博碩士論文 974401020 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorPei-yi Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究引用Nonaka的知識創造理論即隱性知識及外顯知識不斷的互動,經由社會化、外顯化、結合化及內隱化的知識轉換模式。透過個人、團隊、組織等不同的層次擴散形成「知識螺旋」,以促成知識的分享、累積及創造。本研究並分別量測資訊科技及社會鑲嵌對「知識創造」的四個模式:「社會化、外顯化、結合化、內隱化」的影響。資訊科技對於顯性知識轉換有較大的幫助。在隱性知識轉換上,資訊科技必須透過鑲嵌關係才能在知識創造表現上有佳的表現,導因為隱性知識是難以形式化,無法用文字或資訊媒體、圖像等工具表達清楚仍必須透過人來傳遞。因此本研究認為資訊科技與知識創造之間存在一個關鍵的中介變數為團隊成員鑲嵌關係。本研究除了證實資訊科技及社會鑲嵌對知識創造是否有正向影響,並將更進一步探討社會鑲嵌這個中介變數。研究結果顯示:一、新產品開發團隊在較好「鑲嵌關係」下對知識創造表現(社會化、外顯化、結合化及內隱化)分別有較優異的表現。二、「資訊科技」對於「知識結合化」及「知識內隱化」有較優異的表現,但對於「知識社會化」及「知識外顯化」影響不顯著。三、「社會鑲嵌」為重要的中介變數,即資訊科技透過社會鑲嵌分別在知識創造表現「社會化、外顯化、結合化、內隱化」都有較優異的表現。本研究隨後針對所獲的研究結果進行討論,並說明對實務之意涵。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn this study we draw on Nonaka’s knowledge creation theory which includes four types of knowledge conversion modes: socialization, externalization, combination, and internalization. Knowledge spiral should be formed through diffusions at various levels such as individual, team, and organization in order to achieve sharing, accumulation and creation of knowledge. In this study we also measure the influences of information technology and social embeddedness on the four modes of “knowledge creation”: socialization, externalization, combination, and internalization. Information technology is more helpful to conversion of explicit knowledge. As for the conversion of tacit knowledge, only through embedded relationship can the information technology perform well in terms of knowledge creation. This is because it is difficult to formalize tacit knowledge, and it cannot be clearly presented by tools such as texts, images, or information media. Therefore in this study we believe there is a key mediated variable between information and knowledge creation, which is the embedded relationships among team members. In addition to prove positive impacts of information technology and social embeddedness on knowledge creation, in this study we will further investigate the mediator of social embeddedness. The results of this study show that: 1. New product development team performs better on the four types of knowledge conversion modes under better “embedded relationship”. 2. “Information technology” performs better on combination and internalization, but is has rather insignificant impacts on socialization and externalization. 3. Social embeddedness is an important mediator, meaning that information technology performs better on socialization, externalization, combination, and internalization through social embeddedness. Later on there will be discussions with respect to these results of this study, and the practical meetings will be explained. en_US
DC.subjectSocial embeddednessen_US
DC.subjectKnowledge sharingen_US
DC.subjectInformation technologyen_US
DC.titleEffects of Information Technology Functionalities on Knowledge Creation in New Product Development Teams: The Mediating Role of Social Embeddednessen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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