博碩士論文 972206006 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorShiung-yeh Lien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract就目前日眩光模型的研究發展而言,造成個體不舒適等級變化的因素,主要是由個體視覺生理狀況、心理認知差異、光源物理特性以及環境變數為考量因素,若能瞭解眾多因素該如何直接對應實際的問題描述,並加以歸類排序,都將有助於提供模型之修正方向。有鑑於此,本研究採取問卷調查法,利用自編的「國立中央大學學生紙本閱讀之視覺舒適度問卷」,以探索性因素分析法進行因素的歸類與命名,並依據良好的信度值,採用算術平均法選取前十名的因素投入聯合分析法中,以探討因素間的相對重要性。另外,根據自編問卷挑選五個人員可調因子,藉由點評法讓受測者進行實際的情境體驗,藉以探討可調因子間的相對重要關係。本研究結果顯示: 1.中大學生在從事紙本閱讀之視覺舒適度的組成因素有13個,包含(依平均數高至低排序):視疲勞度、身體狀況、精神狀況、局部照明設計、閱讀材料、自然採光設計、紙張與排版、溫度與通風性、美感反應、室內照明設計、天氣因素、隱密性、環保節能。其中,前十名因素的相對重要性由高至低排序為:身體狀況、視疲勞度、精神狀況、閱讀材料、局部照明設計、自然採光設計、溫度與通風性、室內照明設計、美感反應、紙張與排版。 2.可調因子的相對重要性由高至低排序為:窗簾使用、背景顏色、背景亮度、離窗距離、檯燈使用。 本研究結果不但提供了紙本閱讀情境之視覺舒適的組合因素,也建議模型的修正應以主觀生理感受為優先考量。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn the development of daylight glare models, the main factors accounted for the variations in discomfort glare index are visual physiological conditions, psychological cognitions, characteristics of the light source, and environmental variables. Knowing how to classify and rank the factors will offer a direction for correcting the models. Accordingly, this study adopted questionnaire survey to explore the situation of printed-text reading among college students in National Central University, Taiwan, and utilized exploratory factor analysis to analyze and classify the data. Based on the good reliability of the questionnaire statistics, ten factors were selected by ranking their arithmetic means. A conjoint-analysis card-ranking experiment was executed to evaluate the relative importance among the ten factors. In addition, five adjustable factors were chosen from the questionnaire to construct a physical-experience experiment. Conjoint analysis with scale rating was used to evaluate the relative importance among the five adjustable factors. The results of this study were summarized as follows: 1.For NCU’s students, thirdteen factors were found to make up the situation of printed-text reading, including (based on the mean values from high to low) visual fatigue, physical condition, mental condition, local lighting design, reading material, natural lighting design, paper and typesetting, temperature and ventilation, aesthetic response, interior lighting design, climatical factor, concealment, environmental protection and energy-saving. The preceding ten factors ranked by their relative importance from high to low are physical condition, visual fatigue, mental condition, reading material, local lighting design, natural lighting design, temperature and ventilation, interior lighting design, aesthetic response, paper and typesetting. 2.The five adjustable factors sorted by their relative importance from high to low are window curtain, ambient light color, ambient illuminance, distance from window to worker, and usage of desk lamp. The results offered thirdteen factors accounted for visual comfort in printed-text reading, and suggest that subjective physiological conditions should be a prior factor in correcting current glare models. en_US
DC.subjectFactor analysisen_US
DC.subjectVisual fatigueen_US
DC.subjectVisual comforten_US
DC.subjectConjoint analysisen_US
DC.titleThe Analysis of Daylight Glare Factorsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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