博碩士論文 976204002 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu-yen Shengen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract水中溶質成分含量的變化除了受到自身物理、化學性質的影響外,同時也受到區域地質地理條件的影響。影響水中溶質成分的因素又可分為直接與間接兩類;直接因素為岩石、土壤及生物有機體等使水中離子增加或從水中析出沉澱物;間接因素為地區氣候條件與水體特徵等。本研究自2009年6月至2010年5月,每月至研究區域採集地表水(山溝、河水)及地下水(井水、溫泉)共23個採樣點,並測量各地化因子濃度,包含:δ18O、δD、主要陰離子(Cl-、SO42-、HCO3-),陽離子(Na+、K+、Ca2+、Mg2+、Fe2+、Cu2+)濃度、pH、EC等,並結合前人分析數據,目的為瞭解研究區域內之水質特性,與各因子之時空變異性,以及主要地化因子與地化反應。最後,利用穩定氫氧同位素推測裂隙岩層試驗井場地下水的主要補注來源。由因子分析結果顯示主要地化因子為HCO3-、EC、Na+、SO42-、Ca2+、Mg2+,並指出風化溶解作用及陽離子交換作用為本研究區域主要的地化反應;在美人湯溫泉區域則顯示受地滑作用影響而有高濃度的SO42-。穩定氫氧同位素組成顯示雨水較井場地下水重;山溝及河水則輕於地下水。因此,雨水必為補注來源,另外的補注來源則可能為山溝及河水。為瞭解井場主要的補注來源及流向,以質量守恆計算河水、山溝及當地雨水對裂隙岩層試驗井場地下水的補注分率,結果顯示在濕季時雨水、山溝及河水對井場地下水補注皆有貢獻;但乾季時,主要的補注來源則為雨水及河水,由此可知地下水的主要流向為由北往南。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe dissolved ions in land water are affected by their regional geological and geographic conditions as well as chemo-physical characteristics of ions. The influence factors can be classified into direct and indirect ones: the direct factors include rock, soil, and organisms, whereas the indirect factors are climate and characteristics of water bodies. From June 2009 to May 2010, 23 water samples were collected each month in the study area, in which surface water samples were taken from gullies and rivers, groundwater samples were taken from wells and hot springs. Geochemical indices include δ18O、δD、Cl-、SO42-、HCO3-、Na+、K+、Ca2+、Mg2+、Fe2+、Cu2+、pH and EC were then analyzed. Coping with previous data from the study area, this research aims to understand the characteristics of land water in the study area, as well as the temporal and spatial variation of geochemical indices, the major geochemical indices and their inter-reactions. Furthermore, δ18O is used to identify the recharge source of the research well field in the study area. The results from factor analysis indicate that the major chemical indices are HCO3-、EC、Na+、SO42-、Ca2+、Mg2+, and the major geochemical reaction is weathering, dissolution and cation exchange. In addition, high concentration of SO42- at Mei Ren Tamg hot spring was found to be related to land slide. Stable isotope composition of rainwater is heavier than that of well field groundwater, whereas the isotope of gully or river water is lighter than that of well field groundwater. Accordingly, rainwater must be the major recharge source of groundwater; gully water and river water also additional recharge. Using mass balance principle allows us to calculate the recharge ratios of gully, river and rainwater to groundwater, respectively. The calculation indicates that all the rainwater, gully water and river water contribute to groundwater during the wet season; as for the dry season, river and rain water are the major recharge sources. Groundwater in the well field is concluded flowing from north to south. en_US
DC.subjectfactor analysisen_US
DC.subjecthydrogen and oxygen isotopeen_US
DC.titleTemporal and Spacial hydrochemistry studies at Jiashih, Hsinchu area.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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