博碩士論文 973306024 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChiu min Wangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract全球高科技產業生產製造目前大都是採取分工合作的模式,大部分的台商企業在兩岸廠區對於勞工安全及環境保護大都使用相同的一套管理標準,但兩岸勞工所接受的教育及觀念還是有明顯的差異,所以本研究藉由案例公司了解台商企業在兩岸之間的安全文化的差異並探究造成差異的根本原因。 本研究旨在探討個案企業兩岸廠區安全文化之現況,並參酌個案企業的特殊背景加以融合彙整後,研擬符合個案企業需求與特性之安全文化評量工具。並利用實證研究方法,以個案方式進行安全文化現況之評量,本研究目的為: 1、了解兩岸廠區安全文化之現況; 2、分析不同廠區安全文化的差異; 3、比較兩岸員工在安全文化之差距; 4、依據結果,提供企業安全管理決策上的建議。 依據問卷分析結果,發現員工的教育程度及工作年資是影響安全文化認知的 因素,教育程度越高或工作年資越久的員工對企業的安全文化的要求越嚴格,此外為提升個案企業之安全文化可從下列幾項工作著手: (1)作業現場硬體防護設備的添購、(2)員工安衛教育訓練的落實、(3)建立提報虛驚事故獎勵機制、(4)增加公司與員工之間的雙向溝通管道、(5)增加員工參與安衛工作的機會、(6)發放安衛手冊或宣導資料及(7)加強醫務室健康諮詢功能。 最後,公司可以在原有職業安全衛生管理系統的架構下,採取適當的持續改善措施,藉由不斷的改善,達到建立良好安全文化的目地,安全文化的提升,可以降低人為因素所引起意外事件,意外事故的降低除了能減少公司工傷成本的支出、創造利潤外,更能提升一家公司的形象及企業社會責任。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractTo reduce operating costs and to enhance competitiveness, it is a business strategy of many Taiwanese companies to set up low-end, labor intensive operations in Mainland China while maintaining minimum operation bases in Taiwan. The same or similar management systems and practices are applied to companies on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Because of the differences in safety awareness and experience in management systems, it is highly valuable as far as occupational health and safety management is concerned to assess employees’ perception on safety and to modify the implementation strategy accordingly. This study utilizes questionnaires to evaluate employees’ perceptions on safety culture and to analyze the differences in safety culture of the factories on both sides of the Taiwan Strait of a case study company. The safety culture dimensions covered in the survey include management commitment, training, communication, working environment, rules and enforcement, management system, supervision, knowledge, reward and motivation and health promotion. There were four factories, two on each side of the Strait, involved in this study. The 60-item questionnaire was distributed to 100 first-line operators of each factory. The survey was self-administered by the participating employees. Standard statistical methods were used to analyze the data. The results reveal the fact that employees with higher education and seniority put more emphasis on safety culture despite of the inherent differences in custom and social background between the Taiwanese and Chinese employees. It is surprising to discover that Chinese employees of the case study company fare better than their Taiwanese counterparts in most of the dimensions in the questionnaire. Recommendations from the participants of this study include improvement in engineering control systems, enhancement of safety training, implementation of near miss investigation and reward for reporting of near misses, improved communication between management and employees, more involvement of employees in safety and health issues, active promotion of occupational health and safety, and enhanced consultation of the medical staff of the factories. These recommendations provide the case study company a sound basis for continual improvement in occupational health and safety management. en_US
DC.subjectOccupational Safety and Health Management Systemen_US
DC.subjectSafety cultureen_US
DC.subjectContinual improvementen_US
DC.titleStudy of safety culture of cross-the-Strait Taiwanese enterpriseen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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