博碩士論文 971404005 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究主要是藉由《存有與時間》以及《真理與方法》闡發生命教育之存有學向度。分為以下的觀點討論:首先對存有意義問題進行闡釋,進而引導出“問”與“看”的生命教育,以提供「問」生命意義的探索結構並對生命進行環視。其次,詮釋《存有與時間》中此有的日常性理解,進而闡明體察在世存有之生命教育,由標誌指引到關聯性整體來體察生命的處境,以及闡述與他人共在與共同此在。其三,詮解海德格的時間性分析所帶出此有存有學的意義整體性,闡述向死的存有、良知的召喚以及此有的時間性意義,增進生命教育對於此有之有限性、可能性與存在性的理解。其四,生命教育是此有的教化過程,借重《真理與方法》,重新思考人文傳統的意義與價值,以帶出並拓展對於精神生命、他者生命、及自身生命之理解。最後結論收攝在哲學啟迪生命思考與行動,哲學作為生命教育之根本基底,對生命發問即是哲學活動;再者,生命教育最終的目標是每一個人能夠採取行動實踐個人之生命意義,並建立與他人和諧共融的關係,在此目標之下,高達美的哲思:「理解即是應用」則成為指引的方針。對於生命的領悟是需要以實踐的行動來完成的,若學生真正理解自我生命意義與價值,必會以行動回應之。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis thesis aimed at elucidation for ontological aspect of life education grounded upon “Being and Time” and “Truth and Method”. It is broken down into the following perspectives: First, the question of the meaning of being is expounded to bring forth a life education by question-asking and circumspection. This is so as to provide an exploration guide to question and quest for the meaning of being and to circumspect one’s own life. Next, the everyday understanding of Dasein’s being-one’s-self in “Being and Time” is interpreted so as to enlighten a life education with awareness of being in the world. The contextual awareness of one’s life concern is by means of sign, reference, and the involvement totality as orientation. The being-with others and the Dasein-with of others are also elaborated. Then, with the interpretation of Heidegger’s analysis on temporality, Dasein’s ontological meaning in its totality is brought forth. The being-toward-death, the call of conscience, and the temporality of Dasein are elaborated. The life education is enhanced with understanding of the mortality, possibility, and existentiality meaning of Dasein. At last, life education is a process of cultivation (Bildung) of Dasein. By means of “Truth and Method”, we can contemplate again on the meaning and value of humanistic tradition so as to bring forth and extend an understanding for spiritual, other’s, and self’s being. As conclusion, philosophy inspires and refreshes questioning and questing for life. With philosophy as a fundamental ground for life education, questioning for life is a decent act of philosophy. Furthermore, the ultimate aim of life education culminates in each one takes due action to actualize the meaning of one’s own being and builds harmonic communion relationship with others. With such an aim in advance, Gadamer’s philosophical thinking on application: “Understanding proves itself as make-happening.” is the best leading guide. Any comprehension in life needs to be fulfilled by an action of actualization. Once students realize what the meaning and value of their own life being, they will surely respond it with corresponding realization. Keyword: Being and Time, Truth and Method, Ontology, Life Education en_US
DC.subjectBeing and Timeen_US
DC.subjectTruth and Methoden_US
DC.subjectLife Educationen_US
DC.titleCultivation of Dasein: Elucidation for Ontological Aspect of Life Education Grounded upon “Being and Time” and “Truth and Method”en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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