博碩士論文 977202004 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorPENG, JUI-CHUen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract漢語方言分區中的客家話以「梅縣話」為代表。今之梅縣在清代為嘉應州府下轄四縣,因而清初自嘉應州移民臺灣的客家人所說的梅縣話稱為「四縣話」。北部的四縣話與南部的四縣話語音上略有差異,因此臺灣的「四縣話」又分為「北四縣腔」與「南四縣腔」。 清末民國有大量的客家人移民東南亞,且展現了不容小覷的經濟實力,本文採集了馬來西亞客家人比例最高的沙巴州的梅縣腔客家話與北四縣腔、南四縣腔、梅縣話語音相對照,呈現出四方言點、不同移民時期的「梅縣話」。 本文所呈現的四方言點語料,即「北四縣腔」、「南四縣腔」、「梅縣話」、「馬來西亞的梅縣腔客家話(山打根)」。這四個方言點的語料展現:現今梅縣話、清初自梅縣移入臺灣的梅縣話、民國後自梅縣移入東南亞的梅縣話,四種同源、不同地區、不同移民時期、不同語言環境下的梅縣客話比較研究。 透過文獻資料與田野調查方式進行的語料採集與整理,本文共收錄了四方言點2,152組字音的語音語料與附帶說明具差異性、共通性的詞條290組。 本文同時整理出四方言點的聲、韻母與中古音的對照和差異,可以說是客語方言梅縣話四方言點相當完整的語音語料的資料與對照。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe Meixian Hakka dialect is the representative of Hakka in the Han language. Today’s Meixian (Mei County) used to be the four counties governed by Jiaying provincial government in the Qing Dynasty. Therefore, the Meixian dialect spoken by the Hakka people who immigrated to Taiwan from the Jiaying province at the beginning of Qing Dynasty is called Sixian(four-counties) dialect. The pronunciation of Sixiandialect in the north and the south is slightly different. Thus, the Sixian dialect in Taiwan is separated into the north Sixian accent and the south Sixian accent. At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, a large number of Hakka people migrated to south eastern Asia and showed economic strength which should not be underestimated. In this study, I collect the Meixian Hakka dialect of Sabah, where the largest proportion of Hakka people live, and compare it to the north Sixian accent, the south Sixian accent, and the Meixian dialect to present the Meixian dialects in four places at different migrating periods. The corpus in this study includes the north Sixian accent, the south Sixian accent, the Meixian dialect, and the Malaysian Meixian Hakka (Sandakan). By analyzing the corpus of these four places, I will make a comparative study on the contemporary Meixian dialect, the Meixian dialect immigrated from Meixian to Taiwan at the beginning of Qing Dynasty, and the Meixian dialect migrating from Meixian to south eastern Asian after the establishment of the Republic of China. These Meixian Hakka dialects share the same origin, but they come from different areas, different migrating periods, and different language environments. Through the academic data and the field research, I collect and organize the corpus. This study includes the corpus of 2,152 pronunciations and explains the 290 entries according to differences and common traits. Besides, this study makes a comparison and contrast of the initial and final consonant and the ancient Chinese sound for these four dialects. Therefore, it can serve as completedata and a reference for the pronunciation corpus of the four varieties of Meixian Hakka dialects. Keyword: Hakka, north Sixian accent, south Sixian accent, Meixian dialect, Malaysian Hakkaen_US
DC.subjectnorth Sixian accenten_US
DC.subjectsouth Sixian accenten_US
DC.subjectMeixian dialecten_US
DC.subjectMalaysian Hakkaen_US
DC.titleA Comparative Study of theMeixian Hakka Dialect in Taiwan, Mainland China, and Malaysiaen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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