博碩士論文 971407002 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorI-Fang, Liuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract數位工具的普及使線上閱讀能力日益受到重視,也使傳統閱讀能力內涵的 調整,成為近年閱讀評量的發展趨勢。目前國內測量中小學生線上閱讀能力的 測驗工具仍相當缺乏。且基於學者間對於適應數位環境所需的新閱讀能力究竟 該歸屬於 ICT 能力,或重新定義為線上閱讀能力仍有爭議;線上與傳統閱讀間 之比較也多以文本差異的探討為主,工作記憶因素鮮少被比較。因此,本研究 以過去文獻所發現的能力因素與學生困難為基礎,參考國際測驗的定義,發展 一份測量中小學生的中文線上閱讀能力測驗,以作為了解目前國內學生表現的 診斷工具。同時,本研究亦根據過去文獻提出理論模型,運用徑路分析探究傳 統閱讀、四類工作記憶(順序、逆序、語彙、空間)、ICT 能力等因素對線上 閱讀能力的影響,以釐清學者對線上閱讀能力定位的爭議,同時比較四類工作 記憶對傳統與線上閱讀表現的預測力,從而更進一步的了解線上與傳統閱讀能 力在工作記憶需求上的差異。 研究一為測驗發展與預試,對象為 248 位台灣北部與中部地區的國小四年 級至國中八年級學生。試題型態分為動態題與靜態題,並以項目反應理論進行 分析。在刪除不良試題後,所有試題之平均鑑別度為 0.76,平均難度為-0.1994; 動態題之平均難度則為 0.718,靜態題平均難度為-0.4357。預試之實徵信度達 0.78,刪除答對機率 80%所需能力值超過 4 的題目後,以能力值 1 以上受試者 有 67%答對機率作為正式試題的選題標準,篩選出 27 題作為正式試題。正式試 題之難度介於-1.897~1.668,屬中間偏易。 研究二的施測對象同樣為國小四年級至國中八年級的學生,國小有效樣本 有 376 位,國中有 221 位。所有學生均接受線上閱讀測驗之評量,工作記憶、 線上閱讀、紙本閱讀與 ICT 能力之徑路分析則僅以國小樣本進行研究,因此僅 國小學生接受四種工作記憶、紙本閱讀能力與 ICT 能力測驗的評量。正式測驗 之實徵信度提升到 0.8,在能力值範圍- 2.25 ~ 0.5 間有最佳的信度與訊息量,與 中文閱讀理解測驗間相關亦達顯著(r = .664),具有可接受的信效度。學生的成 績表現則大致呈現隨年級進步的趨勢,六、七、八年級表現顯著優於五年級與 四年級。徑路分析結果則顯示,線上閱讀能力本質上與紙本閱讀能力還是較為 相近,但仍不等同於 ICT 能力,也不等同於傳統閱讀能力。在考慮傳統閱讀對 線上閱讀表現影響的情況下,語彙工作記憶對線上閱讀表現有直接預測力;空 間工作記憶、逆序工作記憶與順序工作記憶則是透過傳統閱讀能力間接預測線 上閱讀能力。對於線上閱讀測驗年級區辨力不足,與空間工作記憶不影響線上 閱讀理解的可能原因,在研究中也進行了討論。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractDue to the increased use of the digital technologies, more and more researchers pay attention to study what competences of reading are important on the Internet. The purpose of this research is to develop an online reading skill test to evaluate and clarify the nature of online reading ability. In study1, a Chinese online reading test (ORT) which is analyzed by the IRT 2PL model is developed to assess students from grade 4 to 8. In study 2, the path analysis is adopted to examine relationships between online reading, offline reading, ICT skills and four types of working memory. 597 students, from grade 4 to 8, receive ORT, and only 4th-6th grade students (376) do four working memory tests (spatial, WAIS-III forward, WAIS-IIIbackward, and verbal), an offline reading test and an ICT skills questionnaire (OISSI). The result shows that the empirical reliability of the ORT is 0.8. The ORT score θ, with fair reliability, is located between -2.25 to 0.5. The criterion validity of ORT has significantly positive correlation with students’ offline reading score (r = .664). In addition, the student’s score on ORT is increased by grade. 6th-8th grades are significantly better than 4th-5th grades on ORT score. Significant paths are found from offline reading to online reading and ICT ability. Online reading is significantly predicted by ICT ability either. The result also indicates that verbal WM directly accounts for variation of the online reading performance when controlling for the offline reading score. Spatial WM and backward WM only indirectly explain the variance of ORT when the effect of offline reading accounts for. A general discussion of why ORT does not detect grade’s differences very clearly as well as spatial WM does not directly account for ORT was reported. The findings provide insights into the nature of online reading ability and reading education in the future. en_US
DC.subjectonline reading skill testen_US
DC.subjectitem response theoryen_US
DC.subjectrading comprehensionen_US
DC.subjectworking memoryen_US
DC.titleDeveloping Online Reading Skill Test for evaluating and exploring Students’ Online Reading Competencesen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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