博碩士論文 974301025 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorSU-HUI HSUen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在全球化與知識經濟的時代中,面對新興國家的崛起(如金磚四國),挾帶著勞動成本低、天然資源豐富及廣大的消費巿場,在大者恆大的趨勢下,全球化的競爭更加速之態勢驅使下,要如何有效運用有限的資源,提升科技研究發展專案計畫(簡稱科專計畫)之競爭力,帶動新興產業,觸動經濟成長,成為一個重要的課題。尤其科專計畫屬於公共資源,在資源有限的情形下,如何將有限資源作最適當的運用,顯得格外重要。 本文旨在探討我國經濟部電子資訊與通訊光電領域(簡稱電資通光領域)科專計畫之相對效率。研究內容以經濟部科技專案執行年報民國94年至97年之專案為研究樣本,共計23個,橫跨3個法人研究單位,運用資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis, DEA)瞭解法人科專計畫之相對效率與最具超效率計畫,決策單位(Decision Making Unit, DMU)應做何種資源調整? 分析結果發現,達到效率前緣之計畫僅占總DMU之26.67%;計畫屬於明顯無效率,需刪減研究經費及人力投入的比率超過50%之計畫,約占總DMU之30.67%,其中A單位之效率最佳,有34.78%之計畫具有效率,其次為C單位,20%的計畫具有效率,而B單位之效率最差,僅有7.14%的計畫具有效率。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn the era of globalization and knowledge economy, emerging countries (such as the four BRIC countries) rise abruptly. With the advantages of low labor cost, plentiful natural resources, and extensive consumer market, the trend of the big ones always remaining big, and the increasingly more severe global competition, it is an important subject to utilize the limited resources effectively, improve the competitiveness of technological research and development projects (R&D Projects), pushing emerging industries, and triggering economic growth. Particularly, the technological research and development projects are belong to public resources, and it is extremely important to utilize the limited resources appropriately. This article is intended for exploring the relative efficiency of technological projects in the fields of electronics, information, communications, and optoelectronics of MOEA of Taiwan. The contents of this study are based on a total of 23 projects including the research samples on technological projects of MOEA from 2005 to 2008 and three other research institutes and the data envelopment analysis (DEA) is used to understand the relative efficiency of the technological projects and the super-efficient projects of corporate entities and the way of making adjustments on resources by the decision making units (DMUs). The analysis result shows that only 26.67% of the total DMUs can reach the efficiency frontier. More than half of the projects is obviously inefficient and the percentage of projects that require a reduction of research budget and manpower input exceeds 50% making up 30.67% of the total DMU, wherein Department A is the most efficient department and 34.78% of its projects is efficient; Department C is the second efficient department and 20% of its projects is efficient; and Department B is the least efficient department, and only 7.14% of its projects is efficient. en_US
DC.subjectRelative Efficiencyen_US
DC.subjectData Envelopment Analysisen_US
DC.titleEvaluating Relative Efficiency of Technological Development Programs in the Fields of Electronics, Information, Communications and Optoelectronics by Data Envelopment Analysisen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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