博碩士論文 961305015 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChin-chuang Changen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract摘要 本文以三階段敘述戒嚴時期報紙對重大政治事件報導的比較,第一階段以《中央日報》 與《自立晚報》為主要討論比較的對象。首先探討戒嚴時期(1949-1987),台灣的政經環境 暨報禁對報業的影響。其次探討《中央日報》的創刊與特性:該報是國民黨黨營報紙的代表, 被視為政府意見的風向球。最後探討《自立晚報》的創刊與特性:該報是台灣第一份中文晚 報。李玉階時期,在報頭標示「無黨無派、獨立經營」,從此該報是無黨無派輿論的代表之一。 第二階段探討1950-1980 年代兩大報對重大政治事件的報導。先探討兩大報對1950-1960 年代重大政治事件的報導,在1950 年代:一為1954 年的「吳國楨事件」;二為1955 年的「孫 立人事件」。到1960 年代,首推「雷震事件」。後探討兩大報對1970-1980 年代重大政治事件 的報導,在1970 年代:一為1977 年的「中壢事件」;二為1979 年的「美麗島事件」。到1980 年代初,則進行後續的「美麗島大審」。 第三階段為1950-1980 年代兩大報對重大政治事件報導的比較。先對不同事件做交叉對 照比較,找出兩個事件間相似點與差異點,做異同的比較分析。再探討兩大報社論對1950-1980 年代重大政治事件的報導,了解報社的立場和它對重大政治事件的看法、態度。 回顧台灣戰後政治史,吳國楨事件、孫立人事件、雷震事件、中壢事件和美麗島事件都 深刻影響台灣的政治變遷,具有關鍵性地位。研究發現,上個世代政治事件的特色:「菁英領 導」,缺乏群眾參與;下個世代政治事件的特色:「集體領導」,有群眾運動。這個特色的差異, 導致上個世代的民主運動失敗,下個世代的民主運動成功。 關zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract In the three parts of the thesis, I make a comparison of the reports of the newspapers during the period of martial law on the major political incidents. In the first part, CD News and Independent Evening News are the major focus. First, I will discuss the political and economic environment of Taiwan and the influence of the ban on newspaper publication on the industry during the period of martial law (1949-1987). Second, I will discuss the start of publication and features of CD News, the newspaper owned by the KMT, which can be regarded as the indication of the government’s opinions. Finally, I will discuss the start of publication and features of Independent Evening News, which is the first Chinese evening newspaper in Taiwan. During the period of Li Yu-Jie as the publisher, the newspaper was titled “Independent of Party and Faction.” Therefore, it became the representative of speaking out the public opinions without the interference of any party and faction. In the second part, I discuss the reports of the two newspapers on the major political incidents from the 1950s to the 1980s. I will first focus on the reports of the two newspapers on the major political incidents in the 1950s and the 1960s. In the 1950s, one is Wu Kuo-Cheng Incident in 1954; the other is Sun Li-Jun Incident in 1955. In the 1960s, the most important is Lei Chen Incident. Then, I will turn to the reports of the two newspapers on the major political incidents in the 1970s and the 1980s. In the 1970s, one is Zhongli Incident in 1977; the other is Formosa Incident in 1979. At the beginning of the 1980s, Formosa Judgment proceeds. The third part is the comparison between the two newspapers in terms of their reports on the major political incidents from the 1950s to the 1980s. I will first make a comparison of different incidents, find out their similarities and differences, and make a further analysis. Then, I will discuss the reports of the two newspapers on the major political incidents from the 1950s to the 1980s in order to understand their stances, opinions and attitudes on the major political incidents. In retrospect of the post-war political history in Taiwan, Wu Kuo-Cheng Incident, Sun Li-Jun Incident, Lei Chen Incident, Zhongli Incident, and Formosa Incident all have a deep influence on and play a key role in the political evolution. The study has suggested the feature of the political incidents in the former generation: “elite leadership” without the involvement of the public. The feature of the political incidents in the latter generation is “collective leadership” with the involvement of the public. The difference leads to the former generation’s failure and the latter generation’s success of the democratic movement.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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