博碩士論文 974300058 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChun-hwa Yuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract網際網路的迅速發展對現代商務活動與應用範圍造成了深遠的影響。透過網際網路進行的商業交易行為均可視為電子商務,不僅可提高企業整體運作效率、減少浪費、降低成本、更可以提高生產效率、提供快速回應,為企業創造競爭優勢。 由於2007年國際石油成本及原物料價格不斷上漲,在成本壓力、旅客需求改變與新技術引進等因素之衝擊下,對航空運輸業造成嚴重的影響。面臨經營困境,國際知名航空公司持續並加速對電子商務的投資,擴大電子商務的應用,究竟航空公司導入e化作業對其行銷策略的影響如何,值得深入探討。 本研究屬於探索性研究,以個案研究法探討H個案公司導入電子票務對其運作模式與行銷策略的影響。由於H航空公司已成立50年,顧客數量龐大,自2000年建置電子商務系統,並於2004年致力於提升電腦軟硬體及網路新技術之開發工作,因此本研究選擇H公司為個案研究對象,探討對於其傳統行銷策略的影響。 綜合而言,H公司的電子商務部的資源與能力均仍嫌不足,對於新技術與新功能的開發與導入時程較為緩慢,因此H公司宜加速發展電子商務的整體作業模式,以滿足e時代顧客多樣化的需求。H公司經由網路直接銷售電子機票為顧客帶來便利並降低企業的費用與成本,惟對於整合性線上推廣策略應用的深度與廣度仍有待提升。此外,H公司擁有豐富的顧客資料庫,未來應以客製化廣告的方式與顧客進行互動與溝通,效果會更好。 針對個案公司目前的各項問題,本研究提出下列建議(1)增加及擴大對電子商務的投資。(2)加強內部行銷,提升業務人員電子商務之專業技能。(3)強化電子商務與e化服務,以擴大網路行銷。(4)建立國際品牌的地位。此外,本研究對後續研究方向提出三項建議(1)未來可進行量化研究。(2)與顧客相關的研究。(3)結合資訊與管理的思維,進行跨領域的研究。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe rapid development of internet has made an influence on commerce nowadays and also the aspects related to daily commerce. Through internet, commerce could be seen as “Electronic commerce”. Electronic commerce could in fact improve the efficiency of an enterprise, reducing the cost and wastes and most importantly, enhance the competitiveness of a firm. Since 2007, the cost of oil and raw material has been inflating. Due to pressure from the cost, changing demand from customers and the new technology, the business of airline companies have been affected in a negative aspect. Facing towards the dilemma, some prestigious international airlines have put further emphasis on Electronic commerce by expanding its business on Electronic commerce and investment. However, the strategy of implementing E-commerce should be further analyzed and observed since there are a lot of uncertainties existing for E-commerce. This research is an analysis based on the observation on a specific firm “H” by exploring the influence on “H” with the implementation of E-commerce. As “H” airline has been established for 50 years, with its large amount of customers, it has started to apply E-commerce since year 2000. Moreover, “H” has started to improve its computer software and hardware and also its internet system to provide its customers with the best service. Therefore, “H” is a company which deserves our attention to analyze and dig deep into its strategy on commerce to explore how “H” actually influences the typical way of carrying out a business. In conclusion, there are still rooms for improvement on “H”’s E-commerce as its application and exploitation on new technology are not efficient. “H” should therefore enhance its speed on implementing new technology to fulfill the various requests from its customers. Although E-commerce could provide customers with convenience and lower an enterprise’s cost on production, the strategy on advertising and implementing its E-commerce should be further enforced as the system is not sophisticatedly formed. Moreover, due to the abundant customers’ information, if “H” could have a better communication with its customers and a better advertising strategy on targeting its own customers, a fruitful profit could therefore be anticipated. The followings are suggestions to tackle the problems from the above ground: (1) More capital could be invested on E-commerce. (2) Encourage internal selling to improve the staff’s techniques on manipulating E-commerce. (3) Enhance E-commerce by expanding it. (4) To establish “H” as an international brand throughout the world. In the future, three more analysis on the company are suggested. (1) Quantified analysis on H’s business. (2) Analysis on the relationship between the company and customers. (3) Analysis on the logic of information and management. en_US
DC.subjectAviation industryen_US
DC.subjectElectronic commerceen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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