博碩士論文 965204009 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorShiuan-Hung Wuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討大量閱讀與自由寫結合的Elbow-He學習模式,又稱量讀寫學習模式,對於國小四年級學童寫作想法產出之影響。首先,建構一個讓學習者進行量讀與自由寫活動的「量讀寫學習系統」;其次,探究Elbow-He學習模式對學生寫作想法的產出、寫作能力與寫作態度之影響,以及瞭解學生對Elbow-He學習模式之評價;最後,藉由觀察與訪談進一步探究學童在學習活動中的表現。 本研究以桃園縣某國小四年級的一個班級為研究對象(共32人),採實驗設計中的單組前後測設計,每週兩次,共進行12次量讀與自由寫活動。班級學童每人使用小型筆記型電腦進行個人語文學習,並且透過文章分享互相觀摩同儕間的自由寫作品。 經過為期十週的語文學習活動後,將量化與質性的研究資料整理分析,歸納出本研究的結論如下: (1)在寫作想法產出方面,學生想法產出有逐漸增多的趨勢,顯示Elbow-He學習模式能有效刺激學生寫作想法之產出。 (2)在寫作能力方面,並未有太明顯的進步。 (3)在寫作態度方面,經過Elbow-He學習模式之後,整體學生抱持更為積極與正向的寫作態度。 (4)在閱讀理解能力方面,經過Elbow-He學習模式之後,學生的閱讀理解能力有顯著提升。 (5)在課程滿意度方面,學童在課程回饋問卷的填答結果顯示Elbow-He學習系統讓學生操作起來簡便容易,也能很愉悅的透過電腦進行閱讀、寫作與文章分享等學習活動。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe main purpose of this study was to explore the effects on idea-generation through a combination of extensive reading and freewriting which also meant “Elbow-He learning model”, also meant “amount of reading-writing learning model”. This was done firstly through the design and implementation of an “Elbow-He learning system” that could be used by learners to study through the activities of extensive reading and freewriting. Furthermore, this study was conducted in a classroom of fifth-grade students to additionally investigate the practicality of the system, the influence of the language system on fifth-graders’ writing ideas, writing skill, writing attitude, and reading comprehension, and the effectiveness of the curriculum. Changes in the performance of students learning the language arts by this system were analyzed through classroom observations and one-on-one interviews. A one-group pretest-posttest design was implemented in this study. Participants were 32 students at an elementary school in Taoyuan County, Taiwan. This study was conducted over twelve different learning sessions, two per week. The experimental design consisted of students participating in extensive reading and freewriting activities on the computer. Each student had their own Aspire One notebook computer, also known as a netbook, to study previously written passages and to share their articles, which were primarily written through the freewriting process. The main results of two-weeks of pre-training and ten-weeks of language activities, derived from both quantitative and qualitative research data, indicated that: (1)In the aspect of the writing idea generation, the students’ writing ideas progressively increased over time. The Elbow-He learning model can effectively stimulate the generation of more writing ideas among the students. (2)In the aspect of the writing skills, the students’ writing skills were not observed to make significant progress. (3)In the aspect of the writing attitude, after the experiment, students overall held more positive attitudes towards writing through language learning model. (4)In the aspect of the reading comprehension, the students’ reading comprehension improved significantly. (5)The questionnaire results indicate that in the aspect of feedback on the curriculum, the students felt that it was very easy to use the “Elbow-He learning system”. They enjoyed using the computer to study many language activities, including extensive reading, freewriting and the sharing of articles. en_US
DC.subjectwriting ideaen_US
DC.subjectextensive readingen_US
DC.titleDesign and Exploration of a Digital Learning Activity for Writing: Idea Generation through Extensive Reading and Freewriting in Elementary Schoolen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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