博碩士論文 965204012 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChih-Ting Changen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究提出以「電腦輔助歸納式發現法」做為國小學童學習數學概念的基本模式,探討學童在非被動接收知識的模式下,藉由電腦輔助進行主動觀察歸納的學習成效與行為,以及班級老師對於此種學習模式的評價與接受度。 所謂「歸納式發現法」的學習模式,是學生透過一系列小心設計的例子,經過類化或比較而發現概念重點,再透過文字鷹架,將所發現之概念重點以文字表達出來的一套發現式學習法。其中例子的設計以「變易理論」為設計原則的主要依據,凸顯目標概念的重要屬性,幫助學生清楚辨識要發現的重點所在。電腦在本研究中扮演的主要角色是透過即時回饋,與學生共同完成符合目標概念的例子以及對於該概念的文字描述。 本研究共有兩個階段。第一階段為系統預試,有五十八名小四學生參與,目的為改善教材設計與系統介面和功能,研究方法為觀察法與系統記錄分析。第二階段則針對預試中得到的資料做修正與改進之後,進一步探討學生同樣在電腦輔助的情況下,使用「歸納式觀察法」學習,與使用坊間教科書常見的「直接教學法」學習的成效差異,以深入了解歸納式發現法對於學習的幫助。此階段參與的學生有五十四名,研究方法為實驗法。 第二階段的研究結果顯示,根據學生前測、立即後測與延遲後測的表現,使用「歸納式觀察法」學習的學生學習效果較佳,對於記憶的保留亦較為長久,且對於基礎程度較差的學生有較大的幫助。以使用時機而言,歸納式發現法更適用於學習較難概念的時候。而問卷與訪談則顯示,無論採用何種模式,學生對於使用電腦學習的上課方式皆相當喜愛及投入,老師亦對於這樣的教學模式給予肯定回應。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study proposes “computer supported inductive discovery learning” for elementary students learning mathematical concepts. It investigates how elementary students learn mathematics by inductive discovery, instead of learning by being told, in the one-to-one classroom environment. It also explores the class teacher’s perspectives on using such learning model in the teaching practice. Inductive discovery learning indicates students discover critical concept attributes by generalizing from or comparing among a series of carefully designed examples, and then express their discovery with written language. The example design is based on Variation Theory; that is, the examples emphasize the target concept by separating it from other irrelative things so that students can discern the concept easier. The main function of computers in this study is providing immediate feedbacks to help students complete unfinished examples and concept summary. There are two phases in this study. The first phase is system preliminary test, aiming on improving the model design as well as system interface and functions. Fifty-eight fourth-graders participated in this phase, and the research methods are observation and system data analysis. The second phase examines how inductive discovery learning can help students learn. That is, under the same computer-supported learning condition, this phase examines how differently students in inductive discovery learning perform from those in common textbook-like learning—directed instruction. Fifty-four third-graders participated in this phase, and the research method is experiment. The results of the second phase illustrate that students in inductive discover learning not only have better learning performance, but also retain more knowledge after a period of time. Besides, inductive discovery learning helps students with lower initial knowledge level more than those with higher one. As for the cost-effect consideration, it is found that inductive discovery learning is more suitable for difficult concepts. Student questionnaire and interview results show that students like and engage in both kinds computer-supported learning in the second phase, and the involved teachers also give very supportive feedbacks about the idea of providing individual students digital scaffoldings in their classrooms. en_US
DC.subjectconcept learningen_US
DC.subjectcomputer-supported learningen_US
DC.subjectinductive discovery learningen_US
DC.subjectdiscovery-based learningen_US
DC.subjectelementary mathematicsen_US
DC.titleLearning Elementary Mathematical Concepts by Computer-Supported Inductive Discoveryen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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