DC 欄位 值 語言 DC.contributor 歷史研究所 zh_TW DC.creator 江定育 zh_TW DC.creator Ding-Yu Jyang en_US dc.date.accessioned 2012-7-18T07:39:07Z dc.date.available 2012-7-18T07:39:07Z dc.date.issued 2012 dc.identifier.uri http://ir.lib.ncu.edu.tw:88/thesis/view_etd.asp?URN=971205007 dc.contributor.department 歷史研究所 zh_TW DC.description 國立中央大學 zh_TW DC.description National Central University en_US dc.description.abstract 民國時期的盜匪問題頗為嚴重,時人稱「全國無一省沒有盜匪存在」,可見匪亂是中國「內憂」之一。當時國內盜匪又可簡分成東北的馬賊、河北的土匪、廣東的盜匪等,總之依山為賊、靠海為盜,性質均大同小異。海盜的出現,其實在明、清兩代便已存在。只是朝代更替之後,海盜問題在國際條約及外國船隊的進入,呈現性質的轉變。 民國海盜的特色,與前代大規模的海盜集團不同。民國海盜以小規模為主,有時以村為單位。掠奪手法除常見的海盜船追擊,另特別針對大型船隻(固定航線),海盜偽裝乘客登船突襲也是非常有效的手法。又,傳統冷兵器過渡到熱兵器的使用,手槍、步槍成為炙手可熱的走私品。而且有些海盜頭目頂著高學歷,肩負起家族事業,繼續在海上搏命,同時也有女性海盜在洋面上活躍,呈現巾幗不讓鬚眉的局勢。 海盜的組成份子,一般認為沿海漁民的嫌疑最大。據資料顯示,沿海漁民固然是「海盜」成員之一,但又可細分成職業性與半職業性。顯示中國漁民因生計困難,進而鋌而走險的事實。不過,職業性盜團的組成份子,可說是三教九流,特別是散兵、敗軍。部份案件的罪魁禍首指向國內軍閥混戰之後,兵匪合一及復原轉業的跡象。另,盜團因應政府剿匪,除以化整為零的方式躲避,更可能傾巢而出,至他地另圖發展。 本論文利用日本國立公文書館亞細亞歷史資料中心典藏《支那海賊関係雑件》作為主要史料,並搭配中文、日文報紙、政府法規、時人專著等,探討海盜的形成、組織、劫掠方式。更重要的是,以往的海盜案件僅為國內法定義,隨著外國勢力進入後,海盜案件成為國際糾紛,甚至於引起激烈的衝突。又,中國內部如何管制沿海治安及遭劫後的船隻該如何獲得補償等,皆是筆者欲一探究竟的動機與問題。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract Bandits’ problem was a serious issue. Domestic bandits could be simply divided into the northeast of China(東北) of Horse Thief, the bandits of Hebei(河北) and the Guangdong(廣東) banditry, in short, the mountain for the thief, the sea for the Pirates. The pirates, in fact, already existed in the Ming and Qing dynasties. In the change of dynasty, the problem of piracy showed the character different than before. The organization of chinese pirates were small scale. The ways of predatory were various. And the transition of the traditional cold weapons to hot weapons used, pistols and rifles were the hot goods. Some pirate leaders were educated, at the same time, it also showed some women pirates active in the ocean. The component of the pirates was believed that the coastal fishermen. According to statistics, coastal fishermen could not live by simple salary. It made them to take adventure becoming pirates. However, the groups of pirate were very complex. Especially, the army was the most important sources for the soldier to bandits. And the government could not handle the confusions. This article used The Shine Pirates Relationship Books(支那海賊關係雜件)to discuss pirates problems. Other data liked newspapers, government laws, monographs, etc. More importantly, the piracy cases before were limited by domestic law until foreign countries entered China, the piracy cases became an international dispute. On the other side, how the Chinese government controlled coastal order and rescued shipwreck were the motivation and problems for this article. en_US DC.subject 海盜 zh_TW DC.subject 沿海社會 zh_TW DC.subject 五國公使會議 zh_TW DC.subject 難船救助 zh_TW DC.subject 海上保險 zh_TW DC.subject 海盜防制 zh_TW DC.subject Pirates en_US DC.subject Coastal communities en_US DC.subject Salvage at sea en_US DC.subject Marine insurance en_US DC.subject Pirate prevention en_US DC.subject The five countries ministers conference en_US DC.title 民國東南沿海海盜之研究(1912-1937) zh_TW dc.language.iso zh-TW zh-TW DC.title A Study of Chinese Piracy Problems in Southeast Seas(1912-1937) en_US DC.type 博碩士論文 zh_TW DC.type thesis en_US DC.publisher National Central University en_US