博碩士論文 964300027 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorSu-Chu Suen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract網際網路(internet)的盛行改變了企業行之已久的商業交易模式,企業運用Internet的連結,形成一個全球性的電子交易市集,打破了時間與空間的限制,商業行為瞬間遍行全球。世界慢慢變平了,企業為了生存需要不斷的求新求變並藉由企業內部快速的資源整合、及時準確的資料分析及標準的作業流程來加速變革與協助變革管理。 而自1990年ERP的概念被提出至今,ERP系統因為具備提供企業即時性的企業資源共享、企業預警、提供營運分析報表及提供企業決策分析所需的多維度參考資訊,所以已經成為企業營運不可或缺營運工具。 然一個ERP系統導入所需要的時間長且需要花費一筆為數不小的成本,所以企業在選擇ERP系統時會以符合預算者為優先考量,因而減少了對ERP產品的選擇機會。而一般ERP系統初次導入專案中的費用比例中,顧問服務費約占整個專案費用的60%~70%。顧問服務費的計價方式通常是以人天或人月來跟企業收費,所以專案時程越長,顧問服務費就越高。因此,如果能縮短專案導入時程,就能幫企業節省一筆可觀的內部跟外部的導入費用,並讓企業能提早使用系統。 本研究的目的是希望能提出一個新的ERP導入的方法--「ERP樣版式的導入方法」,能讓企業導入ERP專案的時間跟投入資源大幅減少,但專案所呈現的結果又要能與原廠提供的導入方法功能範圍差異不大。那麼台灣的中小企業就可以在ERP專案成本大幅降低的狀況下,讓更多想使用國際大廠ERP系統作為企業營運工具的中小企業能如願以償,並促進台灣商用軟體產業的人才培養與進步。 本研究以使用「ERP樣版導入方法」的個案為對象,進行分析與研究。透過個案研究驗證了此方法可以協助企業成功導入ERP系統,為企業節省的專案成本及時間分別為1/2及2/3,並藉此做為未來欲使用「ERP樣版導入方法」導入ERP系統的企業參考。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe surge of Internet has dramatically changed the business models employed by enterprises, which utilize the internet connection to construct the global electronic transaction market places, and remove the limitations of time and space which profoundly reduce the cost of conducting business transactions across national borders. The world is therefore becoming flatter. In order to survive, enterprises need to continuously seek for creativity and opportunity through rapid resource integration with real-time and accurate data analysis to speed up and assist the change management. The concept of ERP was proposed since 1990, ERP system has become the essential tools to support the enterprise operations because of its capabilities for real time resources sharing, alerts, providing operational analysis report, and to support the required multi-dimensional information for the purpose of decision making. However, implementing ERP systems takes a long time and consume huge amount of resources. As a result, budget containment is the top concern when enterprises evaluating solutions providing by consulting firms and vendors. The consultant fees normally account for 60%~70% of the entire project cost for the first implementation. The fees are usually charged by man-day or man-month. As a result, the longer the project duration, the higher the fee charged. Therefore, shorten project durations can reduce the both the costs and time needed to adopt ERP systems. The purpose of this study is to propose a new way of ERP system implementation,「The ERP Implementation Template Methodology」, to dramatically reduce the time and resrouces needed to implement ERP projects while keeping the quality of the projects at the same time. When implementation costs are reduced to a certain level, Taiwanese small-to-medium enterprises will be able to adopt the international ERP systems as their operational tools more easily. This study includes a real case in which an enterprise actually utilize the 「ERP Implementation Template Methodology」to implement its system. The result shows that the methodology can reduce the cost and time to 1/2 and 2/3, respectively, comparing to traditional methodologies. en_US
DC.subjectERP Implementation Template Methodologyen_US
DC.subjectTemplate Oriented Implementation Methodologyen_US
DC.subjectEnterprise Resource Planningen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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