博碩士論文 961305016 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorLi-Yue Lyuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract監軍制度是中國歷史上,君主或皇帝派遣親信監督軍隊和其將領的一種軍事制度。明成祖起兵奪取天下後,各地藩王勢力被進一步削弱,為填補其權力空缺,隨之逐步派遣鎮守太監至各要地,監軍制度開始蓬勃發展。 大體而言,明代的監軍可分為宦官監軍和文人監軍兩大類;成祖到世宗前主要是以宦官監軍為主;世宗後,文人監軍取而代之;思宗時,則又重新啟用宦官監軍,兩者並行。此時,軍政上弊病叢生,外有滿洲連年入侵,內有流寇為亂;在內外戰事不斷失利之下,為因應嚴峻的局勢,思宗不但加強傳統文人監軍系統的運作,也重新啟用宦官監軍,企圖透過多個系統的互相監督制衡,達到防弊振衰的目標。 宦官監軍之全面重新啟用始於崇禎四年(1631)九月,其名曰監視太監、總監、分監。其任用肇因於思宗對文武官員的信心喪失,主要分為三個階段,前兩次係針對滿州,第三次針對李自成。其派遣地域多為京城附近與鄰近滿州之軍事重鎮;且職權不斷擴張,負責區域亦隨之擴大,並逐步從負責監察邁向領軍作戰,位同督撫。然而,此時宦官監軍不但因階段性任務達成而兩度全面撤回;且其派遣地域亦其針對性與侷限性,並非全面任用;再則雖爭議紛爭不斷,但思宗並未偏信,因此,思宗雖大力任用宦官監軍,但態度相當謹慎。而宦官監軍的任用,初期確也取得一時功效,但因大局已隳,隨之融入大環境中,成為加速明王朝滅亡的一份子。 文人監軍主要分為中央層級的監軍御史、部科官員和地方層級的監軍道等官員。此時因有代表皇帝之宦官監軍的遣任,故中央層級文人監軍不如宦官監軍活躍;但地方層級之文官監軍則因流寇為亂幅員日益擴大,領軍督撫分身乏術,故活躍於剿寇戰場上,負責監紀覈功、指揮作戰、參贊軍務與催督糧餉等重任。然監軍道等官員雖勝績不斷,但因流寇生成之因未除,剿了又生,最後形勢逆轉,無力回天。 本文研究後發現,不論是宦官監軍,抑或文人監軍,在崇禎朝均起了一定的功效;然其效用僅限於某地、某事,在大環境持續惡化下,最終無法持久與改變結局。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractArmy supervisory system, a military system in Chinese history, refers to that the king or the emperor sent his favorites to supervise the generals and his army troops. After Zhu Di—Emperor Cheng Tzu of the Ming Dynasty—raised troops and took the imperial power, seigniors were gradually weakened. In order to fill the power vacuum, the emperor sent eunuchs to strategic locations for supervision. Since then, army supervisory system began to flourish. In general, the army supervisor in Ming Dynasty can be divided into two kinds: eunuch army supervisor and civil army supervisor. From Emperor Cheng Tzu to Emperor Shi Tzung, it was mainly eunuch army supervisors, but after that, civil army supervisor substituted. When it came to Emperor Sih Tzung, both were adopted. At that moment, military and political matters were replete with problems: outside Man Jou nationality launched invasion year after year, while inside there were insurrections of roving rebel bands. In the situation of successive internal and external failures, Emperor Sih Tzung not only strengthened the operation of traditional civil army supervisor system, but reinstated eunuch army supervisors aiming at preventing corruption and malfeasance and rejuvenated through mutual supervision and balance among different systems. The complete reinstating of eunuch army supervisors began in September, the fourth year of the Reign of Chung Jen(September,1631).They were named as supervising eunuch, Chief eunuch and divisional eunuch. This reinstating resulted from Emperor Sih Tzung’s loss of confidence on civil and military officials. There were 3 main stages: the first two were for Manchu and the 3rd for Li Tzi-cheng. The sent places were mostly military cities around Beijing and close to Manchuria. Moreover, the inspectors’ authority and responsible areas gradually expanded, and switched over to lead in fighting, parallel to the governor. But because of the completion of the phased tasks, all eunuch inspectors withdrew later. They were also not fully assigned for the pertinence and limitations of the assigned place. In addition, in the presence of many controversies Emperor Sih Tzung did not believe one side only, so Emperor Sih Tzung was very cautious when assigning lots of eunuch inspectors. Although the assignment of eunuch inspectors did some good in the beginning period, later they became a member to accelerate the decay of the Ming Dynasty as the general situation has settled. Civil officers who supervise the army were mainly central-government levels imperial supervisor, department officials and local levels military supervision Dau and so on. Because of the imperial’s assignment to eunuch supervisors, civil army supervisors were not as vigorous as eunuch supervisors. While the number of local civil supervisors gradually increased with the roving bandits’ insurrection. They were active in the battlefield, responsible for important tasks like disciplining supervision and reward assessment, commanding the troops, participating in military affairs, supervising and urging subsistence stores for troops, since the governor were tied down by war affairs. Although the local supervisor made successive victories in battle, and since the roving bandits occurred constantly, the situation was reversed in the end. This paper concludes that, no matter eunuch supervisor or civil supervisor, both produced some effect in the years of Emperor Chung Jen, but they were only suitable for particular place and event. It cannot last long or change the end in the worsening overall situation. en_US
DC.subjectMilitary supervision dauen_US
DC.subjectImperial secretary supervising the armyen_US
DC.subjectSupervising eunuchen_US
DC.subjectArmy supervisoren_US
DC.subjectEunuch commanderen_US
DC.titleThe research of Army supervisory system of Ming Emperor Chung Jenen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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