dc.description.abstract | It’s self It’s self It’s self It’s self It’s self It’s self It’s self It’s self -evident that human evident that human evident that human evident that human evident that human evident that human evident that human evident that human evident that human evident that human evident that human evident that human evident that human evident that human evident that human evident that human evident that human evident that human geographicalgeographicalgeographicalgeographicalgeographicalgeographical geographicalgeographicalgeographicalgeographical education educationeducationeducation educationeducationeducation has has has has profoundprofound profound profoundprofoundprofound influencesnfluencesnfluencesnfluencesnfluencesnfluencesnfluences nfluences. High school . High school . High school . High school . High school . High school . High school . High school . High school . High school . High school . High school . High school geographical textbooks,geographical textbooks,geographical textbooks,geographical textbooks,geographical textbooks, geographical textbooks,geographical textbooks,geographical textbooks,geographical textbooks, geographical textbooks,geographical textbooks,geographical textbooks,geographical textbooks, geographical textbooks,geographical textbooks,geographical textbooks,geographical textbooks,geographical textbooks,geographical textbooks,geographical textbooks, throughthroughthroughthroughthroughthroughthrough geographic geographic geographic geographic geographic geographic geographic geographic geographic locationlocationlocationlocation locationlocationlocation, geographical landscapegeographical landscape geographical landscapegeographical landscape geographical landscapegeographical landscapegeographical landscapegeographical landscapegeographical landscapegeographical landscapegeographical landscapegeographical landscapegeographical landscapegeographical landscapegeographical landscapegeographical landscapegeographical landscape geographical landscapegeographical landscape and geographicaland geographicaland geographicaland geographicaland geographicaland geographicaland geographicaland geographicaland geographical and geographicaland geographicaland geographicaland geographical land descriptions, land descriptions, land descriptions, land descriptions, land descriptions, land descriptions, land descriptions, land descriptions, land descriptions, land descriptions, land descriptions, land descriptions, land descriptions, land descriptions, are are supposed to guidesupposed to guidesupposed to guidesupposed to guidesupposed to guidesupposed to guidesupposed to guidesupposed to guidesupposed to guidesupposed to guidesupposed to guidesupposed to guidesupposed to guidesupposed to guidesupposed to guidesupposed to guidesupposed to guide students to understandstudents to understandstudents to understandstudents to understandstudents to understand students to understandstudents to understandstudents to understandstudents to understandstudents to understandstudents to understandstudents to understandstudents to understandstudents to understandstudents to understand students to understandstudents to understandstudents to understandstudents to understand the conceptthe conceptthe concept the concept the conceptthe concept the conceptthe concept betweenbetweenbetweenbetweenbetween between man and man and man and man and man and man and naturenature naturenature , and to develop their , and to develop their , and to develop their , and to develop their , and to develop their , and to develop their , and to develop their , and to develop their , and to develop their , and to develop their , and to develop their , and to develop their , and to develop their , and to develop their , and to develop their , and to develop their , and to develop their , and to develop their , and to develop their consciousness of consciousness of consciousness of consciousness of consciousness of consciousness of consciousness of consciousness of consciousness of consciousness of consciousness of consciousness of consciousness of consciousness of lo cal cal and internationaland internationaland internationaland internationaland internationaland internationaland internationaland international and internationaland international and internationaland internationaland internationaland international lovelovelovelove. TheTheThe high schoolhigh schoolhigh schoolhigh schoolhigh schoolhigh schoolhigh schoolhigh schoolhigh schoolhigh schoolhigh school geographical textbooks compiled sincegeographical textbooks compiled since geographical textbooks compiled sincegeographical textbooks compiled since geographical textbooks compiled sincegeographical textbooks compiled sincegeographical textbooks compiled sincegeographical textbooks compiled since geographical textbooks compiled sincegeographical textbooks compiled sincegeographical textbooks compiled sincegeographical textbooks compiled since geographical textbooks compiled sincegeographical textbooks compiled sincegeographical textbooks compiled sincegeographical textbooks compiled sincegeographical textbooks compiled sincegeographical textbooks compiled sincegeographical textbooks compiled sincegeographical textbooks compiled since geographical textbooks compiled sincegeographical textbooks compiled sincegeographical textbooks compiled sincegeographical textbooks compiled sincegeographical textbooks compiled sincegeographical textbooks compiled sincegeographical textbooks compiled sincegeographical textbooks compiled sincegeographical textbooks compiled sincegeographical textbooks compiled sincegeographical textbooks compiled since 1952195219521952, however, , however, , however, , however, , however, , however, , however, , however, , however, are often are oftenare often are often criticized as criticized ascriticized ascriticized ascriticized ascriticized ascriticized as criticized ascriticized ascriticized as "historical geography". historical geography". historical geography". historical geography". historical geography". historical geography". historical geography". historical geography". historical geography". historical geography". historical geography". historical geography". historical geography". historical geography". historical geography". historical geography". historical geography". historical geography". 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ThisThisThisThis paper draws two conclusionspaper draws two conclusionspaper draws two conclusionspaper draws two conclusions paper draws two conclusionspaper draws two conclusions paper draws two conclusionspaper draws two conclusionspaper draws two conclusionspaper draws two conclusionspaper draws two conclusionspaper draws two conclusionspaper draws two conclusions paper draws two conclusionspaper draws two conclusionspaper draws two conclusionspaper draws two conclusionspaper draws two conclusionspaper draws two conclusionspaper draws two conclusionspaper draws two conclusionspaper draws two conclusions. One is that the . One is that the . One is that the . One is that the . One is that the . One is that the . One is that the . One is that the . One is that the . One is that the . One is that the . One is that the . One is that the . One is that the compilations of compilations of compilations of compilations of compilations of compilations of compilations of compilations of compilations of compilations of compilations of compilations of compilations of compilations of compilations of compilations of previousprevious previouspreviouspreviouspreviousprevious nationalnationalnationalnationalnationalnationalnationalnational-editioneditioneditioneditioneditioneditionedition high schoolhigh schoolhigh schoolhigh schoolhigh schoolhigh schoolhigh schoolhigh schoolhigh schoolhigh schoolhigh school human human human human human geographical textbooksgeographical textbooksgeographical textbooksgeographical textbooksgeographical textbooks geographical textbooksgeographical textbooksgeographical textbooksgeographical textbooks geographical textbooksgeographical textbooksgeographical textbooksgeographical textbooksgeographical textbooksgeographical textbooksgeographical textbooksgeographical textbooksgeographical textbooksgeographical textbooksgeographical textbooks go increasingly professionalincreasingly professionalincreasingly professionalincreasingly professional increasingly professionalincreasingly professionalincreasingly professionalincreasingly professionalincreasingly professionalincreasingly professionalincreasingly professionalincreasingly professionalincreasingly professionalincreasingly professionalincreasingly professional increasingly professionalincreasingly professionalincreasingly professionalincreasingly professionalincreasingly professionalincreasingly professional in their in their in their in their in their in their in their in their contents, with the dynamic of contents, with the dynamic ofcontents, with the dynamic ofcontents, with the dynamic of contents, with the dynamic ofcontents, with the dynamic ofcontents, with the dynamic of contents, with the dynamic ofcontents, with the dynamic ofcontents, with the dynamic ofcontents, with the dynamic ofcontents, with the dynamic ofcontents, with the dynamic ofcontents, with the dynamic ofcontents, with the dynamic ofcontents, with the dynamic ofcontents, with the dynamic ofcontents, with the dynamic ofcontents, with the dynamic ofcontents, with the dynamic of contents, with the dynamic ofcontents, with the dynamic of contents, with the dynamic ofcontents, with the dynamic of the the the world world world world world situationsituationsituationsituationsituation situationsituationsituation, eased cross eased crosseased cross eased crosseased cross eased crosseased crosseased cross-straitstraitstrait straitstrait confrontationconfrontationconfrontationconfrontation confrontationconfrontationconfrontationconfrontationconfrontationconfrontationconfrontationconfrontation, popularized native education , popularized native education , popularized native education , popularized native education , popularized native education , popularized native education , popularized native education , popularized native education , popularized native education , popularized native education , popularized native education , popularized native education , popularized native education , popularized native education , popularized native education , popularized native education , popularized native education , popularized native education , popularized native education , popularized native education , popularized native education , popularized native education , popularized native education , popularized native education , popularized native education and the rise of and the rise ofand the rise ofand the rise ofand the rise ofand the rise of and the rise of and the rise ofand the rise of and the rise ofand the rise of political and socialpolitical and socialpolitical and socialpolitical and socialpolitical and socialpolitical and socialpolitical and social political and socialpolitical and socialpolitical and socialpolitical and socialpolitical and socialpolitical and socialpolitical and socialpolitical and socialpolitical and socialpolitical and socialpolitical and social movementsmovementsmovementsmovementsmovementsmovements movementsmovements. 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They have . They have . They have . They have . They have . They have . They have . They have rather complete rather completerather complete rather complete rather completerather completerather completerather complete rather complete theoretical frameworkstheoretical frameworkstheoretical frameworkstheoretical frameworkstheoretical frameworks theoretical frameworkstheoretical frameworkstheoretical frameworks theoretical frameworkstheoretical frameworkstheoretical frameworks theoretical frameworks theoretical frameworkstheoretical frameworks theoretical frameworks; 2. They attach great importance . They attach great importance. They attach great importance. They attach great importance . They attach great importance. They attach great importance . They attach great importance. They attach great importance. They attach great importance . They attach great importance. They attach great importance. They attach great importance. They attach great importance . They attach great importance. 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landscape contents geographical landscape contentsgeographical landscape contents in thein thein the human geographicalhuman geographicalhuman geographicalhuman geographical human geographical human geographicalhuman geographicalhuman geographicalhuman geographical human geographicalhuman geographicalhuman geographical human geographical textbooks, and the regionaltextbooks, and the regional textbooks, and the regionaltextbooks, and the regionaltextbooks, and the regionaltextbooks, and the regionaltextbooks, and the regionaltextbooks, and the regionaltextbooks, and the regional textbooks, and the regional textbooks, and the regionaltextbooks, and the regionaltextbooks, and the regionaltextbooks, and the regionaltextbooks, and the regional textbooks, and the regional textbooks, and the regionaltextbooks, and the regionaltextbooks, and the regionaltextbooks, and the regionaltextbooks, and the regional principleprincipleprincipleprincipleprinciple principleprincipleprinciple elements, elements, elements, elements, elements, elements, elements, theories theories theories theories theories theories theories theories and calculations and calculations and calculations and calculations and calculations and calculations and calculations and calculations and calculations and calculations and calculations and calculations and calculations and calculations of the industrialof the industrial of the industrialof the industrialof the industrial of the industrialof the industrialof the industrialof the industrialof the industrialof the industrialof the industrial of the industrial system in the economic geographicalsystem in the economic geographicalsystem in the economic geographicalsystem in the economic geographicalsystem in the economic geographicalsystem in the economic geographicalsystem in the economic geographicalsystem in the economic geographicalsystem in the economic geographicalsystem in the economic geographicalsystem in the economic geographicalsystem in the 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They . They . They . They . They have followed the have followed the have followed the have followed the have followed the have followed the have followed the have followed the have followed the have followed the have followed the have followed the have followed the have followed the have followed the teaching principle teaching principle teaching principle teaching principle teaching principle teaching principle teaching principle teaching principle teaching principle teaching principle teaching principle teaching principle teaching principle of presenting the geographical of presenting the geographical of presenting the geographical of presenting the geographical of presenting the geographical of presenting the geographical of presenting the geographical of presenting the geographical of presenting the geographical of presenting the geographical of presenting the geographical of presenting the geographical of presenting the geographical of presenting the geographical of presenting the geographical of presenting the geographical of presenting the geographical of presenting the geographical of presenting the geographical of presenting the geographical of presenting the geographical of presenting the geographical of presenting the geographical of presenting the geographical of presenting the geographical of presenting the geographical knowledge from near to far and knowledge from near to far and knowledge from near to far and knowledge from near to far and knowledge from near to far and knowledge from near to far and knowledge from near to far and knowledge from near to far and knowledge from near to far and knowledge from near to far and knowledge from near to far and knowledge from near to far and knowledge from near to far and knowledge from near to far and knowledge from near to far and knowledge from near to far and knowledge from near to far and knowledge from near to far and knowledge from near to far and knowledge from near to far and strivingstrivingstrivingstrivingstrivingstrivingstrivingstriving to to to provide provide provide provide provide provide provide more local examples more local examples more local examples more local examples more local examples more local examples more local examples more local examples more local examples more local examples more local examples more local examples more local examples more local examples more local examples by show ing more preference to ing more preference to ing more preference to ing more preference to ing more preference to ing more preference to ing more preference to ing more preference to ing more preference to ing more preference to ing more preference to the the the industries in Taiwanindustries in Taiwanindustries in Taiwanindustries in Taiwanindustries in Taiwanindustries in Taiwanindustries in Taiwan industries in Taiwan industries in Taiwan industries in Taiwanindustries in Taiwanindustries in Taiwanindustries in Taiwan industries in Taiwanindustries in Taiwanindustries in Taiwan as examples | en_US |