博碩士論文 974304022 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorI-HUNG LUen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract經過2007年美國次貸風暴、2008年金融海嘯、2010年歐債危機及2011年美債評等調降後,世界許多國際化程度深的大銀行都受傷慘重,面對如此充滿高度不確定性之市場困境,中國的銀行如何成功創新、改革,藉此機會在國際金融產業中趁勢崛起已成為許多人甚為關心的議題,另外,台灣的銀行業在此時如何利用原有的優勢去選擇有利的戰略位置,進一步成功的西進大陸及佈局全世界,為未來規劃做好準備,也是目前台灣銀行業現階段必須正視的課題。 中國銀行業之歷史發展完整與金融監理制度漸趨完備,對台、外資開放程度與日俱增。但是,中國金融改革仍須不斷進行,其中包括匯率、利率自由化,加強各項金融檢查,開放金融市場規模,培育新一代的金融人才,提高各項效率等等,都是急需完成立法及確實執行的。 本文藉由產業組織理論中SCP(結構(Structure)-行為(Conduct)—績效(Performance))的系統去分析產業結構,該結構如何影響市場行為,而市場行為又如何決定績效。文章內容以中國銀行產業為分析對象,得知中國整體銀行市場現況是低度寡佔(lose oligopoly)的市場結構,這樣市場結構使中資銀行、外資銀行及台資銀行在中國未來佈局會有不同的方向。文中也藉由個案研究中資、外資及台資銀行現有的策略及經營模式精闢剖析出目前經營的優劣勢及改進之道。 文末根據研究結果提出具體建議,盼能對中國銀行業永續發展,外資銀行在中國大陸的業務佈局及台資銀行西進策略具有參考價值。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThrough U.S. subprime lending crisis in 2007, Financial Tsunami in 2008, European debt crisis in 2010 and downgraded U.S. debt rating in 2011, many of the big banks with deep degree of internationalization in world suffered badly. Facing such a market dilemma full of high-degree uncertainty, how China’s banks successfully to carry out innovation and reformation, taking this opportunity to raise in the international financial industry by such favorable situation has become the issue many people very concerned about. In addition, how Taiwan’s banking sector, in this time, to take the original edge to select a favorable strategic position, and further successfully to go westward the mainland China and to deploy the world in order to prepare for the future planning, also is the subject of Taiwan’’s banking sector must face up to at this stage. Since the historical development of China’s banking sector is complete and its financial supervisory system becomes more perfect, its openness to Taiwan and foreign investment is increasingly. However, China’s financial reform still continues, among which include liberalization of exchange rate and interest rate, strengthening various financial examinations, liberalizing the scale of financial market, cultivating a new generation of financial professionals, and improving a variety of efficiency are in urgent need of legislation and actual implementation. This thesis, by means of SCP (Structure—Conduct—Performance) system of industrial organization theory, analyzes the industrial structure, how the structure to is influence market conduct, and how the market conduct to decide performance. In the thesis, China’s banking sector is taken as the object of analysis. It is learned that the current situation of China’s banking market is under a market structure of lose oligopoly. Such a market structure will render different directions for Chinese-founded banks, foreign-founded banks and Taiwan-invested banks in future layout in China. In this thesis, it by means of case study regarding current strategies and operation modes of China-founded, foreign-founded and Taiwan-invested banks, incisively analyzes the pros and cons of the current operation and improved ways. Finally, it raises concrete suggestions according to research results, hoping to have a reference value for sustainable development of China’s banking sector, the business layout of foreign-founded banks in Mainland China, and the westward strategies of Taiwan-invested banks. en_US
DC.subjectmarket dilemmaen_US
DC.subjectstrategic positionen_US
DC.subjectlose oligopolyen_US
DC.subjectsustainable developmenten_US
DC.titleChina’s banking sector is taken as the object of analysis,and the westward strategies of Taiwan-invested banks.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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