博碩士論文 974300052 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHsiu-chen Yangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年傳統投影機已邁入產業成熟期,微利加上各廠牌產品差異性降低,市場競爭激烈;2008年全球金融海嘯衝擊,產業上下游重新洗牌,部份上游零件廠退出供應鏈,早期市場領導品牌有的更換經營團隊,或是調整產品方向,或已逐漸淡出市場。 早在個案公司進入投影機產業時,市售投影機產品完全由國際大廠所掌控,在發展十餘年後,產業現況已全然不同於過往。個案公司是台灣第一家投入開發生產單片液晶投影機廠商,也是最先與康佰、德儀合作DLP投影機技術的台灣廠商。本研究希望藉由探討個案公司自創立初期發展至今,如何巧妙的運用各項策略措施,使得企業在資源有限、產業詭譎多變情況下,仍能持續站穩腳步、成長茁壯、甚而成為DLP投影機領導廠商。相較於國際品牌廠掌握的資源,小企業該如何掌握趨勢、借力使力創造競爭優勢? 在本個案研究裡,大致發現了五項策略架構歸納如下述︰ 一、 沒有先行者優勢,小企業也可藉由非主流的混合產品策略,為自己在市場建立一席之地。 二、 高難度的系統整合,提高產業進入門檻。 三、 鞏固與關鍵零組件廠商之間的關係,可幫助企業持續發展。 四、 經由策略聯盟與合作可消除國際訴訟限制。 五、 持續性產品創新與技術改善。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractTraditional projector, a popular OA product, has reached mature stage in recent years, slim profit and little product differentiation among brands have made intensive market competition. In addition, the global finance Tsunami hit in 2008 had resulted industrial upstream and downstream reshuffled, some components suppliers withdrawn from supply chain. The early market leading branded companies might have changed the management teams, to re-adjust product direction, or gradually moving out of market. In early time, projectors were mainly dominated by international branded companies before a single case company entered this industry. However, the industry is totally different today after more than a decade product development. The company initially developed the LCD projector in Taiwan, followed by DLP, the first time mover to co-work with Compaq and Texas Instruments in DLP solution, a local Taiwanese company. Provided case study will describe how the small business, with limited resources under challenging environment got survive and becoming well-established till now. It’’s now a DLP projector leader in the market by taking various strategic plans. In compare to others, how a new comer to go by market trend and showing its competitive advantage for the next move? In this case study, there are five strategic structures discovered as below: 1. No first time mover advantage, a small business can develop a mixed product strategy to create its new market position. 2. High level of system integration to create product entry barrier for new comers. 3. To strengthen business relationship with key component suppliers enhances business moving forward 4. Strategic alliance to avoid worldwide IP lawsuit. 5. Continuing plan on product innovation and technology enhancement. en_US
DC.subjectcompetitive advantageen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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