博碩士論文 971201004 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorPo-wei Chiouen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract東漢許慎著《說文解字》一書,是中國第一部系統地分析漢字的形體結構並解說其意義的字書;闡述漢字形體之源又全面說解每個文字形、音、義的由來。《說文解字》不僅能溯文字之源,其豐富的語音與社會文化材料亦可為語言學之輔助;其字形之畫一與字書之分部,更對我國文字起了規範與統一的作用,實為中國語言文字學史上的巨著。為提昇國人的語文能力與文化素養,《說文解字》一書值得深入研究並加以推廣。然鑑於現代電腦、信息網路的普及,資訊電腦化早已取代以往文字使用、交流的習慣,使得國人運用漢字的敏銳度日益低落,實為文化傳承的一大隱憂。漢字承載了大部分的中國文化,是中華文化的瑰寶奇珍,而傳統的文字學卻常予人枯燥乏味、艱澀難懂之印象,以致連中文系學生亦視為畏途。筆者對此提出檢討與改進,構思三方面以改善此問題:其一,運用電腦繪圖技術表現中國文字表意性的趣味,讓人喜聞樂見;其二,檢討與改善字書之檢索方式,提升字書檢閱的速度;其三,重新編輯說文一書的內文排版,以求豐富規整與合理化使之易於國人接受,進而達到文化傳承之最終目的。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractShuo Wen Jie Zi is an original the Eastern Han dictionary compiled by Hsu Shen. This dictionary analyses each Chinese character’s course of the form, the phonetic, and the meaning systematically. It not only retraces the source of the Chinese script but also contains much useful information about pronunciation and culturology to assist the research of philology. That it purposes unifying Chinese characters form and classifying them by recognized components is increasing the model and standard work of characteristics. For this reason Shuo Wen Jie Zi is a monumental literary work in the history of Chinese philology. In order to improve compatriots’ language ability and artistic appreciation, Shuo Wen Jie Zi is worthy to do further study and export its cultural connotations. However, in consideration of the universal modern computers and network, that information digitizing replaces compatriots’custom of written language. It causes the problem that the ability of Chinese characterictics is becoming worse and worse, which will be the secret worry about the cultural heritage. Chinese characters are the basic carriers of the traditional culture and as our national major cultural treasures. But then that the study of Chinese traditional characters ususally create an impression of dreariess and abstruseness leads to the lower learning attitude even the Chinese literature undergraduates. Therefore, the author put forward three plans for improving this problem. First, displaying the aroma of the ideographic writing system by illustrations made by Computer Graphics enhances people’s interest. Second, reviewing the defects of our current character index ways searches the best method of character index. Third, bring up schemes for reediting Shuo Wen Jie Zi adds to its advantage of abundant and methodical typesetting. In general, the cultural heritage is the ultimate ideal. en_US
DC.subjectShuo Wen Jie Zi(Etymology of Ancient Chinese Chaen_US
DC.subjectdigital edition.en_US
DC.subjectCharacter indexen_US
DC.title《說文解字》數位編輯規畫研究 ──以繪圖、檢索與排版為探討對象zh_TW
DC.titleA Research on the Scheme of the Digital Edition for Shuo Wen Jie Zi (Etymology of Ancient Chinese Characters): A Case Study of Illustration, Character Index and Typesetting. en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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