博碩士論文 976201021 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorSu-han Kuoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract2008年12月於大發工業區發生4起嚴重之毒氣事件,造成潮寮國中以及潮寮國小超過120名的師生送醫;煉油廠於煉油過程中所排放之異味影響著附近的居民。其污染物擴散的時間短暫(2小時左右)且範圍不超過3公里,故需以高時間以及高空間解析度的模式,較能清楚重朔污染事件發生當時之污染物擴散情形。 本研究所使用的模式為由國立中央大學大氣物理研究所大氣化學實驗室自行發展的「第三版風場模式(Wind model Version3)」,並藉由質點模擬,來進行24小時理想風場之質點向前以及向後積分測試,以驗證第三版風場模式之運算原理。測試結果顯示向前積分之質點移動路徑遵照著設定完成24小時的積分計算,而向後積分之移動路徑也順著設計的軌跡線回到向前積分的起點,由此驗證第三版風場模式之運算原理可行。再以第三版風場模式進行潮寮毒氣事件以及煉油廠異味事件的模擬,並藉由此模式之質點向前積分計算結果來進行「量化各污染源對受污染地區的污染程度」。其量化質點的方法是以受污染之地點為中心,在每個時間步階以此中心向外搜尋設定半徑範圍內(如200或300公尺),各釋放點(污染源)在連續釋放積分計算過程中所經過此範圍的個數,藉此得到每個時間步階上不同釋放點(污染源)對受污染地區的貢獻量。而由向後積分計算找出「造成空氣污染的排放源頭」。藉由此分析以尋找潮寮四次毒氣事件以及煉油廠異味事件的源頭為何。 潮寮第一次毒氣事件模擬結果發現,造成此次事件可能廠商之ㄧ為編號05之廠商,其對國中之貢獻量為45%對國小的貢獻量為43%,另一可能廠商為編號06之廠商,其對國中之貢獻量為55%,對國小之貢獻量為36%;在煉油廠的異味模擬結果發現,由廠區內Flare area所釋放出的質點貢獻量最大(50%),因此可推測其異味來源以廠區之Flare area可能性最大。由此二結果可知,第三版風場模式得以量化出各可能污染源對受污染地區影響的程度,並找出可能污染源的源頭為何。 本篇研究中為了驗證第三版風場模式質點積分計算的應用性,同時使用GC-MS的觀測資料(Toluene)以及6個環保署空氣品質監測站之觀測資料與模式向前積分模擬結果進行比對。由比對結果顯現,模式質點向前積分計算結果與觀測資料之趨勢都有良好的一致性。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractFour serious air pollution episodes occurred in DaFa industrial park in southern Taiwan in December, 2008.More than 120 students and their teachers, from Chao-Liao elementary school and Chao-Liao junior high school, were sent to the hospital as a result of those events. In northern Taiwan, the oil refinery emits odor which is not good for environment of citizens. The events mentioned above all occurred in a small area within short time. This paper used a high spatial and high time step resolution model, Wind model V3 , which was developed by Atmospheric Chemistry Lab at Institute of Atmospheric Physics(NCU). The model is particularly aimed to simulate industrial parks and oil refineries air pollution events. The levels of odor in the polluted area were quantified by the forward simulation, while the pollution sources were identified by the backward simulation. The forward simulation result showed that factory NU5 in DaFa industrial park contributed 45% polluted level to Chao-Liao junior high school and 43% polluted level to Chao-Liao elementary school and the backward simulation result show that source of air pollutants came form the direction of the NU5 factory during the first air pollution event. In the oil refinery case forward particle simulations present that the largest contribution (50%) was from the Flare-area. These results shown good performance of Wind model V3 to identify the contributors of odor. In order to verify the application of Wind model V3, the comparison between model result and observed data was conducted in this study, and the consistency between both was good. en_US
DC.subjectLagrangian methoden_US
DC.subjectWind Modelen_US
DC.titleDevelopment of a High-Resolution Wind Model for Atmospheric Pollutant Dispersion Simulationen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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