博碩士論文 974201060 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorShih-chia Hsuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract自從2006年尤努斯(Muhammad Yunus)因創辦鄉村銀行(Grameen)而獲得諾貝爾和平獎那一刻開始,便讓全球各國更進一步關注到社會企業發展的議題,同時也再度打破對於企業營利與社會公益無法同時進行的傳統窠臼。根據文獻的陳述國內對於社會企業的探討主要是始自於九二一大地震後,非營利組織面臨外部財源縮減、內部結構鬆散等內憂外患的夾擊,迫使運作趨向市場化的路線,因而增加國內對非營利組織轉型社會企業的可行性與經營模式之探討。然而,無論是非營利組織的轉型抑或是社會企業家的自行創業,人力資本在任何組織中皆被視為競爭優勢的來源之一,對於社會企業這種以人為本的服務使命甚是。本研究以社會企業作為訪談對象,使用自然主義研究法,以深入訪談的方式瞭解目前國內社會企業的經營概況以及人力資源管理措施的執行現況,並且針對社會企業內人力資源管理所面臨的困難與挑戰提出改善的建議。 本研究經過資料的歸納與分析後,首先透過CORPS模式整理出社會企業的經營概況,在服務對象面分為弱勢族群、一般社會大眾以及其他類;在運作面,社會企業在進行商業運作的同時,即是在創造社會價值,兩者會融合於同時並行,並將利潤用於創造社會價值的再投資;在資源面,分為貨幣性與非貨幣性資源,主要的資源提供者包含政府單位、社會企業所建立的社群網絡以及本身所產生的利潤;在人力資本面,區分為專業人力、一般人力以及志工;在服務面,根據產出的結果來看社會企業所提供的服務,一為經濟性產出,主視是透過商業運作所得之產出,另一則為社會性產出,是社會企業最終目標與主要經營使命。 在人力資源管理措施部分,在招募管理面,專業人力的徵才條件是專業度和社會使命熱忱並重,主要透過社群網路的管道招募到人才,而在一般人力的部分主要透過政府單位或相關機構的轉介,志工的部分在社會企業內由於普遍需求性是短暫或是一次性,少數是長期需求,因此也是透過社群網絡的管道尋找適合的志工;在教育訓練面,專業度的訓練分為課程教授、參訪與模擬以及實際操作等三種方式進行,而社會使命的教育則注重時時刻刻的觀念灌輸與身教;在績效管理面,分為個人面與社會企業整體面,個人面會比較要求的是商業運作的績效,會透過自評、主管評的方式進行,而社會企業整體面則是評估對社會使命執行的確實度與貢獻性,主要是由經營者和社會大眾來評定,而回饋性多數偏向正向回饋;薪資管理面,以內部比較而言,薪資水準會依據個別的專業度與工作能力差異而有一定範圍的落點水準,且會隨之進行彈性的調整,福利則是不分人力種類一律享有相同福利項目,差別只在於經濟性福利的多與寡,以外部比較而言,薪資水準與相同產業內的平均水準不相上下,甚至利潤比起一般營利公司更能為饋給員工;在組織氣候面,互動性就像大家庭一樣,多數會以整體效益作優先考量,不分彼此的互相支援,較少出現因為部門化或是個人化利益而產生的衝突;在離職管理面,整體離職率偏低,但擔任基層或第一線的一般人力,則會因為個人因素或特質,使流動率普遍偏高。此外,發現社會企業存在著專業人才招募的困難、專業人才教育訓練的挑戰,以及整體人力市場上對社會企業所需之中間幹部的短缺三項困難與挑戰,因此提出社會企業與政府單位應共同合作營造出培育人才的環境,增加社會企業內部人才庫的供給,從源頭解決人才招募、訓練及短缺的問題。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractSince the Nobel Peace Prize 2006 was awarded to Muhammad Yunus and Grameen Bank, the world has paid close attention to social enterprise (SE) further. At the same time, it also has broken down the traditional stereotypes about enterprises for profit and welfare couldn’t work together. In Taiwan, according to literature, the study of SE has emerged from 921 Earthquake. Because of the retrench in financial resources and the loose internal structure, the non-profit organizations (NPO) in Taiwan are getting afoot to industrialization. However, the form of SEs is established by NPO reforming or social entrepreneur just like Yunus, human resource is regarded as a source of the competitive advantages in any organizations, especially essential for SE. The method chosen for this research is “Naturalistic Inquiry”, and has consisted in conducting in-depth interviews with selected SEs. There are three main objectives of this study, including: (a) realizing the current business situation of SEs in Taiwan, (b) exploring the state of implementation of human resource management (HRM) practices in SEs, (c) listing the challenges of HRM in SEs and making suggestions and recommendations to improve the current status. After analyzing the data collected from interview, it presents the following current situation through CORPS model: (a) Clients are including social vulnerable groups, the public and the others. (b) Operations combine commercial activities with social purposes, and the surpluses are principally reinvested for that purpose in the business, rather than being driven by the need to maximize profit for shareholders or owners. (c) SEs sever resources in monetary and non- monetary items, and resource providers are including government, social network building by SEs and its income-generating activities. (d) Professional, general and volunteers are three parts of participants in SEs. (e) Services are including economic output which is generation of revenue from provision of goods or services and social output which is SEs’ specific social objectives. In SEs, HRM practices involve recruitment and selection processes, training programs, motivational performance and reward management, and the turnover management. During all the HRM practices, SEs must base on business model and social objectives do the SEs carry out. Moreover, every practice will be different according to three parts of participants. Competing in an open market have a direct influence on the challenge of HRM, including difficult to recruiting and training professional and the shortage of middle-level staff. The findings suggest that the development of environment of SEs should be built by cooperation between government and SEs. Improving the interaction between each other will gain synergy for SEs. en_US
DC.subjectNaturalistic Inquiryen_US
DC.subjectHuman Resource Managementen_US
DC.subjectsocial enterpriseen_US
DC.titleA Study of Human Resource Management on Social Enterprise in Taiwanen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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