博碩士論文 964300043 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorJui-wen Chungen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著化工行業迅速的發展,在產業製程環境中,產生充滿危險氣液體,防爆電氣產品在石化產業中便有著是極為重要的角色,歐美先進的工業國家早已建立各種電氣防爆的法令法規及章典制度,也因應產生許多專業的認證實驗室及專業製造廠,而台灣在化工產業已發達的在全球的供應鏈裡佔著極重要的角色,但缺乏相關防爆電氣產業的政策及制度的建立,致使防爆電氣產業只是為國外大品牌作嫁妝的通路角色。本研究藉由個案公司經營防爆電氣產品通路之例,探討研究產業發展的環境,及個案公司成立背景、歷程、組織發展與經營模式。並對個案公司的轉型動機,轉型策略轉型所面臨的問題、困難與因應對策及轉型後的績效評估進行探討與分析。 個案A公司自成立以來經歷三個發展階段,第一階段為初創期,致力於代理性產品及行銷通路的發展,第二階段為轉型發展期,以擴大市場及通路至中國大陸為主,同時以生產製造為核心並垂直整合上下游為目標,並開發自有產品及朝自創品牌的方向發展。第三階段則為衰退再轉型期,除積極發展大陸本土的通路外,並加強客戶關係及市場需求訊息的快速反應,進而做企業本身做技術再升級,以研發及生產技術的提升為核心的競爭優勢,同時更在調整自身的價值單元中,以OEM代工模式建立更寬廣的事業發展模式。 個案公司轉型的動機包括:自我發展的瓶頸、台灣市場需求不足、代理制度不健全、 銷售通路的重疊及台灣因缺乏完整體制致產業發展空間有限等。第一階段的轉型策略包括: 1. 開拓新市場,發展新事業。2.強化品牌的代理權關係。3.開發產品的廣度與特色。4.開辦工廠,垂直整合供應鏈,降低成本。5.發展新事業,以多角化經營創造新價值。第二階段之轉型策略:1.以創新的服務模式擴大營銷的通路。2.以技術研發及供應鏈整合為核心的競爭力。3.技術再升級為創建品牌的基礎。 個案A公司從百萬台幣的資本額創業開始,在一連串的轉型改革後,也展現亮眼的績效,其中包括行銷通路增加,營業額上升營收成長,獲利成長,資產及股東權益的增加,產品廣度增加產品多元化及代工能力的強化,顯見這五年的轉型期有卓越的績效表現,不過由於市場再次劇烈變動,各項發展的指標已開始消退,應該持續注意與繼續觀察的發展的動向。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe chemical industry is developing very fast in whole world. The Chemical factory is very dangerous environment where is vapors and gas surrounded in producing process of the chemistry material. The explosion-proof electrical products is play importance role in petrochemical industry. The explosion-proof electrical product is play importance role in the petrochemical industry. The Europe and USA has been established lots of law and code on electrical explosion-proof standard. They also built up many professional laboratories and the specialty manufacturer. Taiwan is one of important role in the chemical industry supply chain in the global , but lacks the related this domain industrial policy and regulation that cause explosion-proof electricity industry is only makes the trousseau for the overseas big brand for sales channel. This research is A company case study how manages sales channels in the market and what is A company’’s back-group to develop business and creates the business model. Furthermore, the case study what is motivation, obstacle and strategies under transformation. To research how is way to overcome the problem during business transformation. Eventually, to evaluate the outcome what is company performance after transformation. A company was established since 1997 which has been developing policy with three phases. The first stage is consisted of initial development on agent products and marketing development. The second stage is marketing expansion and adding the manufacturing function into business model. Meanwhile, pushing the vertical integration between upstream and downstream and brand created development strategies. The third stage is developing local sales channel and market in China. Meanwhile, to strengthens the customer relationship and quickly response for the marketing demand. To upgrade industrial technology and competition in strategy management. To research and develop on production technology to strengthen corporate core competitive advantage. Meanwhile, to adjust business function of single values to be multiple services. To pursues stronger supplier to be supply chain partner and developing business model to be OEM in new customer. The transformation motivation will be included: The bottleneck for self-development, Taiwan’s market is too small to successful. There is confusedly agency policy caused sales channel is overlap in Taiwan as well as the industrial development has been limited. The transformation strategy of first stage includes: 1. Marketing development will be expanded to new domain. 2. To improve relationship between brand maker and own company. 3. To develop products line widely and characteristic. 4. To build up factory to create manufacturing value and vertical integrate the supply chain for reduces the cost. 5.To create new business model to be multi-field management which will be increasing business value. The second stage: 1. new service model Innovation to satisfy new customer’’s demands. 2. To strengthen capability of R&D to improve power of competition. 3. Totally technologies upgrade to promote brand creation. A company starts business to use NT1,000,000 initial capital. They have excellent achievements after transformation. The achievement included as sales channel increasing , sales turnover and profit grow up. In other hand, the property and shareholder’’s equity and the interests also increase. The company is capable to offer more widely products lines and the customer’s demand has been satisfied on buy all in one service. The enterprise became more flexibility and competition after transformation. The last but not least, lots of company has been destroyed after globalize economic recession in the world. A company also be affected quite worst. How to maintain enterprise to continue successful will be keeping surveillance. en_US
DC.subjectVertical integrationen_US
DC.subjectTransformation strategyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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