博碩士論文 963302021 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorTian CIen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract臺灣位於歐亞大陸板塊與菲律賓海板塊之衝撞帶上,此二板塊擠壓的結果, 造成高山峻谷多、平原丘陵少的地形,隧道工程遂成公共工程之主要分項。隨著 隧道之規模與數量俱增,如何提供一個安全衛生的施工環境已成為重要課題。 近年來,國內營造業之重大職災發生率居高不下,究其原因,營造業之安全 衛生工作,大多限於法令已規定之應辦事項,而未將安全衛生工作納入組織之管 理系統,既未見安全衛生政策,亦未見安全規章之修正,除不重視記錄、稽核、 績效評估之成效,亦缺少風險、採購、變更等管理之概念,僅為管理重點危害而 忽略其次要危害,因而,其自主管理自然流於形式,安全衛生管理水準亦逐年低 落。顯然,隧道施工營造安全衛生管理成效之提昇,有賴比照品質與環境管理系 統之架構,建立一完整的職業安全衛生管理系統,延伸安全衛生規劃、建置、執 行、評估與改善,及PDCA管理循環機制,內化安全衛生管理為營造業營運管理之 一部份,修正傳統重點式之安全衛生管理制度,推向系統化之職業安全衛生管理 技術,落實全方位的安全衛生管理制度,有效降低隧道施工之危害與風險。 本研究主要針對山岳隧道新奧工法施工之安全衛生管理,嘗試導入符合時代 與國際潮流之「臺灣職業安全衛生管理系統」,強調風險評估與安全稽核之功能, 及變更管理、緊急應變、採購管理、承攬管理、績效量測、稽核體制、持續改善 之落實,協助或提供一制度化及系統化的管理體系,持續提升營造業隧道施工之 管理績效,降低或預防重大職災之發生,期能提供隧道施工人員一個更安全與健 康的工作環境,達成工程零災害之目標。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractTaiwan is located on the Eurasian Plate and Philippine Plate convergent boundary. The two plates crushing into each other causes Taiwan has more mountains and valleys than plains, so tunnel constructions have been important in public constructions. As the scale and the numbers of tunnel increase, how to provide safety and health in construction environment has become a major issue. Recent years, the occurrence rate of major occupational hazard in construction is high. To investigate the causes, the constructions industry only focuses on what they are supposed to do according to the law but fails to consider and put the tasks about safety and health in the administration system of the organization. These organizations lack of their own policies about safety and health. The constructions industry in Taiwan does not value the advantage of record, audit, and assessment on performance, and they also lack of the management concepts of risk management, purchase, and change. They focus on major issues but neglect other minor issue. Therefore, safety and health management has become a formality, and the standard of management has decressed year by year. Obviously, the improvement of the safety and health on tunnel construction has to rely on establishing a complete occupational safety and health management system just the framework of quality and environment management system. The system should extend safety and health planning, establishing, executing, assessing and improving, and PDCA management circulation mechanism. The system should take safety and health management as an internal part of business management in the constructions industry, fix the traditional concept of only focusing on major issues, systematize these management techniques, ensure the implementation of the multi-safety and health system, and effectly decrease the danger and risk of tunnel construction. This research uses safety and health management of the New Austrian Tunneling Method as reference, trying to apply Taiwan occupational safety and health management system. It emphasizes risk assessment and safety audit, change management, emergency control, purchase management, provides management system to improve the performance of tunnel construction and reduce the occurance rate of occupational hazard. It will help to provide a safer and healthier working environment, and achieve the goal of zero construction hazard. en_US
DC.subjectTaiwan Occupational Safety and Healthen_US
DC.subjectNew Austrian Tunneling Methoden_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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