博碩士論文 964307023 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHsiao-Chien Loen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著經濟全球化的影響,跨國企業為了增強國外子公司與全球企業活動及策略的整合,而有不同的方法將母公司的知識移轉全球子公司。其中國際外派成為跨國企業完成全球企業整合策略的重要一環,因為企業多數的資訊藉由外派人員分享及移轉,使外派人員成為跨國母子司與全球子公司的連結橋樑,其也成為國外投資成功的重要因素之一。 本研究目的主要在驗證知識移轉的僵固因素對於跨國企業的外派人員在知識有效移轉的影響。外派人員在知識分享意願程度上可能因國家文化環境、組織文化環境、關係環境背景的不同以及移轉的知識特性不同而有所影響。本研究以知識移轉的僵固因素為自變項對在台外資企業的外派人員為研究對象,實證知識僵固因素對外派人員知識分享意願之影響性。 本研究以社會研究方法之量化及質性取向二種方法進行,以在台外資企業的外派人員為問卷發放樣本,總計發放110份問卷,回收問卷53份,扣除無效問卷3份,有效回收樣本份數為50份,有效樣本回收率為48%。其中有5位受訪者在填答量性問卷後接受訪談。本研究量化研究採用SPSS 16.0版本做問卷統計分析。質性研究則採內容分析法做深度訪談的分析。經過量化統計軟體的相關係數分析、變異數分析和迴歸分析以及質性內容分析結果發現如下: 1.國家文化環境對外派人員的知識分享意願有負相關,外派人員可能因與在台子公司知識接受者的價值觀的認定以及對做事模式的不同而受到阻礙,進而影響知識分享意願。 2.組織文化環境對外派人員的知識分享意願有正相關,外派人員可能因在台子公司的系統設備缺乏(如在職訓練、過時的訓練教材網頁)以及企業文化的不同(如強制休假制度、在台子公司計劃常常在改變)而成為知識移轉過程的阻礙,進而影響知識分享意願。 3.關係環境對外派人員的知識分享意願有正相關,但外派人員受到知識接受者的影響高過在台子公司企業和母公司之間的關係。外派人員因與知識接受者沒有信任程度,成為知識移轉過程的阻礙,進而影響知識分享意願。 4.知識的內隱性、複雜性及專屬性越高,對外派人員的知識分享意願有負相關。外派人員因缺乏經驗性的技術或是知識僵固在某些部門無法流動,而成為知識移轉過程中的障礙,進而影響知識分享意願。 5.在人口統計變數分析,外派人員的知識分享意願,女性比男性高、年齡超過35歲比35歲以下者高、碩士以上比大學者高、工作經驗超過10年者比10年以下者高、外派年資超過3年者比3年以下者高、歐洲籍和美洲籍的受訪者都表示他們有高度的知識分享意願,因為這是他們來台的任務。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractTo increase the global integration of business activities and strategies in headquarters and foreign subsidies, there are various ways to transfer knowledge across borders. The use of international assignments has become an integral part of Multinational Corporations’ (MNCs) business strategies because of a great amount of information movement through expatriates, who act as a link between headquarters and foreign subsidies. The present study is to examine the impact of knowledge stickiness factors on knowledge transfer initiated by expatriates in MNCs in Taiwan. The degree of expatriates’ willingness to transfer knowledge may be influenced by cultural context, organizational content, relational context and type of knowledge. Both quantitative and qualitative method are employed in the present work. 110 questionnaires were sent out to expatriates in MNCs in Taiwan and 53 completed questionnaires were returned, among which 3 invlaid questionnaires were excluded, and 50 questionnaires were used, representing a response rate of 48 percent. After statistical analyses by T examination, correlation coefficient analysis and social stratum through SPSS 16.0 software and the content analysis of qualitative method, the following key findings are concluded: 1.The relation between the measure of “social context” and knowledge transfer willingness from expatriates is negative. This is because that the cultural value and the working patterns of expatriates are different from those of the knowledge recipients in Taiwan, which serves as a barrier for knowledge transfer processes, which, in turn, impacts expatriates’ knowledge transfer willingness further. 2.The relation between the measure of “organization context” and knowledge transfer willingness from expatriates is a positive one. This may be due to unsupported infrastructures (e.g., on-job-training and out-of-date training materials from webpage), and the difference in business culture (e.g., forced leave policy and scheduling difference). These are barriers during knowledge transfer processes and therefore impact expatriates’ knowledge transfer willingess further. 3.The relation between the measure of “relational context” and the knowledge transfer willingness from expatriates is a positive one. The expatriates are highly impacted by knowledge recipients in comparison with the relationship between Taiwan subsidiary and headquarter. The fact that there is little trust between knowledge providers and recipients is a barrier during knowledge transfer processes, which impacts expatriates’ knowledge transfer willingess further. 4.The influence of high tacit, complex and specified knowledge on expatriates’ knowedge transfer willingness is negative. This is because that expatriates are lack of experiences in delviering untechnical training, or the knowledge is sticked within some departments. These are barriers during knowledge transfer processes that impact expatriates’ knowledge transfer willingess further. 5.Based to population variable, the female has higher knowledge transfer willingness than the male, those age over 35 is higher than those of age under 35, those with master degree and above is higher than those with bachelor degree, those with working experience over 10 years is higher than those with 10 years below, those with expatriation period over 3 years is higher than those with 3 years below and interviewers from Europe and America have high willingess to transfer their knowledge as this is their main task to expatrate to Taiwan. en_US
DC.subjectKnowledge stickinessen_US
DC.subjectKnowledge transferen_US
DC.titleThe impact of stickiness factors in knowledge transfer on the degree of knowledge transfer willingness - An Emprical Study on Multinational Corporations in Taiwanen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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