博碩士論文 973306013 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYi-chen Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract英國政府自1992年起陸續推動公私夥伴關係(Public- Private Partnership,PPP )概念,台灣也於 2001 年正式將此觀念引進並通過促進民間參與公共建設法。近年來政府在公營、公用事業、公共業務及公共建設上均陸陸續續走向民營化,藉由民間參與、民間委託來增進效率擴大服務之供給,尤其在民間參與公共建設方面,充分結合政府公權力、民間資金、創意及經營效率。 爰因應環保署105年放流水標準之提升,針對工業區污水處理廠面臨處理設備不足、操作人力及處理容量等問題,正面臨擴建、整建以提升處理之效能及財政緊縮之問題,因此本研究擬引進ROT(擴、整建-營運-移轉)模式之情形,以積極引進民間之資金與服務,本研究針對案例污水處理廠,以可行性評估方式,就市場性、適法性、擴整建之工程技術、財務、土地取得及環境影響等層面,評估其可行性,以作為決策之參考。 經評估後顯示,自償率(SLR)為1.26,並以內部報酬率(IRR)12%為基準,則淨現值(NPV)為2.87億元,權利金上限為1,735萬元/月,以民間機構立場具有完全之誘因,本研究案例污水處理廠推動ROT計畫為可行方案,另對於政府機關而言,不僅可減輕政府財政負擔,遵節政府預算,並可擴大公共建設投資以提振景氣,且民間機構可累積15年操作經驗、引進民間專業及達成將現況由虧轉盈的情形,締造政府、企業與民眾「三贏」共利共榮的局面。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe British government has activated the movement of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) since 1992. The Taiwan government imported this concept in 2001and further encouraged private businesses to participate public constructions ever since. In recent years, the Taiwan government has privatized several sets of public organizations and relevant works so as to improve the efficiency and supply of public services through private companies’ participation. For example, the cooperation between the public and the private in the sector of public construction fully integrate government’s authority and private businesses’ funding, innovation and management efficiency. The Environmental Protection Agency has decided to raise the critical level of Effluent Standards since 2016. Under this new legislation, sewage treatment plants are now facing several basic problems such as the lacks of machinery, skilled labors, and capacity, followed by severe issues such as the already-constrained finance and the further expansion of a entire plant (to raise treatment efficiency). By saying that, this study aims to apply ROT model to examine a scenario of sewage treatment plants with the help of private businesses’ financial resource and service. Under the criteria of accessibility, the author has evaluated this project’s market potential, regulations, other issues regarding construction technology, finance, land purchase and environmental impact. It is hoped that the results of this study will add value to government policies. in which, with the help of private financial resource and service, The results of evaluation reveal that its Self-Liquidating Ratio (SLR) is 1.26, the Net Present Value(NPV) is New Taiwan dollars two billion eighty seven million if base on Internal Rate of Return (IRR)12% , and the royalty income will be reached seventy million three hundred fifty thousand per month, it is a completely inducement to encourage private business. One the other, it is accessible for a sewage treatment plant to work under ROT format; it alleviates government’s fiscal expenses, lower government’s budgets and expands the investment on public construction, which further boosts the entire economy. Moreover, private businesses would have the opportunity to accumulate experiences through this cooperation. In short, with the aid from private institutions, public institutions (such as sewage treatment plants) will achieve the goal to turn deficits into surplus. It will be a ‘triple-win’ situation for the government, private businesses and residents in Taiwan. en_US
DC.subjectParticipation of private businessesen_US
DC.subjectsewage treatment plantsen_US
DC.subjectaccessibility evaluation.en_US
DC.titleThe feasibility analysis of wastewater treatment plant impels the strategy of ROT in industrial parken_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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