit of using natural cleansers into chemical soaps a hundred year ago under the influence of Japanese. In this transition from natural tê-khoo to chemical sat bǔn, my dissertation mainly focuses on the following three aspects: (1)The reasons of changing and the cleansing habits of Taiwanese during the early Japanese Occupation:Before soaps were widely spread, people in Taiwan mostly used the natural tê-khoo or Soapberry to clean their clothes or body. However, with the enactment of all kinds of hygiene policies provided by the colonial government, Taiwanese people gradually changed their sanitary notions and the cleaning ways. The transition led to the daily increasing demand for soaps and the boost of soap industry. (2)The production and promotion of soaps in Taiwan during Japanese Occupation Period:At first, those who used soaps in Taiwan were mainly Japanese. Soaps got their popularity in Taiwan with the advance of Japanese culture. The most produced and used one was the cleansing soap. In order to increase the public’s purchasing interests, businessmen and agents in soap industry exhibited and publicized their soaps through every promotion activities such as sales activities, exhibitions, advertisements etc. (3)The situation of soap usage in the life of Taiwanese during Japanese Occupation: In this period, soaps were chiefly used for cleaning clothes, followed by body wash as the second common purpose. Environmental or utensil cleaning was the least common usage. After 1930, except for the poorest, it’s very usual to have every household wash clothes with cleansing soaps. In the aspect of body wash, the frequency of using soaps was lower than for clothes wash. However, comparing with the early period of Japanese occupation, soaps for body cleaning was more general even though people didn’t take a bath everyday. The medicated soap with specific purpose was predominantly used for the prevention of contagious disease, such as disinfecting household goods or the living environment. Some public areas such as outdoor bathing pools or the barbershops, in order to maintain hygienic condition of all, would highlight their application of soaps in particular. en_US
DC.subjectcleaning productsen_US
DC.subjectJapanese-Occupied Perioden_US
DC.titleFrom tê-khoo to sat bǔn -A Study on Soap Development in TaiwanDuring Japanese-Occupied Perioden_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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