博碩士論文 967305016 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHsin-Hui Wuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract客委會希望透過客家桐花祭的旅遊活動,實現「深耕文化、振興產業、帶動觀光、活化客庄」的行銷目的,深化各地的藝文活動內容,提升對桐花與客家文化的認識,達到發展與創造客家文化產業卓越的經濟產值政策目標。從2002年開始至今年已舉辦8年,屬中長期性計畫,活動成果明顯呈現。而客家桐花祭最重要資源之桐花林及人力、文化、產業等資源,均須仰賴各縣市客家庄提供,客委會以經費補助方式,希望藉由中央籌劃、企業加盟、地方執行、社區營造之政策網絡合作模式,由客委會、地方政府、活動社團及相關產業業者,透過彼此資源與良好網絡關係來完成客家桐花祭之政策目標。本研究以政策網絡相關理論為基礎,探討客家桐花祭活動資源最大提供者之苗栗縣地區,客家桐花祭活動參與現況,確認網絡關係人及重要性資源依賴情形,成員間互動、信任與夥伴關係建立與執行情形。研究發現,在政策目標之行銷目的達成方面:(1)客家桐花祭活動的成績受到肯定;(2)油桐花影響當地產業經濟發展;(3)當地特殊環境及人文資源的客庄,對客家桐花祭旅遊人數及回流率有顯著影響。至於在政策網絡成員夥伴互動模式:(1)明確的政策網絡參與角色定位,有助於提升彼此信任及長期政策推動的順利與完整性;(2)保持經常性的溝通與接觸,才能建立良好與穩定的合作模式;(3)資源提供公平合理性與創新需求。而在研究建議方面:(1)部分觀光人潮過多地區,可參酌大型活動辦理經驗規劃較遠距停車場,並作區域性資源整合提升遊客旅遊多元性及停留時間;(2)加強當地人文與地理環境資源的特色推廣與基礎設施建設,有助於延長客家桐花祭效益,達成發展客家文化產業經濟的長期綜效;(3)透過客家桐花祭活動認識客庄與深化客家文化認同。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe Council for Hakka Affairs attempts to materialize the marketing goals of cultivating Hakka culture, enhancing industry development, promoting tourism industries, and vitalizing Hakka townships in terms of implementation projects of Hakka Tung Blossom Festivals. Hakka cultural industries are accordingly elevated together with a public attention of Hakka culture via sightseeing programs of Tung Blossom in a wide varieties of aspects. The Hakka Tung Blossom Festivals have achieved a remarkable outcome since it embarked in 2002. As a mid-term program, all necessary resources of the Festival, e.g. human resources, cultural resources, and supporting industries, were mainly sponsored by Hakka townships in different counties, with limited budget support from the Council for Hakka Affairs. A sound policy network formed by authorities of central government, business alliances, local governments, community empowering agencies, and relevant societies achieved the policy goal of the festival through resources integration and formation of superior social network. As far as the Hakka Tung Blossom Festival is concerned, this study aims at investigating the social network relation, resource integration, interaction of different social parties, formation of partnerships, involvement of different social entities, and results achieved of the Hakka Tung Blossom Festivals held in Miaoli County based on policy network related theories. Studied results revealed that a. the outcomes of the Hakka Tung Blossom Festival are quite satisfactory, b. the Hakka Tung Blossom Festival affects regional economic development in a great deal, and c. the Hakka Tung Blossom Festival brings a significant large amount of tourists to Hakka townships with unique local environment and humanity resources in the aspect of policy implementation and marketing effect under concern. As for interaction model of policy network, this study found that a. clear role-playing of policy network involvement helps enhance mutual trust in implementing long-term policies, b. constant communication and interaction help form stable and good collaboration model, and c. resources sharing is necessary to be equal and reasonable and innovation elements play a key role in relevant activities concerned. Besides mentioned findings, this study suggests that a. a number of crowded sites of the Hakka Tung Blossom Festival are suggested to offer larger space of parking lots in distant areas, so as to integrate regional resources, to diversify tourist attractions, and to keep tourists stay at designate traveling sites, b. infrastructure enhancement together with promotion of local humanity characteristics and geographic resources help extend economic effect of the Hakka Tung Blossom Festival and bring about prosperous development of Hakka cultural industries, and c. the Hakka Tung Blossom Festival helps the public know about Hakka townships and acknowledge Hakka culture. en_US
DC.subjectPolicy Networken_US
DC.subjectSocial Network.en_US
DC.subjectCultural Industriesen_US
DC.subjectHakka Cultureen_US
DC.titleThe research of The Hakka Tung Blossom Festival policy network relation: The Case Study of Miaoli Countyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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