博碩士論文 974300044 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorBin Fanen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在20世紀內人類社會歷經三次石油危機,分別是第一次石油危機(1973年~1974年)每桶石油價格從3美元漲到12美元,第二次石油危機(1979年~1980年)每桶石油價格從14美元漲到35美元,第三次石油危機(1990年)每桶石油價格從14美元漲到40美元。石油價格的波動不僅造成國際經濟衰退,也觸動國際間戰爭的爆發,使得各國政府開始試圖減少對石油的依賴,轉向發展可再生能源,此時風力、水力、太陽能、生質能、地熱…等就開始萌芽。而可再生能源則是伴隨著2005年2月16日限制溫室氣體排放的【京都議定書】正式生效,以及石油價格在21世紀初突破每桶100美元的價位,才真正受到重視並蓬勃發展。 太陽光電以其不受地形限制,相對較小的生態汙染而在所有可再生能源中受到重視,並在過去幾年中呈現迅速成長的趨勢。唯受到2008年金融風暴波及的影響,整個產業環境及生態有很大的轉變,如何繼續維持過去幾年的高成長及高獲利,而不會遭遇到產業重新洗牌而出局,則是所有太陽光電廠商共同面臨的挑戰。 本研究是以台灣太陽能電池領導廠商為個案,將其與該產業的全球領導廠商比較分析,探討雙方在面臨產業劇變的背景下,在長期產業發展上的差異,同時並藉由產業與企業強弱勢分析,研究個案公司為維持獲利成長,是否應採取持續發展垂直整合供應鏈,還是應繼續固守在太陽能電池製造端。 本研究嘗試運用收集兩個全球知名太陽能電池廠商近幾年的策略發展及經營績效,並以國家競爭優勢、五力分析及SWOT分析,作為分析個案公司面臨競爭情形下的理論架構,以提出經營策略的建議,作為個案公司後續經營的參考。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThree major oil crises occurred in the 20th century. The prices of oil quadrupled from US$3 to nearly US$12 per barrel in the 1973 to 1974 oil crisis; over double from US$14 to US$35 per barrel in the 1979 to 1950 oil crisis; and the 1990 oil crisis caused the prices of oil to peak at US$40 per barrel compared to US$14. The unstable oil prices not only led to global economic recession but also triggered wars in between nations. Many countries tended to rely less on petroleum; instead, stated to develop renewable energy, such as wind, water, solar, biomass, and geothermal energy. However, it was not until the Kyoto Protocol entered into force in 2005 and the rising of oil prices to over US$100 per barrel in the early 21st century that the of renewable energy was drawn by international attention. Solar cell energy is usually free from the geographic limitations and therefore results in a rapid growth among renewable energy sources over the past years. However, the 2008 economic crisis indeed had a tremendous affect on the industry and it is the challenge all solar cell manufactures face on how to maintain the high growth from the past years and not to be phased out over the challenges. This research used a leading solar cell manufacturer in Taiwan as the case study object and compared the manufacturer with a similar global leading manufacturer. By doing so, the researcher intended to find out the differences between the developments of their manufacturer when facing major challenges. Moreover, the researcher emphasized more on the leading solar cell manufacturer in Taiwan and found out in order to maintain growth, should the manufacturer continue developing vertical integration as their supply chain? Or should it maintain tenaciously on the original model? The researcher intended to utilize the strategic development and performance of enterprise from the two leading global solar cell manufacturers, along with factors such as the competitive advantages of nations, the five forces analysis, SWOT analysis and under the scenario framework of the manufacturer facing challenges. By conducting such research, the researcher successfully provided suggestions to the manufacturer on business strategies that can be used as their future references. en_US
DC.subjectSWOT analysisen_US
DC.subjectthe five forces analysisen_US
DC.subjectthe competitive advantages of nationsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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