博碩士論文 973305012 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChyong-mei Linen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract國道是臺灣最重要的交通動脈,國道新建工程除肩負著研發推廣新材料、新工法、新技技術之使命外,其建設與一般公路工程無太大差異,國道拓建改善工程則有需要複雜的交通維持計畫,以紓解國道車流、高速公路兩側工區狹小,施工機具及人員作業空間侷限、及須維持國道現有交通運轉與避免造成損鄰擾民等專業技術,其「穿著衣服改衣服」的工程特性,更考驗著工程人員如何運用智慧「因地制宜」推展工進。 有鑑於行政院公共工程委員會99年修正頒布『機關委託技術服務廠商評選及計費辦法』及相關法令,其修正內容是否可適切反映或涵蓋國道工程委託監造服務之特性,對於國道監造服務契約及上述新修法對國道監造服務費之合理性,值得深入研究探討課題。 本研究藉由蒐集實際國道工程委託監造服務案例,並以訪談方式,以利瞭解現行法規執行中,主辦機關與技術服務廠商就現況實際發生或遭遇之問題,加以分析,並研提相關初步改善對策後,並以徵詢於工程主辦機關主管,以其實務面及法規面上施行之可行性,並據以修正,最後以專家問卷結果驗證其可行性。 根據本研究訪查結果,多數受訪者認為,國道工程委託監造服務費編列,大致而言,較一般公路工程主辦單位編列合理,惟在實際執行面仍有部分不足之處,本研究透過案例分析,檢討國道工程委託監造契約等,並據以提出相關建議及對策包括︰工程委託監造服務案發包模式調整、監造服務契約之修訂等,且相關建議改善對策之可行性,經辦理專家問卷調查,獲得頗高之肯定,可供後續工程主辦機關參考。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe National Freeways are Taiwan’s most important transportation networks. National Freeway new projects, apart from its mission for the research and development of new materials, new construction methods, and new technologies, are quite similar to other roadway construction projects. National Freeway widening and rehabilitation projects require more complicated plans to maintain the capacity of original traffic. In addition, with limited construction space on both sides of the freeway, equipment and construction workers are subject to space restrictions, and existing National Freeway traffic must be maintained while preventing disturbances to neighbours. The widening while still operating aspect of the projects further tests the engineers, requiring them to apply different methods of implementation to different scenarios encountered along the freeway. In view of Public Construction Committee Executive Yuan’s 2010 amendments to “Regulations for Selection and Fee Calculation of Technical Services Providers Entrusted by Entities” and other relevant Acts, one must decide whether the amends are feasible and whether they cover characteristics of the National Freeway project in design and supervision services. National Freeway construction supervisions service contracts and the practicality of the new amendments to the law regarding supervision service fees are worthy of further study and discussion. In this study, actual National Freeway project entrusted construction supervision services provider cases and interviews are presented to facilitate understanding of existing regulations, current problems or other problems experienced by clients and consulting firms are analyzed, relevant research and proposed solutions that were presented to clients to determine if the solutions were feasible and if they adhered to existing laws are detailed, and the results of feasibility surveys given to experts are discussed. According to the results of the study, the majority of interviewees believed the National Freeway construction supervision service fees are, in general, more reasonable than other roadwork projects. However, with regards to practicality, there are still some inadequacies. Through cases studies, review of the National Freeway construction supervision service contracts, etc, recommendations and strategies are presented. Recommendations include: subcontracting National Freeway supervision work, amendments to the contracts, and a feasibility study of the presented recommendations. Based on the results of feasibility surveys given to experts, the recommendations are quite promising and can be considered by future clients. en_US
DC.subjectovernment procurement acten_US
DC.subjectRegulations for Selection and Fee Calculation ofen_US
DC.subjectservice feesen_US
DC.titlePracticality Study of Construction Supervision Service Fees for National Freeway Projecten_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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