博碩士論文 964300008 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorShao-i Changen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract電視購物是忙碌現代人購物之重要生活方式之一,電視通路產業是一個結構複雜的行業,對於競爭日益激烈的電視購物產業,新進者或潛在競爭者無不挖空心思以求能在市場上取得立足之地。而垂直整合為業者最常使用的市場策略,整合商品供應、播映平台、金流、物流,及與有線電視系統的合作,以強化其經營利基。 愈來愈多消費者選擇在家購物,如網路購物、電視購物等,以節省交通時間及降低社會資源的浪費。電視通路業者為了強化消費者對電視購物的信心,陸續推出「免費送貨到府」、「24小時宅配到府」、「10天鑑賞期與免費退換貨」等服務,以滿足消費者在家購物之便利性。 多元化通路經營策略是電視通路業者勝出之藍海策略,整合電視、型錄、手機、網路等四大通路之優勢,及結合實體與虛擬通路虛實並進,透過生產、行銷、資訊、物流等形成產業供應鏈,都是因應未來電視通路產業發展的制勝要件。 物流更是企業最後決勝之關鍵核心能力,近來國內物流業者能力之精進,協助電視通路業者發展了超商取貨、全省24小時宅配到府、退貨免費到府取貨等服務,確實改變了往昔消費者購物之習慣。由此觀之,電視通路業者最終之決戰將視其物流能力之良窳,正所謂「成也物流、敗也物流」。 本研究對於物流在電視通路之發展,得到以下結論:透過物流快速宅配能力降低消費者退貨以降低退貨率、物流新科技的運用以提升物流質的改變、有效運用顧客關係管理 (CRM) 的機制開創更多的商機、建立核心價值鏈的策略夥伴以共創「電視購物」通路的價值。另外,為了電視通路產業的永續發展,本研究對產業提出以下建議: 加強產業人才培養杜絕挖角惡風、提升商品之深度及增強供應鏈管理、發展大中華市場邁向國際級企業。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractTV home shopping is an important way to purchase goods for busy people. TV shopping is an industry with complex structure. Because of keen competition, those companies just starting and considering to entering the TV shopping industry have strived to gain market share and become major players. The vertical integration is the most common business strategy for TV shopping companies. It builds competitive advantages by integrating products supply、TV platforms、cash flow、logistics and the cable TV network. More and more consumers choose to purchase goods at home, like Web shopping、TV home shopping to save the traffic time and decrease the waste of resources. In order to strengthen consumers’ trust about TV home shopping, TV home shopping companies launch many services such as ”free for delivery”,” 24hr home delivery” and “ 10 probation days and free for returning and exchanging goods” to make TV shopping more convenient to consumers. Channel diversity is the strategy for TV channel company to win. Integration of the advantage from TV, catalogue, mobile and internet, presence in both virtual channels and physical channels and supply chain excellence from production, marketing, IT and logistics are important factors to win in TV channel industry. Logistics is the vital for enterprises to win and Taiwan logistics service providers have improved in last years. The new services do change consumers’ shopping behaviors; such as picking up from CVS, 24hr home delivery, 10 probation days and free for returning and exchanging goods, Therefore, success or failure of TV channel makers depends highly on the logistics capabilities. In other words, logistics capability is very important to the virtual channel. The conclusions from the research findings are as follows: 1.to leverage speedy home delivery to lower the return. 2.to use the new logistics both skill and technique to upgrade logistics performance. 3.to use the customer relationship management to create more and more business. 4.to create the value of TV channel with all of strategy partner. In addition, there are also some suggestions from this study: 1.Enhance the human resources development to avoid recruiting from the other companies, 2.upgrade the depth of product increase product variety and enhance the management of supply chain, 3.develop the China market and become the global company. en_US
DC.subjectTV home shoppingen_US
DC.subjectHome deliveryen_US
DC.subjectpicking up from CVSen_US
DC.subjectCustomer Relationship Managementen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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