博碩士論文 962207007 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorShu Fangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract根據Bennett & Hess對於性侵害犯的定義“the carnal knowledge of a female forcibly and against her will. Included are rapes by force and attempts or assaults to rape.”(侯友宜, 2006) 過去的研究發現性暴力者通常會具有以下人格特質,反社會傾向、低社會化程度、低責任感、低從眾性、高衝動性、自我監控能力差。 在早期的病人研究中,性行為異常被視為是在額葉-顳葉產生問題 (Graber et al., 1982),有研究也指出性侵害犯有低階執行功能的問題,因此會造成注意力無法持久、抑制能力等問題 (Joyal, Black & Dassylva, 2007). 在這個研究中,我們使用情緒停止訊號作業(emotional stop signal task) 來量化受試者的抑制能力,並瞭解受試者是否會因情緒圖片而影響到他們的抑制功能表現。在實驗中我們操弄情緒圖片(中性及情色圖片)在進行訊號(go signal)出現前呈現一千毫秒,利用RR tracking的方式推估受試者的抑制能力 - SSRT(stop signal reaction time)。研究結果發現情色圖片會影響受試者的抑制能力變差,並且在情緒和組別間有顯著的交互作用,在腦部後區的LPP(late positive potential)波形的差異指出性侵害犯對於情色圖片的喚醒程度會比一般人要來的高,而SST (successful stop trial) P3也看到性侵害犯的抑制能力會比一般人差。我們的大腦會將情色訊息解讀為是一種獎賞的訊息,因此會影響到我們的抑制功能,在情色圖片的影響下,性侵害犯的抑制表現又會比一般人更差 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAccording to the definition of sexual violence form Bennett & Hess (1994), sexual violence is “the carnal knowledge of a female forcibly and against her will. Included are rapes by force and attempts or assaults to rape.” (侯友宜, 2006). Researchers found people who exhibit violent behaviors may have some socially negative characteristics, like anti-social, low responsibility, high impulsivity and lack of self-control. Sex offenders are reported for having frontal-temporal dysfunctions (Graber et al., 1982). It has also been shown that sex offenders have low-order executive dysfunction, such as sustained attention and inhibition (Joyal, Black & Dassylva, 2007). In this study, I want to use the emotional stop signal task to quantify the ability of inhibition, especially when subjects are under the influence of the emotional pictures. The independent variable is emotional picture (erotic and neutral pictures from IAPS), which is presented for 1000ms before the onset time of go signal. Response rate tracking (RR tracking) procedure can assist us to estimate participant’s ability of inhibition – stop signal reaction time (SSRT). The SSRT of erotic picture is longer than that of neutral pictures. There is a significant interaction between emotional pictures and groups of subjects. The difference lateral positive potential (LPP) waveform at parietal area indicated that sex offenders had higher arousal for erotic stimuli. The Successful stop trial P3 (SST P3) amplitude suggested that sex offenders had worse inhibitory control. Erotic picture, as a reward cue, influences our efficiency of inhibition; furthermore, sex offenders have worse inhibitory control than control group when the erotic pictures were presented. en_US
DC.subjecterotic stimulien_US
DC.subjectStop signal tasken_US
DC.subjectsex offenderen_US
DC.subjectinhibitory controlen_US
DC.titleImpulsive expressions of sex offenders- How do emotional states affect inhibitory control in sex offenders?en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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