博碩士論文 964206032 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYen-hung Linen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract為了提供顧客功能更多、配備更齊全的消費性電子產品,全世界的科技業在過去各自以該產業的核心能力為基礎開發新產品。在公司生產力增加的同時,他們也以更便宜的價格提供新產品,造成了消費商品的增加與使用。為了保持市占率,企業鼓勵消費者持續購買更新、更好的產品,產品生命週期也就越來越短,同時也就產生了更多的浪費。因此為了滿足國際環境保護法規與消費者對綠色產品的要求,各產業已開始重視逆向供應鏈活動的應用對整體商業環境的影響。本篇論文主要探討逆向供應鏈中的新興議題與趨勢,研究不同產業之間合資企業的成立對其的影響。 我們也在本文探討,目前全世界資訊與通訊科技 (ICT) 產業最新的趨勢,亦即,企業透過現有商品的重新設計,同時與戰略夥伴進行協同合作,共同以破壞、創新兼具的產品及服務拓展其版圖及市占率。這些不同形式的合資企業,為未來提供了極具價值及前瞻性的引導,另外當然還有值得學術界深入研究的新議題。目前ICT產業間協同合作的類型、其擴及的範圍均是前所未見。我們在本文剖析了在此特殊的產業形勢下,形成一個成功合資企業的關鍵要素;同時,我們也以小筆電及相關商品做個案研究,進而發掘與供應鏈管理相關的新研究議題。由於台灣的高科技業是造就全世界小筆電熱潮的第一推手,我們也希望本文深入的個案研究與討論,能夠協助本土企業在激烈的競爭當中勝出,成為最大的贏家。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn order to offer consumer electronic products with more features and capabilities, the technology industry has developed new products based on core competencies. As facilities increase productivity, they are able to offer products at a cheaper price, thus contributing to an increased consumer goods purchase. To maintain market share, businesses encourage consumers to buy new products, leading to a shorter product life cycle and generating more waste. Therefore, in order to meet international environment regulations and consumer demands for green products, industries have started to emphasize more on reverse supply chain (RSC) activities. Therefore, this thesis explores emerging RSC issues and the establishment of a joint venture (JV) and their impact in different industries. We also study in this paper trends recently growing popular in the world’s Information and Communications Technology (ICT) industry, namely, firms extending business and competing for market shares in new territories through redesigning existing products and collaborating with strategic partners in a disruptive yet innovative fashion. Various types of JVs have formed providing valuable insights as well as emerging issues worthy of serious research. We analyze strategies and ingredients in forming a successful JV as part of this new ICT phenomenon, discuss emerging e-business and supply chain issues, and use the netbook and related new high tech products as a case study. As firms in Taiwan are the originator of this “netbook phenomenon”, we wish our in-depth discussions may be of some help to our ICT firms in winning the battle in the near future. en_US
DC.subjectJoint venturesen_US
DC.subjectICT industryen_US
DC.subjectreverse supply chainen_US
DC.subjectreverse logisticsen_US
DC.title探討逆向供應鏈合資模式 – 以資通訊產業為例zh_TW
DC.titleJoint Venture Patterns in Reverse Supply Chain – Case Study of the ICT Industryen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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