博碩士論文 961305009 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYi-Chi Kuoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract毛澤東晚年,接班人的問題一直是極為矚目之事,鄧小平雖然在1975年的整頓工作中頗有作為,但卻因為對「文革」的評價與毛澤東意見相左,因此被迫於「四五天安門事件」後三度下台。 華國鋒成為毛澤東接班人,打倒「四人幫」之後,宣告歷時十年的「文革」結束。當全國人民期待華國鋒能導正左傾路線的錯誤,華國鋒卻堅持延續毛澤東晚年的路線,在中共十一大上仍宣告要持續進行階級鬥爭,並提出「兩個凡是」方針,使得中共十一大未能達成撥亂反正。由於老幹部的斡旋與支持,鄧小平返回政治舞台,利用思想意識形態的對立挫折華國鋒威信,並提出對於政治、經濟的問題的意見,取得支持,中共十一屆三中全會上確立了鄧小平實際最高領導者的地位。 中共十一屆三中全會否定了十一大路線,提出要將全黨工作轉移至現代化建設上,整頓黨、政組織,平反冤錯假案,推行工農業的改革,提升中國經濟發展。華國鋒因為經濟失誤和「兩個凡是」的錯誤,於中共十一屆六中全會後離開權力中心。鄧小平在成為中共實際的最高領導之後,推動中國邁向改革開放之路,致力於經濟建設,中共正式告別了階級鬥爭頻繁的毛澤東時代。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn the late years of Mao Zedong, whose successor was the focus of events, though Deng Xiaoping had performed well in the reform activity taken place in 1975, his opinions regarding the Cultural Revolution were quite different from those of Mao; therefore, Deng was forced to undertake his personal 3rd stepping down from the power, due to the “April Fifth Movement”. Finally, Hua Guofeng became the successor of Mao, he overthrew “the Gang of Four ”, and terminated the Cultural Revolution spanning a period of ten years. As people across the nation hoped that Hua Guofeng could correct the mistaken “Leftist” implemented for past years; in contrast, he still continued to execute the false strategies of Mao arising in his late years. In the Eleventh Party Congress of Chinese Communist Party (CCP), Hua announced to continue the “class struggle”, presenting “two whatevers”, which contributed to the failure of the correction. Ultimately, Deng Xiaoping resumed his job because of the negotiation and supports of senior governors, he frustrated the prestige of Hua by means of commending opposite ideology, demonstrating his philosophy in relation to politics and economics to obtain supports; hence, the Thrid Plenum of Eleventh Party Congress ensured Deng the position of top leader in the CCP. The Thrid Plenum of the Eleventh Party Congress disapproved the policies determined in the Eleventh Party Congress, presented to transfer the overall works of the party to the modernization construction, reforming the party, organization, redressing those mishandled cases of jurisdiction, promoting the reforms regarding industry and agriculture, thereby lifting the economic development of China. Hua Guofeng fell out of the power after the Sixth Plenum of the Eleventh Party Congress of CCP, due to his faults in economic policies and “two whatevers”. After assumption of the top leader, Deng Xiaoping set the “open-door and reform” economic policy, from then on, China formally escaped from the era of Mao during which frequent class struggle were taking place. en_US
DC.subjecttwo whateversen_US
DC.subjectthe “open-door and reform” economic policyen_US
DC.subjectthe Thrid Plenum of the Eleventh Party Congressen_US
DC.subjectthe Eleventh Party Congress of Chinese Communisten_US
DC.titleA study of the Eleventh Party Congress of Chinese Communist Party and the following development of it.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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