博碩士論文 971203007 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChia-Ning Liangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract跨足學界與業界,法國現代作家兼文科教授安妮˙艾諾(Annie Ernaux)以平穩而寫實的手法描述女性的故事。從年輕女孩到女人、從家庭到學校,艾諾的作品取材自周遭環境以及自身經驗,看似平凡卻能夠撼動讀者的心而得到廣大回響。但是,這些個人經驗的描繪與重建,卻受到了當代社會的撻伐。在讚揚與批評一來一往的背後,我們試圖理解艾諾的作品如何道出女人的心聲。在男性掌控的社會裡,性別平等的鬥爭不僅止於律法上的行使權,道德觀點的拉鋸也是另一個戰場。即便艾諾沒有特別強調女性主義這個議題,她所關注的焦點卻全都是圍繞著女性,她認為應該要「將事件化為文字,讓書寫成為事件」。因此,我們很難不將女性意識與艾諾的作品連結起來。 艾諾雖然經歷過階級流動,卻深陷其中而不自知。借用皮耶˙布爾迪爾(Pierre Bourdieu)的觀點,我們可以理解艾諾在求學過程中掌握了向上流動的關鍵,也就是仰仗語言而在學業上有優異的表現。在艾諾成功跨越了階級的障礙之後,文字的寫作看似艾諾抒發的管道,然而這些作品其實展現了艾諾要在男女平權上的努力。也就是說她仍然是在無意識中以跨越階級的心態來書寫,究竟目標是否從階級流動變成了鼓吹女性生活意識,亦或是作者其實仍離不開階級流動的迴圈,只是憑藉著書寫來彌補流動過後的空缺。 本論文以艾諾的四部作品為分析對象:《忌妒所未知的空白》、《記憶無非徹底看透的一切》、《空櫥》和《羞恥》。 首先,由外而內,論述身體與心理的密切關係。身體展現心裡的感受及想法;心理承受身體外在的影響。藉由分析作品中女性外表及外在的描述來剖析女性物化的課題。除了衣著及外觀之外,身體的生理變動也是我們關注的焦點,尤其是女性的重要幾個生理階段:月經、懷孕、墮胎。雖非必然,這些階段專屬於女性,男性通常無法深刻體驗。然而,這些生理現象卻對女性在心理上有著莫大的影響。 接著,我們討論在自我探尋的過程中,兒時記憶和經驗深具影響力並決定人的一生。如同在艾諾作品中,女主角深受家庭與學校的影響,尤其在她自我建構並找尋身分認同的過程中。因而,必須要先釐清自我與家庭的關係,也就是所扮演的角色和相關的身分地位。關於這一點,我們特別關注女性─女兒、媽媽和老師─的角色,這也是艾諾作品的焦點所在。書中主角皆為女性,且不同身分有助於主角自我及身分認同的探尋。最後,我們探討寫作對艾諾的效用,如何藉由寫作來抒發情感和記錄過往經驗,而這些經驗又如何被讀者挪用成為再書寫的材料。艾諾的書寫提供一個替女性發聲的渠道,並剖析書寫與記憶的關係,讓我們及社會都能夠了解女性不為人知的一面。因此本篇論文著眼於不同的角度來關注女性,希望能夠提供不同的視角來探討女性。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAs a professor of literature and a writer, Annie Ernaux has an impact on the society, especially by her ways of focusing on women. Stories which came from daily life or even her personal experiences impressed the readers. Including girls, women, family and school, Ernaux’s stories rebuilt and described the experiences that most of the women may have been through. However, what she wrote had been criticized by the modern society. This is the reason why we have to find out the way that Ernaux trys to tell the public about the women. In the societ, mostly controlled by male, we should not only demand the issue of gender equality legally, but also ethically. Although Ernaux doesn’t lay emphasis on feminism, her works are all imbued with women. She thinks that we should “transform events into writing, and let writing become an event”. Therefore, the works of Annie Ernaux have a lot to do with feminism. According to the theory of Pierre Bourdieux, adepting at language during Ernaux’s studies is the key point of going upward in the social mobility. After gone through the gap between social classes, writing seems to become her way of expression. Nevertheless, it also point out that Ernaux should be engaged more in the gender equality. Whether she makes atonement for the lack after the social mobility by writing; or, her main idea of writing has changed from social mobility to life of feminisim. Writing means a lot to her, it is her voice. Here we try to analyse four works of Annie Ernaux. They are L’Occupation, L’Evenement, La Honte et Les armoires vides. First, we elaborate on the relation between the body and the mind. As we know, the body and the mind affect each other. We analyse the issue of materilized women by the descriptions of women’s appearance in the works. Except the appearance, we reagard the physical changes as an important issue in this part, including menstruel period, pregnancy and abortion which are exclusive of men. Therefore, women are affected mentally by these physical changes. Then, during the process of self-inquiring, the experiences and memories from childhood have a crucial effect on a person. As the way that family and school exercise influence on the works of Ernaux or even her characters, we have to distinguish the different roles between these two institutions. When being confronted with the role, Ernaux focus on it of a female: daughter, mother and teacher. In her works, the leading roles are always female, but in different identities which is inseparable from self-inquiring and self-identity. In conclusion, what Ernaux wrote has been reused by the readers, because writing is not only her voice but also the voice of women. Furthermore, analysing the relation between writing and memory raises wide concern about the dark situation of women. Thus, we try to pay close attention to females in differents ways and various aspects. en_US
DC.subjectAnnie Ernauxen_US
DC.titleLa femme, l’identite et la memoire dans l’ecriture d’Annie Ernaux – La Honte, L’Evenement, L’Occupation et Les armoires vides.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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