博碩士論文 977204011 完整後設資料紀錄

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DC.creatorChing-wen Kaoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在處理因少子女化而必須裁校、併班或學區調整等,而產生之超額教師介聘問題,透過教育學層次分析超額教師產生原因和影響因素外,也透過法律學分析超額教師之法律定義、超額教師之權益保障內涵、超額教師之中央與地方權限劃分、超額教師介聘規定之法律性質、學校校務會議和教師評審委員會對超額教師決定等,期能在民主法治國原則下,重新檢視現行超額教師介聘規定。 本研究經整理歸納獲得以下重要幾個結論與建議: 一、對於少子女化之問題,建議提倡小班教學或提高班級師生比例,不僅可促進教學品質,亦可解決超額教師過剩或預防超額問題產生。 二、應重新檢視教育法規對教師介聘之法律用語與規定,例如教師法第15條之「遷調」與「介聘」之用語釐清,以避免概念混淆或用語混亂。 三、針對超額教師介聘規定之法律性質而言,因對教師工作權益有重大之影響,蓋除涉及教師法對教師之聘期保障外,也恐因被資遣而有改變教師身分上之保障。故應由中央對此有框架性立法規定,以確保憲法對人民工作權益之保障,再依地方政府對超額教師介聘事務有其自治權限,而得訂定更進一步具體之自治法規規範之。 四、地方政府或學校對超額教師介聘規定之制定,亦應遵循法治國原則之要求,例如不得提報不適任教師、返回原校應尊重超額教師意願、具備主任資格者與專長教師應得視需要而可免列超額、超額教師介聘後應給予適度保障、不得僅以後進先出原則為唯一判斷標準等規定。 五、應強化與超額教師決定相關之校務會議和教師評審委員會之正當法律程序,以避免各校產生黑箱作業或不公平之爭議。 六、為因應未來超額教師問題往上延伸之情形,建議可將高級中等以下學校之超額教師介聘的權利義務等,一併訂定於同一法規範中。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of the trend of low natality that curtailing and combining schools or school district adjustmented, which arising from the issue of the transfer of surplus teachers. Analysing the causes and factors of surplus teachers by the view of education, but also through the analysis of the legal definition of the surplus teachers , protecting the interests of the surplus teachers, the surplus teachers of the distinction of the accountability between central government and the local self-government body, the characteristics of the legal of the surplus teacher , the decisions of the school council and the Board of Teacher’s Review for the surplus teachers,etc. In order to view the rule of law in a democratic country principle,re-examining the existing the transfer institution of surplus teachers. According to the results of the research, several important conclusions and suggestions are made as follows: 1. To the trend of low natality of the questions, suggesting to promote small-class teaching or to improve teacher-student ratio, not only to promote the teaching quality, but also solving and preventing the problem of the surplus teachers. 2.Should re-examine legal regulations for the transfer of surplus teachers, such as the fifteenth article in the Teacher’s Act of the tranfer of language to clarify to avoid confusing the concept . 3.To the legal term of the transfer of surplus teachers,it is should be a central framework legislation, in order to ensure the Constitutional guarantee of rights and interests of working . Besides pass through the local government according to their autonomous powers, the transfer of surplus teachers for further specific set of self-regulation. 4.Because of the transfer of surplus teachers is a significant impact on the rights of teachers,which impacting the duration of employment protection form the Teacher’s Act,but also changing on the security status of teachers, which is facing the fate of severance. So, the transfer of the surplus teachers’s regulations should not lack the legal authority of the administrative rules. 5.Local government or school should follow the principle of law requirements to set the rule of the transfer of the surplus teachers. 6.The decision for the surplus teachers of the school council and the committee dor teacher evaluation should be strengthened with the due process of law,in order to avoid disputes or unfair. en_US
DC.subjectthe trend of low natalityen_US
DC.subjectsurplus teachersen_US
DC.subjecttransfer institution of surplus teachersen_US
DC.subjectsurplus teachers based on the years of serviceen_US
DC.titleA Study on Transfer Institution of Surplus Teachers in Public Elementary and Secondary Schoolsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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