博碩士論文 963211004 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorJia-Siang Keen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來,在台灣兩大鞋業龍頭的推廣之下,使得國人開始注重於足底的健康與舒適度上,現在市面上的運動鞋、休閒鞋都已發展的頗具規模,唯獨高跟鞋進展緩慢,主要原因在於高跟鞋的鞋底曲面難以建立模擬、以及在高跟鞋上的踩平足底影像難以取得。本研究利用高跟鞋鞋面的逆向工程技術與三維足型資訊製作出客製化高跟鞋的壓克力鞋模;同時修改二維足型量測系統中的功能與機構,拍攝出踩平的足部資訊,期望能利用影像技術建立出踩平的三維足部影像。 女性消費者為了美麗,在穿著高跟鞋時改變了人體原本站立及行走時的生物力學,常造成的傷害有腳踝扭傷、腰酸背痛等;若能參考穿著高跟鞋時的足型與足壓資訊,針對高跟鞋的設計作改善,或製作客製化的高跟鞋,皆是將來開發具健康概念的高跟鞋之目標。因此,本研究中建構出客製化高跟鞋的初步概念,同時製作出透明的壓克力高跟鞋模型,以拍攝觀察足底接觸況狀,期望未來能與客製化高跟鞋製作技術做依據性的整合,再以力學、生理學角度來審視客製化高跟鞋的效益,提供最佳化的高跟鞋設計給相關製鞋業者作為參考,讓社會更多女性走得更美更健康。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, more and more consumers pay attention to the health and comfort of plantar pedis under the circumstance of active improvement by top 2 shoe companies in Taiwan. The development of Sports shoes and walking shoes has been mature, while the development of high-heeled shoes is tardy. The main reasons are that it is difficult to simulate the surface of high-heeled shoes’ soles, and to capture the stepping image accurately. This study utilized the reverse engineering of the high-heeled shoes’ vamp, and 3D foot shape information to product the customized acrylic mold of high-heeled shoes. In additions, this study improved the capability of 2D foot shape measure system so as to capture the stepping image of sole, and expected to establish the 3D stepping images by utilizing imaging technology. Female consumers who were wearing high-heeled shoe usually violated the biomechanics while standing and walking. The injuries that often caused including: ankle spraining, pains in the loins and back etc. If we could take the foot shape and foot pressure as the basis of improving the designs and productions of customized high-heeled shoes, it would be very helpful for the purposes of developing health-based shoes. Therefore, the study established the notions of customized high-heeled shoes, and utilized an acrylic mold of high-heeled shoes to observe the soles’ states when touching the shoes. This study also look forward to integrate the produce technology of customized high-heeled shoes and to evaluate the benefits of customized high-heeled shoes through the viewpoint of mechanics and physiology to provide the optimal design for producing high-heeled shoes. In such cases, more and more female consumers will be more beautiful and healthier while they walked. en_US
DC.subject2D foot shape Measurement Systemen_US
DC.subjectCustomization High-heeled Shoesen_US
DC.titleThe Development and Application of 2D foot shape Measurement Systemen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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