博碩士論文 961305028 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChoung-Ming, YUNGen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究以日治時期新竹的都市化為主軸,探討新竹在政權遞嬗的過程中,不同國家、地方政府以及地方社會之間的互動關係。除了對日治以前的新竹歷史與發展做一爬梳之外,也針對日本殖民政府對新竹的施政與建設作出整理與探討,此外,亦對人口數量與結構呈現新竹的人文特色有所著墨,最後分析日治時期的地方社會以及與國家的互動關係。 新竹發展的時間很早,但要真正開始進入現代化則是到了日本統治時為了國家政策的近代化所實施了一連串的市區改正計畫帶動起來的。新竹的地方社會力量在殖民統治時期不容小覷,而有著國家力量支撐的市役所也盡其所能的發揮影響力,中央與地方在都市社會發展的重要議題上互有合作、競爭以及相互抗衡,構成日治時期新竹都市發展下的社會面貌。而初期的治理政策、中期的管理方式、與後期的皇民化政策推動對新竹造成什麼樣的影響,也會立足在搜集到的史料中論述出其中的因果關係。 在研究地方菁英或傳統世家對新竹州的發展時,本文除談到新竹特有的客家特質會使得新竹州的發展與其他城市有何種區隔,也會整理地方上的重要家族居中扮演的角色,另外,在長達五十年的統治中,日本政府有計劃地推動教育上的同化與馴化,新竹如何在這樣的管控下發展自己的能動性,也是本文希望點出的一個面向。 最後,在整理新竹的歷史脈絡時,發現政治的作用力對該地區的發展最有影響力,但除此之外,人文社會的特質也有一定程度的助益。但若進一步探究新竹地區其他的市街或聚落,就會發現除新竹市區及竹東外,沒有相關的市區改正計劃作為 施行的依據。若要考察新竹的長期建設藍圖及近代化設施的脈絡,就應該將新竹地區的歷史做一完整的整理。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis thesis explores the interaction between different countries, local governments and local communities over the process of regime change with an emphasis on urbanization of Hsinchu under the Japanese colonial rule. In addition to looking at the history and development of Hsinchu, we also review the contribution made by the Japanese colonial government to Hsinchu, touch upon cultures and features demonstrated by its demographics, and analyze the interaction between local communities and governments under the Japanesecolonial rule. The development of Hsinchu began at an early stage. However, significant development and modernization were not achieved until the Japanese colonial government implemented a series of city planning. In the context of the Japanese colonial rule, the local communities had their sphere of influence; in the meantime, the City Hall, with the support from the central government, also exerted its influence. Thus, the local and central governments work either hand-in-hand or head-to-head in some important issues. This was part of the social context during the urbanization process in Hsinchu under the Japanese colonial rule. Different stages of governance of the Japanese colonial government affected Hsinchu in their own ways. The thesis as a result looks at the cause and effect of such phenomenon. Over the course of researching how local elites or traditional family affected the development of Hsinchu, this thesis analyzes how the Hakka characteristics of Hsinchu distinguished the development of the city from others. Another focal point is the role local families played in Hsinchu.Additionally, Japan promoted an education system that featured domestication and assimilation during the fifty years of its colonial rule. This leads us to the last point of discussion of the thesis: how Hsinchu managed to develop something typical of the city in such context. Finally, while reviewing Hsinchu’s historical context, we should factor the political elements into the equation of the development of the city. In addition, characteristics of humanity and culture also played a role here. On the other hand, if we further explore other streets or villages in other parts of Hsinchu, it is observed that in addition to the Hsinchu District and the east part of the city, there wasno plan based on which the city could be developed. To gain a better understanding about the long-term blueprint for building and modernizing of public infrastructures in Hsinchu, we should take a holistic approach to examine the whole history of the Hsinchu areas.en_US
DC.subjectthe Japanese colonial perioden_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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