博碩士論文 971205010 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorWei-fan Luen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究以二次大戰後高雄市的商業區為主軸,探討高雄市自光復以後,中央政府對針對本市所作的一連串建設,帶動整個都市工商業發展。尤其是配合工業區設立所推行一系列都市計畫,不但促使周圍鄉鎮縣市人口快速移入,同時也促成商業區的形成與擴張。本研究以國民政府對高雄的施政與改造為基礎,再深入探討經過施政後高雄市內部商業區的發展與空間變遷,最後分析本市的商業區是以何種形態存在於本市內部。   高雄雖然在十七世紀就被國際勢力所注意,但在清帝國統治下發展遲緩,雖然擁有廣大的腹地與優良的港灣,但國家力量始終沒有深入去發展,即使在日治以前已經開港通商,但是整體來看仍然是個傳統的農村社會。直到1895年日本統治台灣後,高雄本身的優點開始真正被殖民政府所重視,進行一連串的土地調查、築港建設、市區改正等計畫,被選定為南進基地後,更是投入大量的人力、物力從事港務,鐵公路等交通建設與都市內部的公共建設,這一系列的建設推動下來,將高雄徹底的改造,成為名符其實的近代化都市。   二次大戰結束後,中央政府延續日本人對高雄的規劃,繼續發展高雄,擴建整個港口範圍、開闢第二港口、設立加工出口區、臨海工業區等推動一連串的經濟建設,把高雄打造成南部的工業重鎮,同時也造成人口快速湧入,為了解決因工業發展產生的人口問題,政府推動了一系列的都市計畫,擴大高雄的都會區範圍,原本杳無人煙的地區快速的開發、都市化,同時也提升了高雄的商業發展,進入工商社會後,再提升成以服務業為主的城市。這些發展對高雄市內部的商業區產生深遠的影響,都市計畫的施行促成了都市周邊的開發與人口聚集,進而形成新的商業區塊,配合市政建設與交通規劃更進一步的形成商業核心,而原本早期發展的商業區更因此被新興的商業核心所取代而沒落,隨著新的都市計畫推動下又有新的商圈形成,換句話說,高雄市的商圈是依附在都市計畫下而生。   商業區的形成與擴大在都市的發展中,其影響力不容小覷,加上高雄是個南北狹長的城市,縱貫鐵路又從中間貫穿,如何整合都市內部的商業區塊,使之能夠均衡的發展,更是日後研究的重要課題。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study focuses on the business districts in Kaohsiung City after World War II and explores how a succession of construction projects in the city, directed by the National government, brought about the post-war development of industry and commerce. This urban construction, which involved a series of urban plans, was carried out along with the establishment of the industrial areas around Kaohsiung. These urban plans not only boosted the rural-to-urban migration, but also prompted the formation and expansion of the business districts in Kaohsiung. This study is based on investigating the National government’s policy implementation and reconstruction of Kaohsiung, and then it explores the development of business districts and space transformation in the city after the National government’s policy was implemented. Finally, the study analyzes in what form the business districts exist in Kaohsiung.   Although Kaohsiung City was noticed by international powers in 17th century, it developed slowly under the rule of the Qing Empire. Kaohsiung possesses a vast hinterland and a natural great harbor, but the Qing government never tried to use its state power to develop these assets; as a result, although Kaohsiung was opened to foreign trade as a treaty port during the Qing period, it remained a traditional agricultural society until the Japanese colonial period. The geographical superiority of Kaohsiung started to be regarded by the government from 1895 when Taiwan became a colony of Japan. The Japanese colonial government conducted a series of plans for land investigations, harbor constructions, and urban district corrections. After the Kaohsiung port was selected as a military base for Japan’s southward invasion, the Japanese government invested considerable labor and material resources into the transport infrastructure (particularly, marine ports, railways, and highways) and on the urban infrastructure in Kaohsiung. With this new infrastructure, Kaohsiung was completely reconstructed, reformed, and transformed into a modern city.   After World War II, the National government proceeded with the Japanese government’s construction projects for Kaohsiung and continued the city’s development. A series of economic projects, including expanding the harbor area, building a second port, and setting up the export processing zone and the coastal industrial park, established Kaohsiung in a key position in southern Taiwan. At the same time, a large number of people moved into Kaohsiung City. In order to solve the population problem caused by the industrial development, the National government carried out a series of urban plans, such as expanding the metropolitan area of Kaohsiung. This resulted in uninhabited regions being rapidly developed and urbanized, but it also improved the growth and development of commerce in Kaohsiung.   Since being developed into an industrial and commercial society, Kaohsiung has promoted itself as a city mainly of service industries. These developments have significantly influenced the business districts in the city. The execution of urban planning has contributed to the exploitation of suburban areas and to an increased population, and eventually the formation of the new business districts. With all of the municipal construction and transportation planning, these new business districts have become the business centers. The previous business districts have degenerated and have been replaced by newer ones. These new areas have been formed by a succession of urban plans by the government. In other words, the business districts in Kaohsiung City were formed by urban planning.   The formation and expansion of business districts have a significant influence on urban development and should not be underestimated. Kaohsiung is a long and narrow city from north to south, and the north-south railway of Taiwan passes through central Kaohsiung. With this geographic and transportation situation, integrating the different business districts and developing them while keeping them in balance will be the important issues for future research. en_US
DC.subjecturban planningen_US
DC.subjectbusiness district.en_US
DC.titleA Study of the Development of Business Districts and Space Transformation in Kaohsiung City (1945–1999)en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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