博碩士論文 971305014 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorJo-jung Panen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract華國鋒自 17歲參加山西中國共產黨抗日遊擊隊,從事宣傳戰的活動。1949年隨軍隊南下後,任職毛澤東的故鄉湘潭縣委書記,為他帶來了升遷的好運。華國鋒全力執行毛澤東的農業路線,修建毛澤東的故鄉韶山有功,因而在毛澤東的提拔下,成為湖南地區的省級幹部。接著調入中央工作,協助林彪事件的審查工作。1975年年1月中共召開四屆人大時,華任副總理兼公安部長。1976年1月周恩來病死後,於2月7日升任中共中央副主席兼代總理。鄧小平被鬥倒後,華國鋒升任第一副主席,兼總理,地位僅次於毛澤東。1976年9月9日毛澤東過逝後,由於中共內部鬥爭形成對立,華國鋒聯合軍方的葉劍英及老幹部派、汪東興、吳德等人,一舉逮捕江青集團。掌握最大權力後,藉由毛澤東給華國鋒的字條「你辦事,我放心。」宣稱是毛澤東的接班人,在政治上推行「兩個凡是」維持個人崇拜,抵制鄧小平的復出,在經濟上實施「洋躍進」。但在鄧小平復出不斷使出手段,支持「實踐是檢驗一切真理的標準」,華國鋒派人馬因此節節敗退,在十一屆三中全會上作出了檢討,鄧小平仍步步進逼,在十一屆五中全會後將華派勢力完全消除,五屆人大三次會議剝除總理職務,最後利用〈關於建國以來黨的若干歷史問題的決議〉指責華國鋒的錯誤及審判江青集團不觸及天安門事件為交換的籌碼,在1981年6月的中共十一屆六中全會上,華國辭去中共中央主席、中央軍委主席職務,將權力正式轉移到鄧小平時代。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractHua Guofeng had attended the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to participate in the anti-Japanese guerrillas in Shanxi and to engage in propaganda activities since he was 17 years old. With the army moving south in 1949, he acted as a Party secretary of Xiangtan county in Mao Zedong’’s hometown. This job brought him good luck. Hua Guofeng made a full implementation of the agricultural line proposed by Mao Zedong. Because of his contribution to the construction of Shaoshan, Mao Zedong’’s hometown, he was promoted by Mao Zedong and became the Hunan provincial cadres. Later, Hua was transferred in Beijing and assumed work of national importance. He played some part in investigating the Lin Biao Incident. When the fourth National People’’s Congress of the Communist Party of China was taken place in mid-January 1975, he acted as the Chinese deputy prime minister as well as minister of public security. After Zhou Enlai was died in January 1976, he was promoted to vice chairman of central committee and also acting as prime minister on February 7th. After Deng Xiaoping was fight off, Hua was promoted to the first vice chairman and prime minister, a position only below Mao Zedong. After Mao Zedong was died in September 9th, 1976, the formation of antagonistic struggle within the CCP pushed Hua Guofeng and Ye Jianying, the joint military veteran camp, Wang Dongxing, Wu Der, and others together to arrest the Jiang Qing group in an efficient way. After Mao delivered the note "with you in charge, my heart is at ease" to Hua, the maximum power was fully controlled by Hua Guofeng, who was then declared as a Mao Zedong’’s successor. After that, he fulfilled the political implementation of the "two whatevers" to maintain the cult of personality. Meanwhile, he also resisted the return of Deng Xiaoping and implemented the economic "Foreign Leap Forward." However, Deng Xiaoping sought to force Hua’s hand in various ways by means of repeatedly advocating "Practice is the Sole Criterion for Testing Truth" during his return. This strategy made Hua’s group lost ground. As a result, Hua had to be reviewed in the Third Plenum of the Eleventh Central Committee. At the same time, Deng Xiaoping still kept pushing Hua in order that Hua’s power was completely eliminated in the Fifth Plenum of the Eleventh Central Committee of the CCP. Therefore, Hua lost his position of prime minister in the Third Session of the Fifth National People’’s Congress. To the end, on the basis of “Resolution on certain questions in the history of our party since the founding of the People’s Republic of China”, several events were used for the exchange of chips, for example, Hua Guofeng was blamed for his mistakes and Jiang Qing group was accused not to touch the Tiananmen Incident. Finally, in the Sixth Plenum of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party held in June 1981, Hua resigned the chairman of the CCP as well as the chairman of the Central Military Commission. The power was then formally transferred to Deng Xiaoping, and China had then entered into Deng’s era. en_US
DC.subjectDeng Xiaopingen_US
DC.subjectMao Zedongen_US
DC.subjectHua Guofengen_US
DC.titleA Study on Hua Guofengen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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